ADatabase<tr><td>Total Time: </td><td>%1</td><tr><td>Last Flight: </td><td>%1</td><tr><td>Number of flights: </td><td>%1</td><tr><td>Number of aircraft: </td><td>%1</td><tr><td>Number of Pilots: </td><td>%1</td>AircraftWidgetFormSearch:Search in:RegistrationTypeCompanySelect an Aircraft from the List to show or edit details.New AircraftDelete AircraftNo Aircraft selected.Deleting multiple entries is currently not supportedYou are deleting the following aircraft:<br><br><b><tt>%1 - (%2)</b></tt><br><br>Are you sure?<br>Unable to delete.<br><br>The following error has ocurred: %1Unable to delete.<br><br>This is most likely the case because a flight exists with the aircraft you are trying to delete.<br><br>%1 flight(s) with this aircraft have been found:<br><br><br><b><tt>%2</b></tt><br><br>You have to change or remove the conflicting flight(s) before removing this aircraft from the database.<br><br>BackupWidgetFormRestore External BackupAbout BackupsCreate Local BackupCreate External BackupDelete Selected BackupAvailable BackupsRestore Local BackupBackup FileFlightsAircraftPilotsLast FlightTotal TimeCould not create local file: %1Backup successfully created.No backup selectedRestoring BackupThe following backup will be restored:<br><br><b><tt>%1</b></tt><br><br>This will replace your currently active database with the backup.<br>This action is irreversible.<br><br>Are you sure?Unable to restore Backup file: %1Backup successfully restored.No backup was selectedSelected backup file (<tt>%1</tt>) does not exist.Delete BackupThe following backup will be deleted:<br><br><b><tt>%1</b></tt><br><br>Are you sure?Unable to remove file %1
Error: %2Backup successfully deleted.Choose destination fileUnable to backup file:Choose backup fileImport DatabaseThe following database will be imported:<br><br><b><tt>%1<br></b></tt><br>Is this correct?Unable to import database file:Database successfully imported.<h3><center>About Backups</center></h3><br><p>By creating a backup, you create a copy of your logbook for safekeeping. This copy includes all your flights, pilots, aircraft and expiries. By creating a backup, you are creating a snapshot of your logbook to date. This backup can later be restored or kept for safekeeping. OpenPilotLog offers two kinds of backups: Local and External Backups.<br><br>Local backups are automatically stored in a folder on this computer and will show up in the list below. They can easily be created by selecting <b>Create Local backup</b> and restored with <b>Restore Local Backup</b>.<br>When using <b>Create External Backup</b>, you will be asked where to save your backup file. This can be a pen drive, a cloud location or any other location of your choice. This functionality can also be used to sync your database across devices or to take it with you when you buy a new PC. You can then import your backup file by selecting it with <b>Restore external backup</b>.</p><p>Frequent backups are recommended to guard against data loss or corruption. It is also recommended to keep a backup copy in a seperate location from your main computer to prevent data loss due to system failures.</p><br>DebugWidgetFormDatabaseFill a new database with sample entries/path/to/file.csvFill User Table with test dataImport CSVDo Debug Stuff!Keep current database but delete entries in pilots, aircraft and flightsReset User TablesSelect FileBackup current database (if exists) and create a new one from scratch.Reset DatabaseSelect Tablebranch:developOpen CSV File for importCSV files (*.csv)FirstRunDialogDialogPreviousNextLast NamerequiredFirst NameEmployee IDoptionaleMailPhoneImport Database<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:20pt;">Welcome to openPilotLog!</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:14pt;">The Free and Open Source Logbook application</span></p><p><br/></p><p>Before getting started, we need to quickly run through this initial set-up process. Please note that none of the data you put in will be stored in any place other than your own personal computer and will only be used to fill out information in your logbook.</p><p>OpenPilotLog does not collect, sell or use your private data for any commercial purpose.</p></body></html>If you already have been using openPilotLog before and wish to continue your logbook, skip this initial setup process and import your database instead.Already have a logbook database?MM/dd/yyyycustom currencyLine CheckMedicalLicenceType RatingDate Format<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:20pt;">Welcome to openPilotLog!</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:14pt;">The Free and Open Source Logbook application</span></p><p><br/></p><p>If you would like to keep track of your license and/or medical expiration dates, you can enter them here. By default, only Take-Off and Landing currency is shown on the home page, but any other currency can also be shown as well. This can be enabled in the settings.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:20pt;">Welcome to openPilotLog!</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:14pt;">The Free and Open Source Logbook application</span></p><p><br/></p><p>Here you can make selections about which parts of a new flight will be automatically preselected or completed by default. You can always change these settings for an individual flight or adjust them globally in the settings menu.