@@ -49,21 +49,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- aDB->connect();
+ if (!aDB->connect()) {
+ DEB << "Error establishing database connection";
+ return 2;
+ }
if (!ASettings::read(ASettings::Setup::SetupComplete).toBool()) {
if(FirstRunDialog().exec() == QDialog::Rejected){
- DEB "First run not accepted. Exiting.";
- return 1;
+ DEB << "First run not accepted. Exiting.";
+ return 3;
ASettings::write(ASettings::Setup::SetupComplete, true);
DEB << "Wrote setup_commplete?";
- //sqlite does not deal well with multiple connections, ensure only one instance is running
ARunGuard guard(QStringLiteral("opl_single_key"));
if ( !guard.tryToRun() ){
- DEB << "Another Instance is already running. Exiting.";
- return 2;
+ DEB << "Another Instance of openPilotLog is already running. Exiting.";
+ return 0;