@@ -22,197 +22,197 @@
#include <QTime>
#include "src/opl.h"
-namespace OPL::Time {
- * \brief Converts a QTime to a String to be used in the UI
- */
-inline const QString toString(const QTime &time, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
- switch (format) {
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
- return time.toString(QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
- break;
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
- return QString::number(((time.hour() * 60 + time.minute() )/60.0), 'f', 2);
- break;
- default:
- return QString();
- }
- * \brief Converts an integer of minutes as received from the Datbase to a String
- */
-inline const QString toString(int minutes_in, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
- switch (format) {
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
- {
- QString hour = QString::number(minutes_in / 60);
- if (hour.size() < 2) {
- hour.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
- }
- QString minute = QString::number(minutes_in % 60);
- if (minute.size() < 2) {
- minute.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
- }
- return hour + QLatin1Char(':') + minute;
- }
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
- {
- int hour = minutes_in / 60;
- double minute = (minutes_in % 60) / 60.0;
- return QString::number((hour + minute), 'f', 2);
- }
- default:
- return QString();
- }
-inline double toDecimalHours(const QTime &time){
- return (time.hour() * 60 + time.minute()) / 60.0;
-inline QTime qTimefromMinutes(int total_minutes)
- int minute = total_minutes % 60;
- int hour = total_minutes / 60;
- return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
-inline const QTime fromString(QString time_string, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
- switch (format) {
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
- return QTime::fromString(time_string, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
- break;
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
- {
- double decimal_time = time_string.toDouble();
- int hour = decimal_time;
- int minute = round((decimal_time - hour) * 60);
- return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
- break;
- }
- default:
- return QTime();
- }
-inline const QTime fromString(const char* time_string, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
- switch (format) {
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
- return QTime::fromString(time_string, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
- break;
- case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
- {
- double decimal_time = QString(time_string).toDouble();
- int hour = decimal_time;
- int minute = round((decimal_time - hour) * 60);
- return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
- break;
- }
- default:
- return QTime();
- }
-inline int toMinutes(const QTime &time) {return time.hour() * 60 + time.minute();}
-inline int toMinutes(const QString &time_string) {return toMinutes(fromString(time_string));}
-inline QTime blocktime(const QTime &tofb, const QTime &tonb)
- QTime blocktime_out(0, 0); // initialise return value at midnight
- if (tonb > tofb) { // landing same day
- int block_seconds = tofb.secsTo(tonb);
- blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(block_seconds);
- } else { // landing next day
- QTime midnight(0, 0);
- int seconds = tofb.secsTo(midnight);
- blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(seconds);
- seconds = midnight.secsTo(tonb);
- blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(seconds);
- }
- return blocktime_out;
-inline QTime blocktime(const QString& tofb, const QString& tonb)
- QTime t_tofb = OPL::Time::fromString(tofb);
- QTime t_tonb = OPL::Time::fromString(tonb);
- return blocktime(t_tofb, t_tonb);
- * \brief blockMinutes calculates the total amount of minutes elapsed between
- * tofb and tonb
- */
-inline int blockMinutes(const QString& tofb, const QString& tonb)
- const QTime t_tofb = OPL::Time::fromString(tofb);
- const QTime t_tonb = OPL::Time::fromString(tonb);
- if (t_tofb.isValid() && t_tonb.isValid()) {
- const auto tblk = OPL::Time::blocktime(t_tofb, t_tonb);
- return OPL::Time::toMinutes(tblk);
- } else
- return 0;
- * \brief blockMinutes calculates the total amount of minutes elapsed between
- * tofb and tonb
- */
-inline int blockMinutes(const QTime& tofb, const QTime& tonb)
- if (tofb.isValid() && tonb.isValid()) {
- const auto tblk = OPL::Time::blocktime(tofb, tonb);
- return OPL::Time::toMinutes(tblk);
- } else
- return 0;
- * \brief verifies user input and formats to hh:mm
- * if the output is not a valid time, an empty string is returned. Accepts
- * input as hh:mm, h:mm, hhmm or hmm.
