@@ -1,805 +1,798 @@
- *openPilotLog - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
- *Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Felix Turowsky
- *
- *This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *(at your option) any later version.
- *
- *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include "database.h"
-#include "src/opl.h"
-#include "src/classes/jsonhelper.h"
-namespace OPL {
-Database* Database::self = nullptr;
-bool Database::connect()
- if (!QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable(SQLITE_DRIVER)) {
- LOG << "Error: No SQLITE Driver availabe.";
- return false;
- }
- QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(SQLITE_DRIVER);
- db.setDatabaseName(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath());
- if (!db.open()) {
- LOG << QString("Unable to establish database connection.<br>The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1")
- .arg(db.lastError().databaseText());
- lastError = db.lastError();
- return false;
- }
- LOG << "Database connection established: " + databaseFile.absoluteFilePath();
- // Enable foreign key restrictions
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(QStringLiteral("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"));
- query.exec();
- updateLayout();
- return true;
-void Database::disconnect()
- QString connection_name;
- {
- auto db = Database::database();
- connection_name = db.connectionName();
- db.close();
- }
- QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(connection_name);
- LOG << "Database connection closed.";
-const QString Database::version() const
- QSqlQuery query(QStringLiteral("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM changelog"));
- query.next();
- return QStringLiteral("OPL Database Revision: ") + QString::number(query.value(0).toInt());
-const QList<OPL::DbTable> &Database::getTemplateTables() const
-const QList<OPL::DbTable> &Database::getUserTables() const
- return USER_TABLES;
-const QStringList Database::getTableColumns(OPL::DbTable table_name) const
- return tableColumns.value(OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table_name));
-const QStringList Database::getTableNames() const
- return tableNames;
-void Database::updateLayout()
- auto db = Database::database();
- tableNames = db.tables();
- tableColumns.clear();
- for (const auto &table_name : qAsConst(tableNames)) {
- QStringList table_columns;
- QSqlRecord fields = db.record(table_name);
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.count(); i++) {
- table_columns.append(fields.field(i).name());
- }
- tableColumns.insert(table_name, table_columns);
- }
- emit dataBaseUpdated(DbTable::Any);
-Database* Database::instance()
- if(!self)
- self = new Database();
- return self;
-const QString Database::sqliteVersion() const
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT sqlite_version()"));
- query.exec();
- query.next();
- return query.value(0).toString();
-QSqlDatabase Database::database()
- return QSqlDatabase::database(QStringLiteral("qt_sql_default_connection"));
-bool Database::commit(const OPL::Row &row)
- if (!row.isValid())
- return false;
- if (exists(row))
- return update(row);
- else
- return insert(row);
-bool Database::commit(const QJsonArray &json_arr, const OPL::DbTable table)
- // create statement
- const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
- QString statement = QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + table_name + QLatin1String(" (");
- QString placeholder = QStringLiteral(") VALUES (");
- for (const auto &column_name : DB->getTableColumns(table)) {
- statement += column_name + ',';
- placeholder.append(QLatin1Char(':') + column_name + QLatin1Char(','));
- }
- statement.chop(1);
- placeholder.chop(1);
- placeholder.append(')');
- statement.append(placeholder);
- // Create query and commit
- QSqlQuery q;
- q.prepare(QStringLiteral("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"));
- q.exec();
- for (const auto &entry : json_arr) {
- q.prepare(statement);
- auto object = entry.toObject();
- const auto keys = object.keys();
- for (const auto &key : keys){
-//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
- object.value(key).isNull() ? q.bindValue(key, QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int))) :
- object.value(key).isNull() ? q.bindValue(key, QVariant(QVariant::String)) :
- q.bindValue(QLatin1Char(':') + key, object.value(key).toVariant());
- }
- q.exec();
- }
- q.prepare(QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
- if (q.exec())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-bool Database::remove(const OPL::Row &row)
- if (!exists(row)) {
- LOG << "Error: Database entry not found.";
- return false;
- }
- const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(row.getTable());
- QString statement = QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name
- + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- query.addBindValue(row.getRowId());
- if (query.exec())
- {
- LOG << "Entry removed:";
- LOG << row;
- emit dataBaseUpdated(row.getTable());
- return true;
- } else {
- DEB << "Unable to delete.";
- DEB << "Query: " << statement;
- DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return false;
- }
-bool Database::removeMany(OPL::DbTable table, const QList<int> &row_id_list)
- const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
- int errorCount = 0;
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(QStringLiteral("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"));
- query.exec();
- for (const auto row_id : row_id_list) {
- const QString statement = QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name +
- QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
- query.prepare(statement);
- query.addBindValue(row_id);
- if (!query.exec())
- errorCount++;
- }
- if (errorCount == 0) {
- query.prepare(QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
- if(query.exec()) {
- emit dataBaseUpdated(table);
- LOG << "Transaction successfull.";
- return true;
- } else {
- LOG << "Transaction unsuccessful (Interrupted). Error count: "
- + QString::number(errorCount);
- DEB << query.lastError().text();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- query.prepare(QStringLiteral("ROLLBACK"));
- query.exec();
- LOG << "Transaction unsuccessful (no changes have been made). Error count: "
- + QString::number(errorCount);
- return false;
- }
-bool Database::exists(const OPL::Row &row)
- if (row.getRowId() == 0)
- return false;
- //Check database for row id
- QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(row.getTable())
- + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- query.addBindValue(row.getRowId());
- query.setForwardOnly(true);
- query.exec();
- //this returns either 1 or 0 since row ids are unique
- if (!query.isActive()) {
- lastError = query.lastError();
- DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text() << statement;
- return false;
- }
- query.next();
- int rowId = query.value(0).toInt();
- if (rowId) {
- return true;
- } else {
- LOG << "Database entry not found.";
- return false;
- }
-bool Database::clear()
- QSqlQuery q;
- for (const auto &table : USER_TABLES) {
- q.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table));
- if (!q.exec()) {
- DEB << "Error: " << q.lastError().text();
- lastError = q.lastError();
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool Database::update(const OPL::Row &updated_row)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("UPDATE ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(updated_row.getTable()) + QLatin1String(" SET ");
- const auto& data = updated_row.getData();
- for (auto i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
- statement.append(i.key() + "=?,");
- }
- statement.chop(1);
- statement.append(QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?"));
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- DEB << "Statement: " << statement;
- for (auto i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
-//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
- if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
- query.addBindValue(QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int)));
- if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
- query.addBindValue(QVariant(QVariant::String));
- } else {
- query.addBindValue(i.value());
- }
- }
- query.addBindValue(updated_row.getRowId());
- DEB << "Bound values: " << query.boundValues();
- if (query.exec())
- {
- LOG << QString("Entry successfully committed. %1").arg(updated_row.getPosition());
- emit dataBaseUpdated(updated_row.getTable());
- return true;
- } else {
- DEB << "Unable to commit.";
- DEB << "Query: " << statement;
- DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return false;
- }
-bool Database::insert(const OPL::Row &new_row)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(new_row.getTable()) + QLatin1String(" (");
- const auto& data = new_row.getData();
- QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i;
- for (i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
- statement.append(i.key() + QLatin1Char(','));
- }
- statement.chop(1);
- statement += QLatin1String(") VALUES (");
- for (int i=0; i < new_row.getData().size(); ++i) {
- statement += QLatin1String("?,");
- }
- statement.chop(1);
- statement += QLatin1Char(')');
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- for (i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
-//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
- if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
- query.addBindValue(QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int)));
- if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
- query.addBindValue(QVariant(QVariant::String));
- } else {
- query.addBindValue(i.value());
- }
- }
- //check result.
