@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@
#include "ui_logbookwidget.h"
#include "src/testing/adebug.h"
-const QMap<int, QString> filterMap = {
- {0, "Date LIKE \"%"}, {1, "Dept LIKE \"%"}, {2, "Dest LIKE \"%"},
- {3, "Registration LIKE \"%"}, {4, "\"Name PIC\" LIKE \"%"}
+const QMap<int, QString> FILTER_MAP = {
+ {0, "Date LIKE \"%"},
+ {1, "Dept LIKE \"%"},
+ {2, "Dest LIKE \"%"},
+ {3, "Registration LIKE \"%"},
+ {4, "\"Name PIC\" LIKE \"%"}
const auto NON_WORD_CHAR = QRegularExpression("\\W");
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ LogbookWidget::LogbookWidget(QWidget *parent) :
- nope = new QMessageBox(this);
+ messageBox = new QMessageBox(this);
@@ -72,6 +75,11 @@ void LogbookWidget::connectSignalsAndSlots()
selection = view->selectionModel();
QObject::connect(view->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
this, &LogbookWidget::flightsTableView_selectionChanged);
+ using namespace experimental;
+ QObject::connect(aDB(), &ADataBase::sqlSuccessful,
+ this, &LogbookWidget::onDeletedSuccessfully);
+ QObject::connect(aDB(), &ADataBase::sqlError,
+ this, &LogbookWidget::onDeleteUnsuccessful);
void LogbookWidget::setupDefaultView()
@@ -180,31 +188,34 @@ void LogbookWidget::on_editFlightButton_clicked()
} else if (selectedFlights.isEmpty()) {
- nope->setText("No flight selected.\n");
- nope->exec();
+ messageBox->setText("No flight selected.\n");
+ messageBox->exec();
} else {
- nope->setText("More than one flight selected.\n\nEditing multiple entries is not yet supported.");
- nope->exec();
+ messageBox->setText("More than one flight selected.\n\nEditing multiple entries is not yet supported.");
+ messageBox->exec();
void LogbookWidget::on_deleteFlightPushButton_clicked()
DEB("Flights selected: " << selectedFlights.length());
- if (selectedFlights.length() > 0 && selectedFlights.length() < 11) {
- QVector<QString> columns = {
- "doft", "dept", "dest"
- };
- QVector<QString> details;
+ if (selectedFlights.length() == 0) {
+ messageBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Information);
+ messageBox->setText("No Flight Selected.");
+ messageBox->exec();
+ return;
+ } else if (selectedFlights.length() > 0 && selectedFlights.length() < 11) {
+ QList<experimental::AFlightEntry> flights_list;
+ for (const auto &flight_id : selectedFlights) {
+ flights_list.append(experimental::aDB()->getFlightEntry(flight_id));
+ }
QString warningMsg = "The following flight(s) will be deleted:<br><br><b><tt>";
- for(const auto& selectedFlight : selectedFlights){
- details = Db::multiSelect(columns, "flights", "flight_id",
- QString::number(selectedFlight), Db::exactMatch);
- for (const auto &item : details) {
- warningMsg.append(item);
- warningMsg.append(' ');
- }
- warningMsg.append("<br>");
+ for (auto &flight : flights_list) {
+ warningMsg.append(flight.summary());
+ warningMsg.append(QLatin1String(" <br>"));
warningMsg.append("</b></tt><br>Deleting Flights is irreversible."
"<br>Do you want to proceed?");
@@ -217,21 +228,16 @@ void LogbookWidget::on_deleteFlightPushButton_clicked()
int reply = confirm.exec();
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
- for (const auto& selectedFlight : selectedFlights) {
- DEB("Deleting flight with ID# " << selectedFlight);
- auto entry = Flight(selectedFlight);
- entry.remove();
+ for (auto& flight : flights_list) {
+ DEB("Deleting flight: " << flight.summary());
+ experimental::aDB()->remove(flight);
- prepareModelAndView(ASettings::read("logbook/view").toInt());
+ displayModel->select();
- } else if (selectedFlights.length() == 0) {
- nope->setIcon(QMessageBox::Information);
- nope->setText("No Flight Selected.");
- nope->exec();
} else if (selectedFlights.length() > 10) {
auto& warningMsg = "You have selected " + QString::number(selectedFlights.length())
- + " flights.\n\n Deleting these flights is irreversible.\n\n"
- "Are you sure you want to proceed?";
+ + " flights.\n\n Deleting flights is irreversible.\n\n"
+ "Are you sure you want to proceed?";
QMessageBox confirm;
confirm.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
@@ -240,23 +246,16 @@ void LogbookWidget::on_deleteFlightPushButton_clicked()
int reply = confirm.exec();
if(reply == QMessageBox::Yes) {
- for (const auto& selectedFlight : selectedFlights) {
- DEB("Deleting flight with ID# " << selectedFlight);
- auto entry = Flight(selectedFlight);
- entry.remove();
+ QList<experimental::DataPosition> selected_flights;
+ for (const auto& flight_id : selectedFlights) {
+ selected_flights.append({"flights", flight_id});
- prepareModelAndView(ASettings::read("logbook/view").toInt());
+ experimental::aDB()->removeMany(selected_flights);
+ displayModel->select();
-void LogbookWidget::on_showAllButton_clicked()
- ui->flightSearchLlineEdit->setText(QString());
- displayModel->setFilter(QString());
- displayModel->select();
void LogbookWidget::on_tableView_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos)
@@ -267,6 +266,19 @@ void LogbookWidget::on_actionDelete_Flight_triggered()
emit ui->deleteFlightPushButton->clicked();
+void LogbookWidget::onDeletedSuccessfully()
+ messageBox->setText(QString::number(selectedFlights.length()) + " flights have been deleted.");
+ messageBox->exec();
+void LogbookWidget::onDeleteUnsuccessful(const QSqlError error)
+ messageBox->setText("Error deleting " + QString::number(selectedFlights.length())
+ + " flights.\n\nThe following error has ocurred:\n\n" + error.text());
+ messageBox->exec();
void LogbookWidget::on_actionEdit_Flight_triggered()
emit ui->editFlightButton->clicked();
@@ -277,34 +289,37 @@ void LogbookWidget::on_tableView_doubleClicked()
emit ui->editFlightButton->clicked();
+void LogbookWidget::on_flightSearchComboBox_currentIndexChanged()
+ emit ui->showAllButton->clicked();
+void LogbookWidget::on_showAllButton_clicked()
+ ui->flightSearchLlineEdit->setText(QString());
+ displayModel->setFilter(QString());
+ displayModel->select();
void LogbookWidget::on_flightSearchLlineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
if(arg1.length() == 0) {
- DEB("Resetting filter...");
if (ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex() < 3) {
- displayModel->setFilter(filterMap.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
- + arg1 + "%\"");
+ displayModel->setFilter(FILTER_MAP.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
+ + arg1 + "%\"");
} else if (ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex() == 3) {
- displayModel->setFilter(filterMap.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
- + arg1 + "%\"");
+ displayModel->setFilter(FILTER_MAP.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
+ + arg1 + "%\"");
} else if (ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex() == 4) {
- displayModel->setFilter(filterMap.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
- + arg1 + "%\"");
+ displayModel->setFilter(FILTER_MAP.value(ui->flightSearchComboBox->currentIndex())
+ + arg1 + "%\"");
-void LogbookWidget::on_flightSearchComboBox_currentIndexChanged()
- ui->flightSearchLlineEdit->setText(QString());