@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "src/classes/astandardpaths.h"
#include "src/classes/astandardpaths.h"
#include "src/opl.h"
#include "src/opl.h"
#include "src/functions/alog.h"
#include "src/functions/alog.h"
+#include "src/classes/ajson.h"
const int ADatabase::minimumDatabaseRevision = 0;
const int ADatabase::minimumDatabaseRevision = 0;
@@ -59,11 +60,16 @@ int ADatabase::getMinimumDatabaseRevision()
return minimumDatabaseRevision;
return minimumDatabaseRevision;
-QStringList ADatabase::getTemplateTableNames()
+const QStringList &ADatabase::getTemplateTableNames() const
return templateTableNames;
return templateTableNames;
+const QStringList& ADatabase::getUserTableNames() const
+ return userTableNames;
UserDataState ADatabase::getUserDataState()
UserDataState ADatabase::getUserDataState()
QSqlQuery q;
QSqlQuery q;
@@ -80,9 +86,17 @@ UserDataState ADatabase::getUserDataState()
return UserDataState(tails, pilots);
return UserDataState(tails, pilots);
-QStringList ADatabase::getUserTableNames()
+bool ADatabase::resetUserData()
- return userTableNames;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ for (const auto& table : userTableNames) {
+ query.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table);
+ if (!query.exec()) {
+ DEB << "Error: " << query.lastError().text();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
const ColumnNames_T ADatabase::getTableColumns(TableName_T table_name) const
const ColumnNames_T ADatabase::getTableColumns(TableName_T table_name) const
@@ -120,6 +134,76 @@ ADatabase* ADatabase::instance()
return self;
return self;
+bool ADatabase::createSchema()
+ // Read Database layout from sql file
+ QFile f(OPL::Assets::DATABASE_SCHEMA);
+ f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ QByteArray filedata = f.readAll();
+ // create individual queries for each table/view
+ auto list = filedata.split(';');
+ // Create Tables
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ QVector<QSqlError> errors;
+ for (const auto &query_string : list) {
+ q.prepare(query_string);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ errors.append(q.lastError());
+ LOG << "Unable to execute query: ";
+ LOG << q.lastQuery();
+ LOG << q.lastError();
+ }
+ }
+ updateLayout();
+ if (errors.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG << "Database succesfully created.";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ LOG << "Database creation has failed. The following error(s) have ocurred: ";
+ for (const auto &error : qAsConst(errors)) {
+ LOG << error.type() << error.text();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+bool ADatabase::importTemplateData(bool use_local_ressources)
+ for (const auto& table_name : templateTableNames) {
+ //clear table
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(QLatin1String("DELETE FROM ") + table_name);
+ if (!q.exec()) {
+ LOG << "Error clearing tables: " << q.lastError().text();
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Prepare data
+ QJsonArray data_to_commit;
+ QString error_message("Error importing data ");
+ if (use_local_ressources) {
+ data_to_commit = AJson::readFileToDoc(QLatin1String(":database/templates/")
+ + table_name + QLatin1String(".json")).array();
+ error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (ressource) "));
+ } else {
+ data_to_commit = AJson::readFileToDoc(AStandardPaths::directory(
+ AStandardPaths::Templates).absoluteFilePath(
+ table_name + QLatin1String(".json"))).array();
+ error_message.append(QLatin1String(" (downloaded) "));
+ }
+ // commit Data from Array
+ if (!commit(data_to_commit, table_name)) {
+ LOG << error_message;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // for table_name
+ return true;
const QString ADatabase::sqliteVersion() const
const QString ADatabase::sqliteVersion() const
@@ -162,6 +246,7 @@ void ADatabase::disconnect()
auto db = ADatabase::database();
auto db = ADatabase::database();
+ db.removeDatabase(db.connectionName());
LOG << "Database connection closed.";
LOG << "Database connection closed.";
@@ -179,6 +264,43 @@ bool ADatabase::commit(const AEntry &entry)
+bool ADatabase::commit(const QJsonArray &json_arr, const QString &table_name)
+ // create statement
+ QString statement = QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + table_name + QLatin1String(" (");
+ QString placeholder = QStringLiteral(") VALUES (");
+ for (const auto &column_name : aDB->getTableColumns(table_name)) {
+ statement += column_name + ',';
+ placeholder.append(QLatin1Char(':') + column_name + QLatin1Char(','));
+ }
+ statement.chop(1);
+ placeholder.chop(1);
+ placeholder.append(')');
+ statement.append(placeholder);
+ // Create query and commit
+ QSqlQuery q;
+ q.prepare(QStringLiteral("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"));
+ q.exec();
+ for (const auto &entry : json_arr) {
+ q.prepare(statement);
+ auto object = entry.toObject();
+ const auto keys = object.keys();
+ for (const auto &key : keys){
+ object.value(key).isNull() ? q.bindValue(key, QVariant(QVariant::String)) : // refactor to use QMetaType with Qt6
+ q.bindValue(QLatin1Char(':') + key, object.value(key).toVariant());
+ }
+ q.exec();
+ }
+ q.prepare(QStringLiteral("COMMIT"));
+ if (q.exec())
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
bool ADatabase::remove(const AEntry &entry)
bool ADatabase::remove(const AEntry &entry)
if (!exists(entry)) {
if (!exists(entry)) {