- if (query.exec())
- {
- LOG << QString("Entry successfully committed. %1").arg(new_row.getPosition());
- emit dataBaseUpdated(new_row.getTable());
- return true;
- } else {
- DEB << "Unable to commit.";
- DEB << "Query: " << statement;
- DEB << "Bound Values: " << query.boundValues();
- DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return false;
- }
-OPL::Row Database::getRow(const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT * FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table)
- + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
- QSqlQuery q;
- q.prepare(statement);
- q.addBindValue(row_id);
- q.setForwardOnly(true);
- if (!q.exec()) {
- DEB << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
- DEB << "Statement: " << q.lastQuery();
- lastError = q.lastError();
- return {}; // return invalid Row
- }
- RowData_T entry_data;
- if(q.next()) {
- auto r = q.record(); // retreive record
- if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
- return {};
- for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
- if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
- entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
- }
- }
- }
- return OPL::Row(table, row_id, entry_data);
-RowData_T Database::getRowData(const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT * FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table)
- + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
- QSqlQuery q;
- q.prepare(statement);
- q.addBindValue(row_id);
- q.setForwardOnly(true);
- if (!q.exec()) {
- DEB << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
- DEB << "Statement: " << q.lastQuery();
- lastError = q.lastError();
- return {}; // return invalid Row
- }
- RowData_T entry_data;
- if(q.next()) {
- auto r = q.record(); // retreive record
- if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
- return {};
- for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
- if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
- entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
- }
- }
- }
- return entry_data;
-int Database::getLastEntry(OPL::DbTable table)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
- auto query = QSqlQuery(statement);
- if (query.first()) {
- return query.value(0).toInt();
- } else {
- LOG << "No entry found. (Database empty?)" << query.lastError().text();
- return 0;
- }
-const RowData_T Database::getTotals(bool includePreviousExperience)
- QString statement = "SELECT"
- " SUM(tblk) AS tblk,"
- " SUM(tMP) AS tMP,"
- " SUM(tPIC) AS tPIC,"
- " SUM(tSIC) AS tSIC,"
- " SUM(tFI) AS tFI,"
- " SUM(tIFR) AS tIFR,"
- " SUM(tSIM) AS tSIM,"
- " SUM(toDay) AS toDay,"
- " SUM(toNight) AS toNight,"
- " SUM(ldgDay) AS ldgDay,"
- " SUM(ldgNight) AS ldgNight"
- " FROM flights";
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- if (!query.exec()) {
- DEB << "SQL error: " << query.lastError().text();
- DEB << "Statement: " << query.lastQuery();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return {}; // return invalid Row
- }
- RowData_T entry_data;
- if(query.next()) {
- auto r = query.record(); // retreive record
- if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
- return {};
- for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
- if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
- entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
- }
- }
- }
- if(!includePreviousExperience) {
- return entry_data;
- }
- // name the return types for easy mapping to QLineEdit names
- statement = "SELECT"
- " SUM(tblk) AS tblk,"
- " SUM(tMP) AS tMP,"
- " SUM(tPIC) AS tPIC,"
- " SUM(tSIC) AS tSIC,"
- " SUM(tFI) AS tFI,"
- " SUM(tIFR) AS tIFR,"
- " SUM(tSIM) AS tSIM,"
- " SUM(toDay) AS toDay,"
- " SUM(toNight) AS toNight,"
- " SUM(ldgDay) AS ldgDay,"
- " SUM(ldgNight) AS ldgNight"
- " FROM previousExperience";
- query.prepare(statement);
- if (!query.exec()) {
- DEB << "SQL error: " << query.lastError().text();
- DEB << "Statement: " << query.lastQuery();
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return {}; // return invalid Row
- }
- RowData_T prev_exp_data;
- if(query.next()) {
- auto r = query.record(); // retreive record
- if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
- return {};
- for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
- if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
- prev_exp_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
- }
- }
- }
- // add up the two query results
- for(auto it = prev_exp_data.begin(); it != prev_exp_data.end(); it++) {
- int prevXpValue = it.value().toInt();
- int entryValue = entry_data.value(it.key()).toInt();
- const QVariant sum = prevXpValue + entryValue;
- entry_data.insert(it.key(), sum);
- }
- return entry_data;
-QList<int> Database::getForeignKeyConstraints(int foreign_row_id, OPL::DbTable table)
- QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT ROWID FROM flights WHERE ");
- switch (table) {
- case OPL::DbTable::Pilots:
- statement.append(QLatin1String("pic=?"));
- break;
- case OPL::DbTable::Tails:
- statement.append(QLatin1String("acft=?"));
