#ifndef __DB_H__
#define __DB_H__

#include <QPair>
#include <QMap>
#include <QString>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QSqlError>
#include "src/database/dbinfo.h"
#include "debug.h"

#include "src/experimental/UserInput.h"
//#include "Decl.h"
#include "Entry.h"

namespace experimental {

/// [F] ideas for functions of db class:
/// https://github.com/fiffty-50/openpilotlog/wiki/New-DB-class-brainstorming    

 * \brief The DB class encapsulates the SQL database by providing fast access
 * to hot database data.
class DataBase {
    QStringList tableNames;
    QMap<QString, QStringList> tableColumns;
    static DataBase* instance;
    DataBase() = default;
    void commitSuccessful();
    void commitUnsuccessful(QString message);
    // Ensure DB is not copiable or assignable
    DataBase(const DataBase&) = delete;
    void operator=(const DataBase&) = delete;
    static DataBase* getInstance();

     * \brief Connect to the database and populate database information.
    bool connect();

     * \brief closes the database connection.
    bool disconnect();

     * \brief Checks if an entry exists in the database, based on position data
    bool exists(Entry entry);

     * \brief commits an entry to the database, calls either insert or update,
     * based on position data
    bool commit(Entry entry);

     * \brief Create new entry in the databse based on UserInput
    bool insert(Entry newEntry);

     * \brief Updates entry in database from existing entry tweaked by the user.
    bool update(Entry updated_entry);

     * \brief deletes an entry from the database.
    bool remove(Entry entry);


 * \brief Convinience function that returns instance of DataBase.
 * Instead of this:
 * DataBase::getInstance().commit(...)
 * Write this:
 * DB().commit(...)
DataBase* DB();

}  // namespace experimental
