@@ -18,27 +18,9 @@ BackupWidget::BackupWidget(QWidget *parent) :
- /* This is just a quick and dirty overview to get something into the view so you have an idea.
- * The goal is that the view does not just display file names, but a String, for example
- *
- * Available Backups
- * =================
- * 2020-01-01 - 476 Flights, 23 Aircraft, 12 Pilots, 1580:33 Total Time, Last Flight 2019-12-28
- * 2020-02-02 - 512 Flights, 25 Aircraft, 13 Pilots, 1640:47 Total Time, Last Flight 2020-01-23
- * ...
- *
- * So instead of QFileSystemModel with QListView, which would be the easiest way, using QAbstractItemModel
- * and QTableView might be preferable since it allows us to customize the data we display.
- *
- * Below is just some sample code to fill the table with data to give you an impression of what
- * the end result is supposed to be like. If you have another idea of how to get there, that's fine as well!
- *
- */
model = new QStandardItemModel(this);
- model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList{"Backup File","Total Flights", "Total Tails",
- "Total Pilots", "Max Doft", "Total Time"}); // [G]: TODO make const but where?
+ model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList{tr("Backup File"),tr("Flights"), tr("Aircraft"),
+ tr("Pilots"), tr("Last Flight"), tr("Total Time")}); // [G]: TODO make const but where?
view = ui->tableView;
@@ -101,17 +83,15 @@ void BackupWidget::on_createLocalPushButton_clicked()
- // [G] TODO: propably make a function out of this for future tweaks
QFileIconProvider provider;
QMap<ADatabaseSummaryKey, QString> summary = aDB->databaseSummary(filename);
- model->appendRow({new AFileStandardItem(provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::File), QFileInfo(filename)),
+ model->insertRow(0, {new AFileStandardItem(provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::File), QFileInfo(filename)),
new QStandardItem(summary[ADatabaseSummaryKey::total_flights]),
new QStandardItem(summary[ADatabaseSummaryKey::total_tails]),
new QStandardItem(summary[ADatabaseSummaryKey::total_pilots]),
new QStandardItem(summary[ADatabaseSummaryKey::max_doft]),
new QStandardItem(summary[ADatabaseSummaryKey::total_time])
- model->sort(0);
void BackupWidget::on_restoreLocalPushButton_clicked()
@@ -126,9 +106,24 @@ void BackupWidget::on_restoreLocalPushButton_clicked()
+ QMessageBox confirm(this);
+ confirm.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ confirm.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
+ confirm.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
+ confirm.setWindowTitle(tr("Restoring Backup"));
+ confirm.setText(tr("The following backup will be restored:<br><br><b><tt>"
+ "%1</b></tt><br><br>"
+ "This will replace your currently active database with the backup.<br>This action is irreversible.<br><br>Are you sure?"
+ ).arg(selectedFileInfo->info().fileName()));
+ if (confirm.exec() == QMessageBox::No)
+ return;
if(!aDB->restoreBackup(backup_name)) {
WARN(tr("Couldnt restore Backup: %1").arg(backup_name));
+ view->clearSelection();
+ selectedFileInfo = nullptr;
void BackupWidget::on_deleteSelectedPushButton_clicked()
@@ -147,7 +142,19 @@ void BackupWidget::on_deleteSelectedPushButton_clicked()
- DEB << "deleting:" << filename;
+ QMessageBox confirm(this);
+ confirm.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ confirm.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
+ confirm.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question);
+ confirm.setWindowTitle(tr("Delete Backup"));
+ confirm.setText(tr("The following backup will be deleted:<br><br><b><tt>"
+ "%1</b></tt><br><br>"
+ "Are you sure?"
+ ).arg(filename.fileName()));
+ if (confirm.exec() == QMessageBox::No)
+ return;
+ LOG << "Deleting backup:" << filename;
if(!file.remove()) {
WARN(tr("Unable to remove file %1\nError: %2").arg(filename.fileName(),file.errorString()));
@@ -204,9 +211,27 @@ void BackupWidget::on_restoreExternalPushButton_clicked()
-void BackupWidget::on_aboutPushButton_clicked() {
- // [G]: Add message text. Could this be predefined in Opl::Assets?
- QMessageBox msg_box(QMessageBox::Information, "About backups", "...", QMessageBox::Ok);
+void BackupWidget::on_aboutPushButton_clicked()
+ TODO << "Implement settings and automatic backups";
+ QString text = tr(
+ "<h3><center>About Backups</center></h3>"
+ "<br>"
+ "<p>By creating a backup, you create a copy of your logbook for safekeeping. This copy includes all your "
+ "flights, pilots, aircraft and expiries. By creating a backup, you are creating a snapshot of your logbook to date. This backup can "
+ "later be restored or kept for safekeeping. OpenPilotLog offers two kinds of backups: Local and External Backups.<br><br>Local backups "
+ "are automatically stored in a folder on this computer and will show up in the list below. They can easily be created by selecting <b>Create Local backup</b> and restored with "
+ "<b>Restore Local Backup</b>.<br>"
+ "When using <b>Create External Backup</b>, you will be asked where to save your backup file. This can be a pen drive, a cloud location or any other location of your choice. "
+ "This functionality can also be used to sync your database across devices or to take it with you when you buy a new PC. You can then import your backup file by selecting "
+ "it with <b>Restore external backup</b>.</p>"
+ "<p>Frequent backups are recommended to guard against data loss or corruption. It is also recommended to keep a backup copy in a seperate location from your main "
+ "computer to prevent data loss due to system failures.</p>"
+ //todo "<p>By default, OpenPilotLog creates a weekly automatic backup. If you would like to change this behaviour, you can adjust it in the settings.</p>"
+ "<br>"
+ );
+ QMessageBox msg_box(QMessageBox::Information, "About backups", text, QMessageBox::Ok, this);