- break;
- default:
- DEB << "Not a valid target for this function.";
- return QList<int>();
- break;
- }
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare(statement);
- query.addBindValue(foreign_row_id);
- query.exec();
- if (!query.isActive()) {
- lastError = query.lastError();
- DEB << "Error";
- DEB << statement;
- DEB << query.lastError().text();
- return QList<int>();
- }
- QList<int> row_ids;
- while (query.next()) {
- row_ids.append(query.value(0).toInt());
- }
- return row_ids;
-QVector<QVariant> Database::customQuery(QString statement, int return_values)
- QSqlQuery query(statement);
- if(!query.exec()) {
- lastError = query.lastError();
- DEB << "Query Error: " << lastError.text();
- return {};
- }
- if (!query.first()) {
- LOG << "No result found. Check Query and Error.";
- DEB << "Error: " << query.lastError().text();
- DEB << "Statement: " << statement;
- return QVector<QVariant>();
- } else {
- query.first();
- query.previous();
- QVector<QVariant> result;
- while (query.next()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < return_values ; i++) {
- result.append(query.value(i));
- }
- }
- lastError = QString();
- return result;
- }
-QVector<RowData_T> Database::getTable(OPL::DbTable table)
- const QString query_str = QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM ") + GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
- QSqlQuery q;
- q.prepare(query_str);
- q.setForwardOnly(true);
- if (!q.exec()) {
- LOG << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
- LOG << "Statement: " << query_str;
- lastError = q.lastError();
- return {};
- }
- QVector<RowData_T> entry_data;
- while(q.next()) { // iterate through records
- auto r = q.record();
- //DEB << r;
- RowData_T row;
- for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){
- if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
- row.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
- }
- }
- entry_data.append(row);
- }
- return entry_data;
-bool Database::createBackup(const QString& dest_file)
- LOG << "Backing up current database to: " << dest_file;
- Database::disconnect();
- QFile db_file(QDir::toNativeSeparators(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath()));
- if (!db_file.copy(QDir::toNativeSeparators(dest_file))) {
- LOG << "Unable to backup old database:" << db_file.errorString();
- return false;
- }
- LOG << "Backed up old database as:" << dest_file;
- Database::connect();
- emit connectionReset();
- return true;
-bool Database::restoreBackup(const QString& backup_file)
- Database::disconnect();
- LOG << "Restoring backup from file:" << backup_file;
- QString databaseFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath());
- DEB << "DB File Path: " << databaseFilePath;
- QString backupFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(backup_file);
- QFile dbFile(databaseFilePath);
- if(dbFile.exists())
- if(!dbFile.remove()) {
- LOG << dbFile.errorString() << "Unable to remove current db file";
- return false;
- }
- QFile backupFile(backupFilePath);
- if(!backupFile.copy(databaseFilePath)) {
- LOG << backupFile.errorString() << "Could not copy" << backupFile.fileName() << " to " << databaseFilePath;
- return false;
- }
- LOG << "Backup successfully restored!";
- Database::connect();
- emit connectionReset();
- return true;
-bool Database::createSchema()
- // Read Database layout from sql file
- QFile f(OPL::Assets::DATABASE_SCHEMA);
- f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- QByteArray filedata = f.readAll();
- // create individual queries for each table/view
- auto list = filedata.split(';');
- // make sure last empty line in sql file has not been parsed
- if(list.last() == QByteArray("\n") || list.last() == QByteArray("\r\n"))
- list.removeLast();
- // Create Tables
- QSqlQuery q;
- QVector<QSqlError> errors;
- for (const auto &query_string : list) {
- q.prepare(query_string);
- if (!q.exec()) {
- errors.append(q.lastError());
- LOG << "Unable to execute query: ";
- LOG << q.lastQuery();
- LOG << q.lastError();
- }
- }
- DB->updateLayout();
- if (errors.isEmpty()) {
- LOG << "Database succesfully created.";
- return true;
- } else {
- LOG << "Database creation has failed. The following error(s) have ocurred: ";
- for (const auto &error : qAsConst(errors)) {
- LOG << error.type() << error.text();
- }
- return false;
- }
-bool Database::importTemplateData(bool use_local_ressources)
- for (const auto& table : DB->getTemplateTables()) {
- const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
- //clear table
- QSqlQuery q;
- q.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name);
- if (!q.exec()) {
- LOG << "Error clearing tables: " << q.lastError().text();
- return false;
- }
- //Prepare data
- QJsonArray data_to_commit;
- QString error_message("Error importing data ");
- if (use_local_ressources) {
- data_to_commit = JsonHelper::readFileToDoc(QLatin1String(":database/templates/")
- + table_name + QLatin1String(".json")).array();
- error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (ressource) "));
- } else {
- const QString file_path = OPL::Paths::filePath(OPL::Paths::Templates,
