@@ -32,15 +32,6 @@ void NewFlight::on_verifyButton_clicked()//debug button
- * \brief NewFlight::nope for features that are not yet implemented
- */
-void NewFlight::nope()
- QMessageBox nope(this); //error box
- nope.setText("This feature is not yet available!");
- nope.exec();
static const auto IATA_RX = QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}");
@@ -50,23 +41,24 @@ static const auto ADD_NAME_RX = QLatin1String("(\\s?(\\p{L}+('|\\-)?))?");
static const auto SELF_RX = QLatin1String("(self|SELF)");
/// Raw Input validation
-const auto TIME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]?");// We only want to allow inputs that make sense as a time, e.g. 99:99 is not a valid time
-const auto LOC_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(IATA_RX + "|" + ICAO_RX);
-const auto AIRCRAFT_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[A-Z0-9]+\\-?[A-Z0-9]+");
-const auto PILOT_NAME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(SELF_RX + QLatin1Char('|')
+static const auto TIME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]?");// We only want to allow inputs that make sense as a time, e.g. 99:99 is not a valid time
+static const auto LOC_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(IATA_RX + "|" + ICAO_RX);
+static const auto AIRCRAFT_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[A-Z0-9]+\\-?[A-Z0-9]+");
+static const auto PILOT_NAME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(SELF_RX + QLatin1Char('|')
+ NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX + ",\\s?" // up to 4 first names
+ NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX + ADD_NAME_RX );// up to 4 last names
/// Invalid characters (validators keep text even if it returns Invalid, see `onInputRejected` below)
-const auto TIME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^0-9:]");
-const auto LOC_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^A-Z0-9]");
-const auto AIRCRAFT_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]");
-const auto PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^\\p{L}|\\s|,]");
+static const auto TIME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^0-9:]");
+static const auto LOC_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^A-Z0-9]");
+static const auto AIRCRAFT_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]");
+static const auto PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^\\p{L}|\\s|,]");
+static const auto INVALID_CHARS_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^\\p{L}|\\s|,|\\-|']");
/// Sql columns
-const auto LOC_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(1); // TODO: locations are iata/icao so 1,2 merge columns in sql?
-const auto AIRCRAFT_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(4);
-const auto PILOT_NAME_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(6);
+static const auto LOC_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(1); // TODO: locations are iata/icao so 1,2 merge columns in sql?
+static const auto AIRCRAFT_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(4);
+static const auto PILOT_NAME_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(6);
@@ -89,7 +81,7 @@ NewFlight::NewFlight(QWidget *parent, Flight oldFlight, Db::editRole edRole) :
- oldEntry = oldFlight;
+ entry = oldFlight;
@@ -180,17 +172,25 @@ void NewFlight::setup(){
ui->acftLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->flightDataTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
DEBUG("Filling Line Edits...");
+ QStringList filled;
auto line_edits = parent()->findChildren<QLineEdit *>();
QStringList line_edits_names;
for(const auto& le : line_edits){
line_edits_names << le->objectName();
+ const QString& acft = Db::singleSelect("registration", "tails", "tail_id",
+ oldFlight.data.value("acft"),
+ Db::exactMatch);
+ ui->acftLineEdit->setText(acft);
+ line_edits_names.removeOne("acftLineEdit");
for(const auto& key : oldFlight.data.keys()){
auto rx = QRegularExpression(key + "LineEdit");//acftLineEdit
for(const auto& leName : line_edits_names){
@@ -198,10 +198,9 @@ void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
//DEBUG("Loc Match found: " << key << " - " << leName);
auto le = parent()->findChild<QLineEdit *>(leName);
if(le != nullptr){
- const QString& acft = Db::singleSelect("registration", "tails", "tail_id",
- oldFlight.data.value(key),
- Db::exactMatch);
- le->setText(acft);
+ le->setText(oldFlight.data.value(key));
+ filled << leName;
+ line_edits_names.removeOne(leName);
@@ -213,6 +212,8 @@ void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
auto le = parent()->findChild<QLineEdit *>(leName);
if(le != nullptr){
+ filled << leName;
+ line_edits_names.removeOne(leName);
@@ -225,6 +226,8 @@ void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
if(le != nullptr){
+ filled << leName;
+ line_edits_names.removeOne(leName);
@@ -240,6 +243,8 @@ void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
+ filled << leName;
+ line_edits_names.removeOne(leName);
@@ -248,6 +253,10 @@ void NewFlight::formFiller(Flight oldFlight)
for(const auto& le : mandatoryLineEdits){
emit le->editingFinished();
+ DEBUG("Filled: ");
+ DEBUG(filled);
+ DEBUG("Unfilled: ");
+ DEBUG(line_edits_names);
@@ -413,6 +422,12 @@ void NewFlight::collectBasicData()
int tonb = timeOn.hour() * 60 + timeOn.minute();
+ //Block Time
+ auto tofb = QTime::fromString(ui->tofbTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ auto tonb = QTime::fromString(ui->tonbTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ QString blockTime = Calc::blocktime(tofb, tonb).toString("hh:mm");
+ QString blockMinutes = QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(blockTime));
+ newData.insert("tblk",blockMinutes);
// Aircraft
QString reg = ui->acftLineEdit->text();
@@ -598,7 +613,7 @@ void NewFlight::collectAdditionalData()
void NewFlight::fillExtras()
- //reset labels and line edits
+ //zero labels and line edits
QList<QLineEdit*> LE = {ui->tSPSETimeLineEdit, ui->tSPMETimeLineEdit, ui->tMPTimeLineEdit, ui->tIFRTimeLineEdit,
ui->tNIGHTTimeLineEdit,ui->tPICTimeLineEdit, ui->tPICUSTimeLineEdit, ui->tSICTimeLineEdit,
ui->tDualTimeLineEdit, ui->tFITimeLineEdit,};
@@ -717,37 +732,24 @@ void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_accepted()
switch (role) {
- case Db::createNew: {
- auto newEntry = Flight(newData);;
- if(newEntry.commit()){
- accept();
- } else {
- auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
- auto errorMsg = QString("Unable to commit Flight to Logbook."
