@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
* It is used to set up the initial connection and various basic queries can be
* executed using a set of static functions. When interfacing with the database
* for the purpose of adding, deleting or updating entries, the use of the entry class
- * and its subclasses is recommended.
+ * and its subclasses is recommended. This clas is not supposed to be instantiated,
+ * if you need a database object, use QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
class Db
@@ -54,28 +55,79 @@ class Db
* matching when using a WHERE sql statement. exactMatch results in a "=" operator,
* whereas partiasMatch results in a "LIKE" operator
- enum matchType {exactMatch, partialMatch};
+ enum matchType {exactMatch, partialMatch};
+ /*!
+ * \brief connect establishes the database connection. Only needs to be called once
+ * within the application. Database is available thereafter, objects can be
+ * instantiated with QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection") as required.
+ */
static void connect(){get().iconnect();}
+ /*!
+ * \brief Db::exists checks if a certain value exists in the database with a sqlite WHERE statement
+ * \param table - Name of the table
+ * \param column - Name of the column
+ * \param value - The value to be checked
+ * \return
+ */
static bool exists(QString column, QString table, QString checkColumn,
QString value, Db::matchType match){
return get().iexists(column, table, checkColumn, value, match);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Db::singleUpdate Updates a single value in the database.
+ * Query format: UPDATE table SET column = value WHERE checkcolumn =/LIKE checkvalue
+ * \param table Name of the table to be updated
+ * \param column Name of the column to be updated
+ * \param checkColumn Name of the column for WHERE statement
+ * \param value The value to be set
+ * \param checkvalue The value for the WHERE statement
+ * \param match enum Db::exactMatch or Db::partialMatch
+ * \return true on success, otherwise error messages in debug out
+ */
static bool singleUpdate(QString table, QString column, QString value,
QString checkColumn, QString checkvalue, Db::matchType match){
return get().isingleUpdate(table,column,value,checkColumn,checkvalue,match);
+ /*!
+ * \brief singleSelect Returns a single value from the database with a sqlite WHERE statement
+ * \param table - Name of the table
+ * \param column - Name of the column
+ * \param value - Identifier for WHERE statement
+ * \param match - enum Db::exactMatch or Db::partialMatch
+ * \return QString
+ */
static QString singleSelect(QString column, QString table, QString checkColumn,
QString value, Db::matchType match){
return get().isingleSelect(column,table,checkColumn,value,match);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Db::multiSelect Returns multiple values from the database with a sqlite WHERE statement
+ * \param table - Name of the table
+ * \param columns - QVector<QString> Names of the columns to be queried
+ * \param value - Identifier for WHERE statement
+ * \param checkColumn - column to match value to
+ * \param match - enum Db::exactMatch or Db::partialMatch
+ * \return QVector<QString>
+ */
static QVector<QString> multiSelect(QVector<QString> columns, QString table,
QString checkColumn, QString value, Db::matchType match){
return get().imultiSelect(columns,table,checkColumn,value,match);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Db::multiSelect Returns a complete column(s) for a given table.
+ * \param column - QVector<QString> Names of the columns to be queried
+ * \param table - QString Name of the table
+ * \return
+ */
static QVector<QString> multiSelect(QVector<QString> columns, QString table){
return get().imultiSelect(columns, table);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Db::customQuery Can be used to send a complex query to the database.
+ * \param query - the full sql query statement
+ * \param returnValues - the number of expected return values
+ * \return QVector<QString> of results
+ */
static QVector<QString> customQuery(QString query, int returnValues){
return get().icustomQuery(query, returnValues);