- table_name + QLatin1String(".json"));
- data_to_commit = JsonHelper::readFileToDoc(file_path).array();
- //data_to_commit = AJson::readFileToDoc(AStandardPaths::directory(
- // AStandardPaths::Templates).absoluteFilePath(
- // table_name + QLatin1String(".json"))).array();
- error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (downloaded) "));
- }
- // commit Data from Array
- if (!DB->commit(data_to_commit, table)) {
- LOG << error_message;
- return false;
- }
- } // for table_name
- return true;
-bool Database::resetUserData()
- QSqlQuery query;
- for (const auto& table : DB->getUserTables()) {
- query.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table));
- if (!query.exec()) {
- lastError = query.lastError();
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace OPL
+ *openPilotLog - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
+ *Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Felix Turowsky
+ *
+ *This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "database.h"
+#include "src/opl.h"
+#include "src/classes/jsonhelper.h"
+namespace OPL {
+Database* Database::self = nullptr;
+bool Database::connect()
+ if (!QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable(SQLITE_DRIVER)) {
+ LOG << "Error: No SQLITE Driver availabe.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(SQLITE_DRIVER);
+ db.setDatabaseName(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath());
+ if (!db.open()) {
+ LOG << QString("Unable to establish database connection.<br>The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1")
+ .arg(db.lastError().databaseText());
+ lastError = db.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG << "Database connection established: " + databaseFile.absoluteFilePath();
+ // Enable foreign key restrictions
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(QStringLiteral("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"));
+ query.exec();
+ updateLayout();
+ return true;
+void Database::disconnect()
+ QString connection_name;
+ {
+ auto db = Database::database();
+ connection_name = db.connectionName();
+ db.close();
+ }
+ QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(connection_name);
+ LOG << "Database connection closed.";
+const QList<OPL::DbTable> &Database::getTemplateTables() const
+const QList<OPL::DbTable> &Database::getUserTables() const
+ return USER_TABLES;
+const QStringList Database::getTableColumns(OPL::DbTable table_name) const
+ return tableColumns.value(OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table_name));
+const QStringList Database::getTableNames() const
+ return tableNames;
+void Database::updateLayout()
+ auto db = Database::database();
+ tableNames = db.tables();
+ tableColumns.clear();
+ for (const auto &table_name : std::as_const(tableNames)) {
+ QStringList table_columns;
+ QSqlRecord fields = db.record(table_name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fields.count(); i++) {
+ table_columns.append(fields.field(i).name());
+ }
+ tableColumns.insert(table_name, table_columns);
+ }
+ emit dataBaseUpdated(DbTable::Any);
+Database* Database::instance()
+ if(!self)
+ self = new Database();
+ return self;
+const QString Database::sqliteVersion() const
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT sqlite_version()"));
+ query.exec();
+ query.next();
+ return query.value(0).toString();
+QSqlDatabase Database::database()
+ return QSqlDatabase::database(QStringLiteral("qt_sql_default_connection"));
+bool Database::commit(const OPL::Row &row)
+ if (!row.isValid())
+ return false;
+ if (exists(row))
+ return update(row);
+ else
+ return insert(row);
+bool Database::commit(const QJsonArray &json_arr, const OPL::DbTable table)
+ // create statement
+ const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + table_name + QLatin1String(" (");
+ QString placeholder = QStringLiteral(") VALUES (");
+ for (const auto &column_name : DB->getTableColumns(table)) {
+ statement += column_name + ',';
+ placeholder.append(QLatin1Char(':') + column_name + QLatin1Char(','));
+ }
+ statement.chop(1);
+ placeholder.chop(1);
+ placeholder.append(')');
+ statement.append(placeholder);
+ // Create query and commit
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(QStringLiteral("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"));
+ q.exec();
+ for (const auto &entry : json_arr) {
+ q.prepare(statement);
+ auto object = entry.toObject();
+ const auto keys = object.keys();
+ for (const auto &key : keys){
+//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
+ object.value(key).isNull() ? q.bindValue(key, QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int))) :
+ object.value(key).isNull() ? q.bindValue(key, QVariant(QVariant::String)) :
+ q.bindValue(QLatin1Char(':') + key, object.value(key).toVariant());
+ }
+ q.exec();
+ }
+ q.prepare(QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
+ if (q.exec())
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+bool Database::remove(const OPL::Row &row)
+ if (!exists(row)) {
