/* *openPilot Log - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application *Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Turowsky * *This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *(at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "calc.h" #include "dbpilots.h" #include #include #include class db { public: static void connect() { const QString DRIVER("QSQLITE"); if(QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable(DRIVER)) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(DRIVER); //QString pathtodb = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); //db.setDatabaseName(pathtodb+"/logbook.db"); //qDebug() << "Database: " << pathtodb+"/logbook.db"; db.setDatabaseName("logbook.db"); if(!db.open()) qWarning() << "MainWindow::DatabaseConnect - ERROR: " << db.lastError().text(); } else qWarning() << "MainWindow::DatabaseConnect - ERROR: no driver " << DRIVER << " available"; } static void initexample() { QSqlQuery query("CREATE TABLE flights (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date NUMERIC)"); if(!query.isActive()) qWarning() << "MainWindow::DatabaseInit - ERROR: " << query.lastError().text(); } static void queryexamplenamedbinding() { QSqlQuery query; //query.prepare("SELECT * FROM people"); //query.prepare("SELECT * FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'Linus' OR id = :id"); query.prepare("SELECT * from people WHERE name LIKE :name"); query.bindValue(":name", "%Linus%"); query.bindValue(":id",2); query.exec(); /* * QSqlQuery provides access to the result set one record at a time. After the call to exec(), * QSqlQuery's internal pointer is located one position before the first record. * We must call QSqlQuery::next() once to advance to the first record, then next() again * repeatedly to access the other records, until it returns false. Here's a typical loop that * iterates over all the records in order: * After a SELECT query is executed we have to browse the records (result rows) returned to access * the data. In this case we try to retrieve the first record calling the function first which * returns true when the query has been successful and false otherwise. */ if(query.first()); else qDebug() << ("No entry found"); query.previous();//To go back to index 0 while (query.next()) { QString name = query.value(1).toString(); int id = query.value(0).toInt(); qDebug() << name << id; } /* *The QSqlQuery::value() function returns the value of a field in the current record. Fields are * specified as zero-based indexes. QSqlQuery::value() returns a QVariant, a type that can hold * various C++ and core Qt data types such as int, QString, and QByteArray. The different database * types are automatically mapped into the closest Qt equivalent. In the code snippet, we call * QVariant::toString() and QVariant::toInt() to convert variants to QString and int. */ } /* * Airport Database Related Functions */ /*! * \brief RetreiveAirportNameFromIcaoOrIata Looks up Airport Name * \param identifier can be ICAO or IATA airport codes. * \return The name of the airport associated with the above code */ static QString RetreiveAirportNameFromIcaoOrIata(QString identifier) { QString result = ""; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT name " "FROM airports WHERE icao LIKE ? OR iata LIKE ?"); identifier.append("%"); identifier.prepend("%"); query.addBindValue(identifier); query.addBindValue(identifier); query.exec(); if(query.first()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); return result; }else { result = result.left(result.length()-1); result.append("No matching airport found."); return result; } } static QString RetreiveAirportIdFromIcao(QString identifier) { QString result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT airport_id FROM airports WHERE icao = ?"); query.addBindValue(identifier); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); //qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAirportIdFromIcao says Airport found! #" << result; } return result; } static QStringList CompleteIcaoOrIata(QString icaoStub) { QStringList result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT icao FROM airports WHERE icao LIKE ? OR iata LIKE ?"); icaoStub.prepend("%"); icaoStub.append("%"); query.addBindValue(icaoStub); query.addBindValue(icaoStub); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); qDebug() << "db::CompleteIcaoOrIata says... Result:" << result; } return result; } /*! * \brief CheckICAOValid Verifies if a user input airport exists in the database * \param identifier can be ICAO or IATA airport codes. * \return bool if airport is in database. */ static bool CheckICAOValid(QString identifier) { if(identifier.length() == 4) { QString check = RetreiveAirportIdFromIcao(identifier); if(check.length() > 0) { //qDebug() << "db::CheckICAOValid says: Check passed!"; return 1; }else { //qDebug() << "db::CheckICAOValid says: Check NOT passed! Lookup unsuccessful"; return 0; } }else { //qDebug() << "db::CheckICAOValid says: Check NOT passed! Empty String NOT epico!"; return 0; } } /*! * \brief retreiveIcaoCoordinates Looks up coordinates (lat,long) for a given airport * \param icao 4-letter code for the airport * \return {lat,lon} in decimal degrees */ static QVector retreiveIcaoCoordinates(QString icao) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT lat, long " "FROM airports " "WHERE icao = ?"); query.addBindValue(icao); query.exec(); QVector result; while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toDouble()); result.append(query.value(1).toDouble()); } return result; } /* * Aircraft Database Related Functions */ /*! * \brief RetreiveRegistration Looks up tail_id from Database * \param tail_ID Primary Key of tails database * \return Registration */ static QString RetreiveRegistration(QString tail_ID) { QString acftRegistration(""); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT registration FROM tails WHERE tail_id == ?"); query.addBindValue(tail_ID.toInt()); query.exec(); if(query.first()); else qDebug() << ("No Aircraft with this ID found"); query.previous();//To go back to index 0 while (query.next()) { acftRegistration.append(query.value(0).toString()); } return acftRegistration; } /*! * \brief newAcftGetString Looks up an aircraft Registration in the database * \param searchstring * \return Registration, make, model and variant */ static QStringList newAcftGetString(QString searchstring) { QStringList result; if(searchstring.length()<2){return result;} QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT registration, make, model, variant " "FROM aircraft " "INNER JOIN tails on tails.aircraft_ID = aircraft.aircraft_id " "WHERE tails.registration LIKE ?"); searchstring.append("%"); searchstring.prepend("%"); query.addBindValue(searchstring); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString() + " (" + query.value(1).toString() + "-" + query.value(2).toString() + "-" + query.value(3).toString() + ")"); } qDebug() << "newAcftGetString: " << result.length() << result; return result; } static QString newAcftGetId(QString registration) { QString result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT tail_id " "FROM tails " "WHERE registration LIKE ?"); registration.prepend("%"); registration.append("%"); query.addBindValue(registration); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); } qDebug() << "newAcftGetId: " << result; return result; } static QVector RetreiveAircraftTypeFromReg(QString searchstring) /* * Searches the tails Database and returns the aircraft Type. */ { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT Name, iata, registration, tail_id " //"SELECT Registration, Name, icao, iata " "FROM aircraft " "INNER JOIN tails on tails.aircraft_ID = aircraft.aircraft_id " "WHERE tails.registration LIKE ?"); // Returns Registration/Name/icao/iata searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%"); query.addBindValue(searchstring); query.exec(); QVector result; if(query.first()) { QString acType = query.value(0).toString(); QString iataCode = query.value(1).toString(); QString registration = query.value(2).toString(); QString tail_id = query.value(3).toString(); //QString formatted = acType + " [ " + registration + " | " + iataCode + " ]"; //qDebug() << formatted; result.append(registration); result.append(acType); result.append(iataCode); result.append(tail_id); return result; }else { return result; // empty vector } } static QStringList RetreiveAircraftMake(QString searchstring) { QStringList result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT make from aircraft WHERE make LIKE ?"); searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%"); query.addBindValue(searchstring); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); } qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftMake says... Result:" << result; return result; } static QStringList RetreiveAircraftModel(QString make, QString searchstring) { QStringList result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT model FROM aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model LIKE ?"); query.addBindValue(make); searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%"); query.addBindValue(searchstring); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftModel says... Result:" << result; } return result; } static QStringList RetreiveAircraftVariant(QString make, QString model, QString searchstring) { QStringList result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT variant from aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model = ? AND variant LIKE ?"); query.addBindValue(make); query.addBindValue(model); searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%"); query.addBindValue(searchstring); query.exec(); while(query.next()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftVariant says... Result:" << result; } return result; } static QString RetreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant(QString make, QString model, QString variant) { QString result; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT aircraft_id FROM aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model = ? AND variant = ?"); query.addBindValue(make); query.addBindValue(model); query.addBindValue(variant); query.exec(); if(query.first()) { result.append(query.value(0).toString()); qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant: Aircraft found! ID# " << result; return result; }else { result = result.left(result.length()-1); result.append("0"); qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant: ERROR - no AircraftId found."; return result; } } static bool CommitTailToDb(QString registration, QString aircraft_id, QString company) { QSqlQuery commit; commit.prepare("INSERT INTO tails (registration, aircraft_id, company) VALUES (?,?,?)"); commit.addBindValue(registration); commit.addBindValue(aircraft_id); commit.addBindValue(company); commit.exec(); QString error = commit.lastError().text(); if(error.length() < 0) { qDebug() << "db::CommitAircraftToDb:: SQL error:" << error; return false; }else { return true; } } /* * Obsolete Functions */ /*! * \brief SelectFlightDate Retreives Flights from the database currently not in use. * \param doft Date of flight for filtering result set. "ALL" means no filter. * \return Flight(s) for selected date. */ static QVector SelectFlightDate(QString doft) { QSqlQuery query; if (doft == "ALL") // Special Selector { query.prepare("SELECT * FROM flights ORDER BY doft DESC, tofb ASC"); qDebug() << "All flights selected"; }else { query.prepare("SELECT * FROM flights WHERE doft = ? ORDER BY tofb ASC"); query.addBindValue(doft); qDebug() << "Searching flights for " << doft; } query.exec(); if(query.first()); else { qDebug() << ("No flight with this date found"); QVector flight; //return empty return flight; } query.previous();// To go back to index 0 query.last(); // this can be very slow, used to determine query size since .size is not supported by sqlite int numRows = query.at() + 1; // Number of rows (flights) in the query query.first(); query.previous();// Go back to index 0 QVector flight(numRows * 9); // Every flight has 9 fields in the database int index = 0; // counter for output vector while (query.next()) { QString id = query.value(0).toString(); QString doft = query.value(1).toString(); QString dept = query.value(2).toString(); QString tofb = calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(3).toString())); QString dest = query.value(4).toString(); QString tonb = calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(5).toString())); QString tblk = calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(6).toString())); QString pic = dbPilots::retreivePilotNameFromID(query.value(7).toString()); QString acft = db::RetreiveRegistration(query.value(8).toString()); //qDebug() << id << doft << dept << tofb << dest << tonb << tblk << pic << acft << endl; flight[index] = id; ++index; flight[index] = doft; ++index; flight[index] = dept; ++index; flight[index] = tofb; ++index; flight[index] = dest; ++index; flight[index] = tonb; ++index; flight[index] = tblk; ++index; flight[index] = pic; ++index; flight[index] = acft; ++index; } return flight; } };