@@ -138,6 +138,11 @@ NewFlight::NewFlight(QWidget *parent) :
+ QString flightNumberPrefix = dbSettings::retreiveSetting("50");
+ if(flightNumberPrefix.length() != 0){
+ ui->FlightNumberLineEdit->setText(flightNumberPrefix);
+ }
@@ -683,7 +688,6 @@ void NewFlight::on_secondPilotLineEdit_editingFinished()
- qDebug() << "Second Pilot: " << secondPilot;
void NewFlight::on_thirdPilotLineEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1)
@@ -726,9 +730,14 @@ void NewFlight::on_thirdPilotLineEdit_editingFinished()
- qDebug() << "Third Pilot: " << thirdPilot;
+void NewFlight::on_FlightNumberLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ qDebug() << "tbd: FlightNumber slot";
+ // To Do: Store input in variable, perform some checks
+ // Setting for optional Prefix (e.g. LH, LX etc.)
* Extras
@@ -762,44 +771,6 @@ void NewFlight::on_restoreDefaultButton_clicked()
-void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_accepted()
- on_newDoft_editingFinished();// - activate slots in case user has been active in last input before clicking submit
- on_newTonb_editingFinished();
- on_newTofb_editingFinished();
- on_newDept_editingFinished();
- on_newDest_editingFinished();
- on_newAcft_editingFinished();
- on_newPic_editingFinished();
- QVector<QString> flight;
- flight = collectInput();
- if(verifyInput())
- {
- dbFlight::commitFlight(flight);
- qDebug() << flight << "Has been commited.";
- QMessageBox msgBox(this);
- msgBox.setText("Flight has been commited.");
- msgBox.exec();
- }else
- {
- qDebug() << "Invalid Input. No entry has been made in the database.";
- dbFlight::commitToScratchpad(flight);
- QMessageBox msgBox(this);
- msgBox.setText("Invalid entries detected. Please check your input.");
- msgBox.exec();
- NewFlight nf(this);
- nf.exec();
- }
-void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_rejected()
- qDebug() << "NewFlight: Rejected\n";
void NewFlight::on_ApproachComboBox_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1)
if(arg1 == "ILS CAT III"){
@@ -959,3 +930,44 @@ void NewFlight::on_simTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ * Control Buttons
+ */
+void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_accepted()
+ on_newDoft_editingFinished();// - activate slots in case user has been active in last input before clicking submit
+ on_newTonb_editingFinished();
+ on_newTofb_editingFinished();
+ on_newDept_editingFinished();
+ on_newDest_editingFinished();
+ on_newAcft_editingFinished();
+ on_newPic_editingFinished();
+ QVector<QString> flight;
+ flight = collectInput();
+ if(verifyInput())
+ {
+ dbFlight::commitFlight(flight);
+ qDebug() << flight << "Has been commited.";
+ QMessageBox msgBox(this);
+ msgBox.setText("Flight has been commited.");
+ msgBox.exec();
+ }else
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Invalid Input. No entry has been made in the database.";
+ dbFlight::commitToScratchpad(flight);
+ QMessageBox msgBox(this);
+ msgBox.setText("Invalid entries detected. Please check your input.");
+ msgBox.exec();
+ NewFlight nf(this);
+ nf.exec();
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_rejected()
+ qDebug() << "NewFlight: Rejected\n";