+ LOG << "Error: Database entry not found.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(row.getTable());
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name
+ + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ query.addBindValue(row.getRowId());
+ if (query.exec())
+ {
+ LOG << "Entry removed:";
+ LOG << row;
+ emit dataBaseUpdated(row.getTable());
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ DEB << "Unable to delete.";
+ DEB << "Query: " << statement;
+ DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Database::removeMany(OPL::DbTable table, const QList<int> &row_id_list)
+ const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
+ int errorCount = 0;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(QStringLiteral("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"));
+ query.exec();
+ for (const auto row_id : row_id_list) {
+ const QString statement = QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name +
+ QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ query.addBindValue(row_id);
+ if (!query.exec())
+ errorCount++;
+ }
+ if (errorCount == 0) {
+ query.prepare(QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
+ if(query.exec()) {
+ emit dataBaseUpdated(table);
+ LOG << "Transaction successfull.";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ LOG << "Transaction unsuccessful (Interrupted). Error count: "
+ + QString::number(errorCount);
+ DEB << query.lastError().text();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ query.prepare(QStringLiteral("ROLLBACK"));
+ query.exec();
+ LOG << "Transaction unsuccessful (no changes have been made). Error count: "
+ + QString::number(errorCount);
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Database::exists(const OPL::Row &row)
+ if (row.getRowId() == 0)
+ return false;
+ //Check database for row id
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(row.getTable())
+ + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ query.addBindValue(row.getRowId());
+ query.setForwardOnly(true);
+ query.exec();
+ //this returns either 1 or 0 since row ids are unique
+ if (!query.isActive()) {
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text() << statement;
+ return false;
+ }
+ query.next();
+ int rowId = query.value(0).toInt();
+ if (rowId) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ LOG << "Database entry not found.";
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Database::clear()
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ for (const auto &table : USER_TABLES) {
+ q.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table));
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ DEB << "Error: " << q.lastError().text();
+ lastError = q.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Database::update(const OPL::Row &updated_row)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("UPDATE ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(updated_row.getTable()) + QLatin1String(" SET ");
+ const auto& data = updated_row.getData();
+ for (auto i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
+ statement.append(i.key() + "=?,");
+ }
+ statement.chop(1);
+ statement.append(QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?"));
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ DEB << "Statement: " << statement;
+ for (auto i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
+//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
+ if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
+ query.addBindValue(QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int)));
+ if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
+ query.addBindValue(QVariant(QVariant::String));
+ } else {
+ query.addBindValue(i.value());
+ }
+ }
+ query.addBindValue(updated_row.getRowId());
+ DEB << "Bound values: " << query.boundValues();
+ if (query.exec())
+ {
+ LOG << QString("Entry successfully committed. %1").arg(updated_row.getPosition());
+ emit dataBaseUpdated(updated_row.getTable());
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ DEB << "Unable to commit.";
+ DEB << "Query: " << statement;
+ DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Database::insert(const OPL::Row &new_row)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(new_row.getTable()) + QLatin1String(" (");
+ const auto& data = new_row.getData();
+ QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
+ statement.append(i.key() + QLatin1Char(','));
+ }
+ statement.chop(1);
+ statement += QLatin1String(") VALUES (");
+ for (int i=0; i < new_row.getData().size(); ++i) {
+ statement += QLatin1String("?,");
+ }
+ statement.chop(1);
+ statement += QLatin1Char(')');
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ for (i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) {
+//use QMetaType for binding null value in QT >= 6
+ if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
+ query.addBindValue(QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int)));
+ if (i.value() == QVariant(QString())) {
+ query.addBindValue(QVariant(QVariant::String));
+ } else {
+ query.addBindValue(i.value());
+ }
+ }
+ //check result.
