@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ AircraftWidget::AircraftWidget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::AircraftWidget)
- ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(this->findChild<QWidget*>("welcomePageTails"));
- ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(this->findChild<QWidget*>("welcomePageTails"));
+ ui->tableView->setMinimumWidth(this->width()/2);
+ ui->stackedWidget->setMinimumWidth(this->width()/2);
@@ -40,46 +41,118 @@ AircraftWidget::~AircraftWidget()
delete ui;
- * Functions
- */
void AircraftWidget::setupModelAndView()
- sortColumn = ASettings::read(ASettings::UserData::TailSortColumn).toInt();
model = new QSqlTableModel(this);
- model->setTable("viewTails");
+ model->setTable(QStringLiteral("viewTails"));
view = ui->tableView;
- view->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
+ view->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); // For now, editing multiple entries is not supported.
- view->setColumnWidth(1, 180);
- view->setColumnWidth(2, 180);
+ view->resizeColumnsToContents();
+ sortColumn = ASettings::read(ASettings::UserData::TailSortColumn).toInt();
view->sortByColumn(sortColumn, Qt::DescendingOrder);
selection = view->selectionModel();
- QObject::connect(ui->tableView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
- this, &AircraftWidget::tableView_selectionChanged);
+ QObject::connect(ui->tableView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
+ this, &AircraftWidget::tableView_selectionChanged);
QObject::connect(ui->tableView->horizontalHeader(), &QHeaderView::sectionClicked,
- this, &AircraftWidget::tableView_headerClicked);
+ this, &AircraftWidget::tableView_headerClicked);
* Slots
-void AircraftWidget::on_deleteButton_clicked()
+void AircraftWidget::onAircraftWidget_settingChanged(SettingsWidget::SettingSignal signal)
+ if (signal != SettingsWidget::AircraftWidget)
+ return;
+ setupModelAndView();
+void AircraftWidget::onAircraftWidget_dataBaseUpdated()
+ refreshView();
+void AircraftWidget::onNewTailDialog_editingFinished()
+ refreshView();
+void AircraftWidget::on_newAircraftButton_clicked()
+ NewTailDialog nt(QString(), this);
+ QObject::connect(&nt, &QDialog::accepted,
+ this, &AircraftWidget::onNewTailDialog_editingFinished);
+ QObject::connect(&nt, &QDialog::rejected,
+ this, &AircraftWidget::onNewTailDialog_editingFinished);
+ nt.exec();
+ * \brief Displays a dialog in which the Tail can be edited
+ */
+void AircraftWidget::tableView_selectionChanged()
+ if (this->findChild<NewTailDialog*>() != nullptr)
+ delete this->findChild<NewTailDialog*>();
+ selectedTails.clear();
+ for (const auto& row : selection->selectedRows()) {
+ selectedTails << row.data().toInt();
+ DEB << "Selected Tails(s) with ID: " << selectedTails;
+ }
+ if(selectedTails.length() == 1) {
+ auto* nt = new NewTailDialog(selectedTails.first(), this);
+ QObject::connect(nt, &QDialog::accepted,
+ this, &AircraftWidget::onNewTailDialog_editingFinished);
+ QObject::connect(nt, &QDialog::rejected,
+ this, &AircraftWidget::onNewTailDialog_editingFinished);
+ ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(nt);
+ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(nt);
+ nt->setWindowFlag(Qt::Widget);
+ nt->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ nt->exec();
+ }
+ * \brief Acts as a filter on the display model
+ */
+void AircraftWidget::on_aircraftSearchLineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
+ if(ui->aircraftSearchComboBox->currentIndex() == 0){
+ ui->aircraftSearchLineEdit->setText(arg1.toUpper());
+ }
+ model->setFilter(ui->aircraftSearchComboBox->currentText()
+ + QLatin1String(" LIKE \"%")
+ + arg1 + QLatin1String("%\""));
+void AircraftWidget::tableView_headerClicked(int column)
+ sortColumn = column;
+ ASettings::write(ASettings::UserData::TailSortColumn, column);
+void AircraftWidget::on_deleteAircraftButton_clicked()
if (selectedTails.length() == 0) {
QMessageBox message_box(this);
@@ -116,10 +189,18 @@ void AircraftWidget::on_deleteButton_clicked()
- model->select();
+ refreshView();
+ * \brief Informs the user that deleting a database entry has been unsuccessful
+ *
+ * \abstract Normally, when one of these entries can not be deleted, it is because of
+ * a [foreign key constraint](https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html), meaning that a flight
+ * is associated with the aircraft that was supposed to be deleted.
+ *
+ * This function is used to inform the user and give hints on how to solve the problem.
+ */
void AircraftWidget::onDeleteUnsuccessful()
QList<int> foreign_key_constraints = aDB->getForeignKeyConstraints(selectedTails.first(),
@@ -156,69 +237,3 @@ void AircraftWidget::onDeleteUnsuccessful()
-void AircraftWidget::on_newAircraftButton_clicked()
- NewTailDialog nt(QString(), this);
- connect(&nt, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(acft_editing_finished()));
- connect(&nt, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(acft_editing_finished()));
- nt.exec();
-void AircraftWidget::on_aircraftSearchLineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
- if(ui->aircraftSearchComboBox->currentIndex() == 0){
- ui->aircraftSearchLineEdit->setText(arg1.toUpper());
- }
- model->setFilter(ui->aircraftSearchComboBox->currentText()
- + QStringLiteral(" LIKE \"%")
- + arg1 + QStringLiteral("%\""));
-void AircraftWidget::onDisplayModel_dataBaseUpdated()
- //refresh view to reflect changes the user has made via a dialog.
- model->select();
-void AircraftWidget::tableView_selectionChanged()
- if (this->findChild<NewTailDialog*>() != nullptr) {
- delete this->findChild<NewTailDialog*>();
- /// [F] if the user changes the selection without making any changes,
- /// if(selectedTails.length() == 1) spawns a new dialog without the
- /// old one being deleted, since neither accept() nor reject() was emitted.
- /// Is this a reasonable way of avoiding pollution? Creating the widgets on the
- /// stack does not seem to solve the problem since the Dialog does not get destroyed
- /// until either accept() or reject() is emitted so I went for this solution.
- }
- selectedTails.clear();
- for (const auto& row : selection->selectedRows()) {
- selectedTails << row.data().toInt();
- DEB << "Selected Tails(s) with ID: " << selectedTails;
- }
- if(selectedTails.length() == 1) {
- auto* nt = new NewTailDialog(selectedTails.first(), this);
- QObject::connect(nt, &QDialog::accepted,
- this, &AircraftWidget::acft_editing_finished);
- QObject::connect(nt, &QDialog::rejected,
- this, &AircraftWidget::acft_editing_finished);
- ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(nt);
- ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(nt);
- nt->setWindowFlag(Qt::Widget);
- nt->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
- nt->exec();
- }
-void AircraftWidget::tableView_headerClicked(int column)
- sortColumn = column;
- ASettings::write(ASettings::UserData::TailSortColumn, column);
-void AircraftWidget::acft_editing_finished()
- model->select();