@@ -1,29 +1,125 @@
#include "adate.h"
-QDate ADate::formatInput(QString user_input, Opl::Date::ADateFormat format)
+QDate ADate::parseInput(QString &io_user_input, Opl::Date::ADateFormat format)
+ // Try input string
const QString &format_string = ADATEFORMATSMAP.value(format);
- QDate return_date = QDate::fromString(user_input, format_string);
+ QDate return_date = QDate::fromString(io_user_input, format_string);
if (return_date.isValid())
return return_date;
- // If not successfull, try to fix the user input, it is allowable to ommit date seperators
+ // try to fix the user input
+ tryToFix(io_user_input, format);
+ return QDate::fromString(io_user_input, format_string);
+void ADate::tryToFix(QString &io_user_input, Opl::Date::ADateFormat format)
+ if (io_user_input.length() < 10) {
+ if (containsSeperator(io_user_input)) {
+ padZeroes(io_user_input);
+ }
+ else {
+ addSeperators(io_user_input, format);
+ padZeroes(io_user_input);
+ }
+ }
+ if (io_user_input.length() == 8)
+ padCentury(io_user_input, format);
+// Input contains seperators and is of length 8
+void ADate::padCentury(QString &io_user_input, Opl::Date::ADateFormat format)
+ switch (format) {
+ case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::ISODate: {
+ int year = io_user_input.leftRef(2).toInt();
+ if (year > 50)
+ io_user_input.prepend(QStringLiteral("19"));
+ else
+ io_user_input.prepend(QStringLiteral("20"));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::DE: {
+ int year = io_user_input.rightRef(2).toInt();
+ if (year > 50)
+ io_user_input.insert(6, QStringLiteral("19"));
+ else
+ io_user_input.insert(6, QStringLiteral("20"));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::EN: {
+ int year = io_user_input.rightRef(2).toInt();
+ if (year > 50)
+ io_user_input.insert(6, QStringLiteral("19"));
+ else
+ io_user_input.insert(6, QStringLiteral("20"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DEB << "Padded century: " << io_user_input;
+void ADate::padZeroes(QString &io_user_input)
+ const auto unpadded_start = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^\\d{1}\\W"));
+ const auto unpadded_middle = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\W\\d\\W"));
+ const auto unpadded_end = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\W\\d$"));
+ auto match = unpadded_start.match(io_user_input);
+ if (match.hasMatch())
+ io_user_input.insert(match.capturedStart(), QLatin1Char('0'));
+ match = unpadded_middle.match(io_user_input);
+ if (match.hasMatch())
+ io_user_input.insert(match.capturedStart() + 1, QLatin1Char('0'));
+ match = unpadded_end.match(io_user_input);
+ if (match.hasMatch())
+ io_user_input.insert(match.capturedStart() + 1, QLatin1Char('0'));
+ DEB << "Padded zeroes: " << io_user_input;
+// 10.10.2020
+void ADate::addSeperators(QString &io_user_input, const Opl::Date::ADateFormat &format)
switch (format) {
case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::ISODate:
- user_input.insert(4, QLatin1Char('-'));
- user_input.insert(7, QLatin1Char('-'));
+ if (io_user_input.length() > 7) {
+ io_user_input.insert(4, QLatin1Char('-'));
+ io_user_input.insert(7, QLatin1Char('-'));
+ } else {
+ io_user_input.insert(2, QLatin1Char('-'));
+ io_user_input.insert(5, QLatin1Char('-'));
+ }
case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::DE:
- user_input.insert(2, QLatin1Char('.'));
- user_input.insert(5, QLatin1Char('.'));
+ io_user_input.insert(2, QLatin1Char('.'));
+ io_user_input.insert(5, QLatin1Char('.'));
case Opl::Date::ADateFormat::EN:
- user_input.insert(2, QLatin1Char('/'));
- user_input.insert(5, QLatin1Char('/'));
+ io_user_input.insert(2, QLatin1Char('/'));
+ io_user_input.insert(5, QLatin1Char('/'));
+ DEB << "Added Seperators: " << io_user_input;
+bool ADate::containsSeperator(const QString &user_input)
+ if (user_input.contains(QLatin1Char('.')))
+ return true;
+ if (user_input.contains(QLatin1Char('-')))
+ return true;
+ if (user_input.contains(QLatin1Char('/')))
+ return true;
+ DEB << "No Seperators found.";
- return QDate::fromString(user_input, format_string);
+ return false;
const QStringList& ADate::getDisplayNames()