+ if (query.exec())
+ {
+ LOG << QString("Entry successfully committed. %1").arg(new_row.getPosition());
+ emit dataBaseUpdated(new_row.getTable());
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ DEB << "Unable to commit.";
+ DEB << "Query: " << statement;
+ DEB << "Bound Values: " << query.boundValues();
+ DEB << "Query Error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+OPL::Row Database::getRow(const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT * FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table)
+ + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(statement);
+ q.addBindValue(row_id);
+ q.setForwardOnly(true);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ DEB << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
+ DEB << "Statement: " << q.lastQuery();
+ lastError = q.lastError();
+ return {}; // return invalid Row
+ }
+ RowData_T entry_data;
+ if(q.next()) {
+ auto r = q.record(); // retreive record
+ if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
+ return {};
+ for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
+ if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
+ entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return OPL::Row(table, row_id, entry_data);
+RowData_T Database::getRowData(const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT * FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table)
+ + QLatin1String(" WHERE ROWID=?");
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(statement);
+ q.addBindValue(row_id);
+ q.setForwardOnly(true);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ DEB << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
+ DEB << "Statement: " << q.lastQuery();
+ lastError = q.lastError();
+ return {}; // return invalid Row
+ }
+ RowData_T entry_data;
+ if(q.next()) {
+ auto r = q.record(); // retreive record
+ if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
+ return {};
+ for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
+ if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
+ entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entry_data;
+int Database::getLastEntry(OPL::DbTable table)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
+ auto query = QSqlQuery(statement);
+ if (query.first()) {
+ return query.value(0).toInt();
+ } else {
+ LOG << "No entry found. (Database empty?)" << query.lastError().text();
+ return 0;
+ }
+const RowData_T Database::getTotals(bool includePreviousExperience)
+ QString statement = "SELECT"
+ " SUM(tblk) AS tblk,"
+ " SUM(tMP) AS tMP,"
+ " SUM(tPIC) AS tPIC,"
+ " SUM(tSIC) AS tSIC,"
+ " SUM(tFI) AS tFI,"
+ " SUM(tIFR) AS tIFR,"
+ " SUM(tSIM) AS tSIM,"
+ " SUM(toDay) AS toDay,"
+ " SUM(toNight) AS toNight,"
+ " SUM(ldgDay) AS ldgDay,"
+ " SUM(ldgNight) AS ldgNight"
+ " FROM flights";
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ if (!query.exec()) {
+ DEB << "SQL error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ DEB << "Statement: " << query.lastQuery();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return {}; // return invalid Row
+ }
+ RowData_T entry_data;
+ if(query.next()) {
+ auto r = query.record(); // retreive record
+ if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
+ return {};
+ for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
+ if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
+ entry_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!includePreviousExperience) {
+ return entry_data;
+ }
+ // name the return types for easy mapping to QLineEdit names
+ statement = "SELECT"
+ " SUM(tblk) AS tblk,"
+ " SUM(tMP) AS tMP,"
+ " SUM(tPIC) AS tPIC,"
+ " SUM(tSIC) AS tSIC,"
+ " SUM(tFI) AS tFI,"
+ " SUM(tIFR) AS tIFR,"
+ " SUM(tSIM) AS tSIM,"
+ " SUM(toDay) AS toDay,"
+ " SUM(toNight) AS toNight,"
+ " SUM(ldgDay) AS ldgDay,"
+ " SUM(ldgNight) AS ldgNight"
+ " FROM previousExperience";
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ if (!query.exec()) {
+ DEB << "SQL error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ DEB << "Statement: " << query.lastQuery();
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return {}; // return invalid Row
+ }
+ RowData_T prev_exp_data;
+ if(query.next()) {
+ auto r = query.record(); // retreive record
+ if (r.count() == 0) // row is empty
+ return {};
+ for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){ // iterate through fields to get key:value map
+ if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
+ prev_exp_data.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // add up the two query results
+ for(auto it = prev_exp_data.begin(); it != prev_exp_data.end(); it++) {
+ int prevXpValue = it.value().toInt();
+ int entryValue = entry_data.value(it.key()).toInt();
+ const QVariant sum = prevXpValue + entryValue;
+ entry_data.insert(it.key(), sum);
+ }
+ return entry_data;
+QList<int> Database::getForeignKeyConstraints(int foreign_row_id, OPL::DbTable table)
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("SELECT ROWID FROM flights WHERE ");
+ switch (table) {
+ case OPL::DbTable::Pilots:
+ statement.append(QLatin1String("pic=?"));
+ break;
+ case OPL::DbTable::Tails:
+ statement.append(QLatin1String("acft=?"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEB << "Not a valid target for this function.";
+ return QList<int>();
+ break;
+ }
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare(statement);
+ query.addBindValue(foreign_row_id);
+ query.exec();
+ if (!query.isActive()) {
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ DEB << "Error";
+ DEB << statement;
+ DEB << query.lastError().text();
+ return QList<int>();
+ }
+ QList<int> row_ids;
+ while (query.next()) {
+ row_ids.append(query.value(0).toInt());
+ }
+ return row_ids;