- "The following error has ocurred:\n\n");
- errorMsg.append(newEntry.error);
- mb->setText(errorMsg);
- mb->show();
- }
- }
case Db::editExisting:
- oldEntry.setData(newData);
- if(oldEntry.commit()){
- accept();
- }else{
- auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
- auto errorMsg = QString("Unable to commit Flight to Logbook."
- "The following error has ocurred:\n\n");
- errorMsg.append(oldEntry.error);
- mb->setText(errorMsg);
- mb->show();
- }
+ entry.setData(newData);
+ break;
+ case Db::createNew:
+ entry = Flight(newData);
+ if(entry.commit()){
+ accept();
+ }else{
+ auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
+ auto errorMsg = QString("Unable to commit Flight to Logbook."
+ "The following error has ocurred:\n\n");
+ errorMsg.append(entry.error);
+ mb->setText(errorMsg);
+ mb->show();
+ }
@@ -766,8 +768,13 @@ void NewFlight::onInputRejected(QLineEdit* line_edit, QRegularExpression rgx){
line_edit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid red");
this->allOkBits.setBit(this->lineEditBitMap[line_edit], false);
auto text = line_edit->text();
- if(rgx.match(text).hasMatch())
+ if(!rgx.match(text).hasMatch())
+ DEBUG("1");
+ line_edit->setText(text);
+ }
+ if(INVALID_CHARS_RGX.match(text).hasMatch()){//remove globaly inacceptable chars
+ DEBUG("invalid char");
@@ -787,13 +794,15 @@ QStringList* NewFlight::getResult() { return &this->result; }
void NewFlight::on_deptTZ_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1)
- if(arg1 == "Local"){nope();} // currently only UTC time logging is supported
+ DEBUG(arg1);
+ // currently only UTC time logging is supported
void NewFlight::on_destTZ_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
- if(arg1 == "Local"){nope();} // currently only UTC time logging is supported
+ DEBUG(arg1);
+ // currently only UTC time logging is supported
@@ -1165,6 +1174,10 @@ inline bool NewFlight::isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(QString timeString)
DEBUG("Total Time not set.");
+ auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
+ mb->setText("Please fill out Departure and Arrival Time\n"
+ "before manually editing these times.");
+ mb->show();
return false;
} else {
int minutes = Calc::stringToMinutes(timeString);
@@ -1172,7 +1185,9 @@ inline bool NewFlight::isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(QString timeString)
return true;
} else {
auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
- mb->setText("Cannot be more than Total Time of Flight (" + Calc::minutesToString(newData.value("tblk")) + ')');
+ mb->setText("Cannot be more than Total Time of Flight:<br><br><center><b>"
+ + Calc::minutesToString(newData.value("tblk"))
+ + "</b></center><br>");
return false;
@@ -1295,3 +1310,30 @@ void NewFlight::on_tFITimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+void NewFlight::on_manualEditingCheckBox_stateChanged(int arg1)
+ QList<QLineEdit*> LE = {ui->tSPSETimeLineEdit, ui->tSPMETimeLineEdit, ui->tMPTimeLineEdit, ui->tIFRTimeLineEdit,
+ ui->tNIGHTTimeLineEdit,ui->tPICTimeLineEdit, ui->tPICUSTimeLineEdit, ui->tSICTimeLineEdit,
+ ui->tDualTimeLineEdit, ui->tFITimeLineEdit,};
+ switch (arg1) {
+ case 0:
+ for(const auto& le : LE){
+ le->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for(const auto& le : LE){
+ le->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_FunctionComboBox_currentTextChanged()
+ update();