- * \param userinput from a QLineEdit
- * \return formatted QString "hh:mm" or Empty String
- */
-inline const QString formatTimeInput(QString user_input)
- QTime temp_time; //empty time object is invalid by default
- bool contains_seperator = user_input.contains(':');
- if (user_input.length() == 4 && !contains_seperator) {
- temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("hhmm"));
- } else if (user_input.length() == 3 && !contains_seperator) {
- if (user_input.toInt() < 240) { //Qtime is invalid if time is between 000 and 240 for this case
- QString tempstring = user_input.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
- temp_time = QTime::fromString(tempstring, QStringLiteral("hhmm"));
- } else {
- temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("Hmm"));
- }
- } else if (user_input.length() == 4 && contains_seperator) {
- temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("h:mm"));
- } else if (user_input.length() == 5 && contains_seperator) {
- temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
- }
- auto output = temp_time.toString(QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
- if (output.isEmpty()) {
- DEB << "Time input is invalid.";
- }
- return output;
-} // namespace OPL::Time
+//namespace OPL::Time {
+// * \brief Converts a QTime to a String to be used in the UI
+// */
+//inline const QString toString(const QTime &time, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
+// switch (format) {
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
+// return time.toString(QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
+// break;
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
+// return QString::number(((time.hour() * 60 + time.minute() )/60.0), 'f', 2);
+// break;
+// default:
+// return QString();
+// }
+// * \brief Converts an integer of minutes as received from the Datbase to a String
+// */
+//inline const QString toString(int minutes_in, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
+// switch (format) {
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
+// {
+// QString hour = QString::number(minutes_in / 60);
+// if (hour.size() < 2) {
+// hour.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
+// }
+// QString minute = QString::number(minutes_in % 60);
+// if (minute.size() < 2) {
+// minute.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
+// }
+// return hour + QLatin1Char(':') + minute;
+// }
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
+// {
+// int hour = minutes_in / 60;
+// double minute = (minutes_in % 60) / 60.0;
+// return QString::number((hour + minute), 'f', 2);
+// }
+// default:
+// return QString();
+// }
+//inline double toDecimalHours(const QTime &time){
+// return (time.hour() * 60 + time.minute()) / 60.0;
+//inline QTime qTimefromMinutes(int total_minutes)
+// int minute = total_minutes % 60;
+// int hour = total_minutes / 60;
+// return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
+//inline const QTime fromString(QString time_string, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
+// switch (format) {
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
+// return QTime::fromString(time_string, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
+// break;
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
+// {
+// double decimal_time = time_string.toDouble();
+// int hour = decimal_time;
+// int minute = round((decimal_time - hour) * 60);
+// return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
+// break;
+// }
+// default:
+// return QTime();
+// }
+//inline const QTime fromString(const char* time_string, OPL::FlightTimeFormat format = OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default)
+// switch (format) {
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Default:
+// return QTime::fromString(time_string, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
+// break;
+// case OPL::FlightTimeFormat::Decimal:
+// {
+// double decimal_time = QString(time_string).toDouble();
+// int hour = decimal_time;
+// int minute = round((decimal_time - hour) * 60);
+// return QTime(hour, minute, 0);
+// break;
+// }
+// default:
+// return QTime();
+// }
+//inline int toMinutes(const QTime &time) {return time.hour() * 60 + time.minute();}
+//inline int toMinutes(const QString &time_string) {return toMinutes(fromString(time_string));}
+////inline QTime blocktime(const QTime &tofb, const QTime &tonb)
+//// QTime blocktime_out(0, 0); // initialise return value at midnight
+//// if (tonb > tofb) { // landing same day
+//// int block_seconds = tofb.secsTo(tonb);
+//// blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(block_seconds);
+//// } else { // landing next day
+//// QTime midnight(0, 0);
+//// int seconds = tofb.secsTo(midnight);
+//// blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(seconds);
+//// seconds = midnight.secsTo(tonb);
+//// blocktime_out = blocktime_out.addSecs(seconds);
+//// }
+//// return blocktime_out;
+////inline QTime blocktime(const QString& tofb, const QString& tonb)
+//// QTime t_tofb = OPL::Time::fromString(tofb);
+//// QTime t_tonb = OPL::Time::fromString(tonb);
+//// return blocktime(t_tofb, t_tonb);
+//// * \brief blockMinutes calculates the total amount of minutes elapsed between
+//// * tofb and tonb
+//// */
+////inline int blockMinutes(const QString& tofb, const QString& tonb)
+//// const QTime t_tofb = OPL::Time::fromString(tofb);
+//// const QTime t_tonb = OPL::Time::fromString(tonb);
+//// if (t_tofb.isValid() && t_tonb.isValid()) {
+//// const auto tblk = OPL::Time::blocktime(t_tofb, t_tonb);
+//// return OPL::Time::toMinutes(tblk);
+//// } else
+//// return 0;
+//// * \brief blockMinutes calculates the total amount of minutes elapsed between
+//// * tofb and tonb
+//// */
+////inline int blockMinutes(const QTime& tofb, const QTime& tonb)
+//// if (tofb.isValid() && tonb.isValid()) {
+//// const auto tblk = OPL::Time::blocktime(tofb, tonb);
+//// return OPL::Time::toMinutes(tblk);
+//// } else
+//// return 0;
+// * \brief verifies user input and formats to hh:mm
+// * if the output is not a valid time, an empty string is returned. Accepts
+// * input as hh:mm, h:mm, hhmm or hmm.
+// * \param userinput from a QLineEdit
+// * \return formatted QString "hh:mm" or Empty String
+// */
+//inline const QString formatTimeInput(QString user_input)
+// QTime temp_time; //empty time object is invalid by default
+// bool contains_seperator = user_input.contains(':');
+// if (user_input.length() == 4 && !contains_seperator) {
+// temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("hhmm"));
+// } else if (user_input.length() == 3 && !contains_seperator) {
+// if (user_input.toInt() < 240) { //Qtime is invalid if time is between 000 and 240 for this case
+// QString tempstring = user_input.prepend(QStringLiteral("0"));
+// temp_time = QTime::fromString(tempstring, QStringLiteral("hhmm"));
+// } else {
+// temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("Hmm"));
+// }
+// } else if (user_input.length() == 4 && contains_seperator) {
+// temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("h:mm"));
+// } else if (user_input.length() == 5 && contains_seperator) {
+// temp_time = QTime::fromString(user_input, QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
+// }
+// auto output = temp_time.toString(QStringLiteral("hh:mm"));
+// if (output.isEmpty()) {
+// DEB << "Time input is invalid.";
+// }
+// return output;
+//} // namespace OPL::Time
#endif // TIME_H