+QVector<QVariant> Database::customQuery(QString statement, int return_values)
+ QSqlQuery query(statement);
+ if(!query.exec()) {
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ DEB << "Query Error: " << lastError.text();
+ return {};
+ }
+ if (!query.first()) {
+ LOG << "No result found. Check Query and Error.";
+ DEB << "Error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ DEB << "Statement: " << statement;
+ return QVector<QVariant>();
+ } else {
+ query.first();
+ query.previous();
+ QVector<QVariant> result;
+ while (query.next()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < return_values ; i++) {
+ result.append(query.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ lastError = QString();
+ return result;
+ }
+QVector<RowData_T> Database::getTable(OPL::DbTable table)
+ const QString query_str = QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM ") + GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(query_str);
+ q.setForwardOnly(true);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ LOG << "SQL error: " << q.lastError().text();
+ LOG << "Statement: " << query_str;
+ lastError = q.lastError();
+ return {};
+ }
+ QVector<RowData_T> entry_data;
+ while(q.next()) { // iterate through records
+ auto r = q.record();
+ //DEB << r;
+ RowData_T row;
+ for (int i = 0; i < r.count(); i++){
+ if(!r.value(i).isNull()) {
+ row.insert(r.fieldName(i), r.value(i));
+ }
+ }
+ entry_data.append(row);
+ }
+ return entry_data;
+bool Database::createBackup(const QString& dest_file)
+ LOG << "Backing up current database to: " << dest_file;
+ Database::disconnect();
+ QFile db_file(QDir::toNativeSeparators(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath()));
+ if (!db_file.copy(QDir::toNativeSeparators(dest_file))) {
+ LOG << "Unable to backup old database:" << db_file.errorString();
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG << "Backed up old database as:" << dest_file;
+ Database::connect();
+ emit connectionReset();
+ return true;
+bool Database::restoreBackup(const QString& backup_file)
+ Database::disconnect();
+ LOG << "Restoring backup from file:" << backup_file;
+ QString databaseFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath());
+ DEB << "DB File Path: " << databaseFilePath;
+ QString backupFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(backup_file);
+ QFile dbFile(databaseFilePath);
+ if(dbFile.exists())
+ if(!dbFile.remove()) {
+ LOG << dbFile.errorString() << "Unable to remove current db file";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QFile backupFile(backupFilePath);
+ if(!backupFile.copy(databaseFilePath)) {
+ LOG << backupFile.errorString() << "Could not copy" << backupFile.fileName() << " to " << databaseFilePath;
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG << "Backup successfully restored!";
+ Database::connect();
+ emit connectionReset();
+ return true;
+bool Database::createSchema()
+ // Read Database layout from sql file
+ QFile f(OPL::Assets::DATABASE_SCHEMA);
+ f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ QByteArray filedata = f.readAll();
+ // create individual queries for each table/view
+ auto list = filedata.split(';');
+ // make sure last empty line in sql file has not been parsed
+ if(list.last() == QByteArray("\n") || list.last() == QByteArray("\r\n"))
+ list.removeLast();
+ // Create Tables
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ QVector<QSqlError> errors;
+ for (const auto &query_string : list) {
+ q.prepare(query_string);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ errors.append(q.lastError());
+ LOG << "Unable to execute query: ";
+ LOG << q.lastQuery();
+ LOG << q.lastError();
+ }
+ }
+ DB->updateLayout();
+ if (errors.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG << "Database succesfully created.";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ LOG << "Database creation has failed. The following error(s) have ocurred: ";
+ for (const auto &error : std::as_const(errors)) {
+ LOG << error.type() << error.text();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Database::importTemplateData(bool use_local_ressources)
+ for (const auto& table : DB->getTemplateTables()) {
+ const QString table_name = OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table);
+ //clear table
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ LOG << "Error clearing tables: " << q.lastError().text();
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Prepare data
+ QJsonArray data_to_commit;
+ QString error_message("Error importing data ");
+ if (use_local_ressources) {
+ data_to_commit = JsonHelper::readFileToDoc(QLatin1String(":database/templates/")
+ + table_name + QLatin1String(".json")).array();
+ error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (ressource) "));
+ } else {
+ const QString file_path = OPL::Paths::filePath(OPL::Paths::Templates,
+ table_name + QLatin1String(".json"));
+ data_to_commit = JsonHelper::readFileToDoc(file_path).array();
+ //data_to_commit = AJson::readFileToDoc(AStandardPaths::directory(
+ // AStandardPaths::Templates).absoluteFilePath(
+ // table_name + QLatin1String(".json"))).array();
+ error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (downloaded) "));
+ }
+ // commit Data from Array
+ if (!DB->commit(data_to_commit, table)) {
+ LOG << error_message;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // for table_name
+ return true;
+bool Database::resetUserData()
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ for (const auto& table : DB->getUserTables()) {
+ query.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + OPL::GLOBALS->getDbTableName(table));
+ if (!query.exec()) {
+ lastError = query.lastError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace OPL