</p></body></html>Default FunctionPICSICDUALINSTRUCTORDefault Flight RulesVFRIFRDefault ApproachCalculate Night TimeYesNoNight Time RulesEASA / ICAO / FAASunrise to SunsetFlight Number Prefix<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:20pt;">Welcome to openPilotLog!</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:14pt;">The Free and Open Source Logbook application</span></p><p><br/></p><p>Here you can customize the appearance of your logbook, like how your name should be displayed in the logbook or the theme of the app.</p><p>The logbook views determine how your logbook is displayed. The default view is a compact overview with all the essential information displayed, whereas the EASA view is modelled after the EASA guidelines for logbooks and contains more fields. Please note that these only affects how your logbook is displayed. In both views, you have the possibility to log all the details of a specific flight. You can change the view at any time from the settings page.</p></body></html>Show own name asselfSELFLastname, FirstnameApplication Theme<html><head/><body><p>Determines how your logbook is displayed in the logbook tab. This has no influence on what details are logged, just on what is displayed by default.</p></body></html>Logbook DispayDefaultEASA Part-FCL<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:16pt;">Finish</span></p><p align="center"><br/>Almost done! We are now going to create the database for the application.</p><p align="center">If you want to use the most up-to-date version of the database, an internet connection is required, otherwise you can use the version included in the download.</p></body></html>mainErrorPlease enter first and last nameDoneExisting Database foundAn existing database file has been detected on your system.<br>Would you like to create a backup of the existing database?<br><br>Note: if you select no, the existing database will be overwritten. This action is irreversible.Unable to backup old database:<br>%1Backup successfully created.Unable to delete existing database file.Database setup failedErrors have ocurred creating the database.Without a working database The application will not be usable.<br>The following error has ocurred:<br>Database: Unable to connectErrors have ocurred creating the database.Without a working database The application will not be usable.<br>The following error has ocurred:<br>%1Unable to execute database query<br>The following error has occured:<br>%1Create DatabaseWe are now going to create the database.<br>Would you like to download the latest database information?<br>(Recommended, Internet connection required)Downloading or verifying latest data has failed.<br><br>Using local data instead.Database creation has been unsuccessful. The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1Database creation has been unsuccessful. Unable to fill template data.<br><br>%1Setup incompleteWithout completing the initial setup you cannot use the application.<br><br>Quit anyway?Choose backup fileNo Database has been selected.The following database will be imported:<br><br><b><tt>%1<br></b></tt><br>Is this correct?Unable to import database file:Database successfully imported.HomeWidgetFormYour TotalsWelcome to openPilotLog!CurrencyFlight Time (last 28 days)0Flight Time (this calendar year)Flight Time (last 12 calendar months)LimitationsTake offs (last 90 days)Landings (last 90 days)Take-Off / LandingLicenceType RatingLine CheckMedicalCustom1Custom2TotalPICusSP SEIFRSP MENightMulti PilotSimulatorPICTO DaySICTO NightDUALLDG DayFILDG NightWelcome to openPilotLog, %1!Invalid DateLogbookWidgetFormNew FlightSearch Flight<html><head/><body><p>Enter the searchterm you want to filter your flights by.</p><p>For dates, make sure to use the format YYYY-MM-DD</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>Date of FlightDeparture AirportDestination AirportAircraft RegistrationPilot NameEdit FlightSearch inDelete FlightShow All Flights<br>No flight selected.<br><br>More than one flight selected.<br><br>Editing multiple entries is not yet supported.The following flight(s) will be deleted:<br><br><b><tt>%1<br></b></tt>Deleting flights is irreversible.<br>Do you want to proceed?<br>Unable to delete.<br><br>The following error has ocurred: %1%1 flights have been deleted successfully.You have selected %1 flights.<br><br>Deleting flights is irreversible.<br><br>Are you sure you want to proceed?Unable to delete. The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1MainWindowopenPilotLog v0.6toolBarNewFlightAdd a new flight to the logbookCtrl+NQuitExit the applicationCtrl+QHomeCtrl+HSettingsChange SettingsCtrl+SLogbookCtrl+LAircraftShow or edit your aircraftCtrl+ANewAircraftAdd a new aircraft to the databasePilotsShow or edit PilotsCtrl+PNewPilotAdd a new Pilot to the databaseDebugCtrl+DBackupCreate or restore a backup of the databaseCtrl+BError: Database file not found.Database file invalid.Error establishing database connection.Your database is out of date.Minimum required revision: %1<br>You have revision: %2<br>This feature is not yet available!Restore BackupCreate New DatabaseAbortNo valid database foundNo valid database has been found.<br>Would you like to create a new database or import a backup?Select DatabaseDatabase file (*.db)Unable to restore Backup file: %1Backup successfully restored.NewFlightNew FlightCancel<html><head/><body><p>Add your flight to the logbook.</p><p><br/></p><p>You can only perform this action if all of the mandatory fields are filled.</p></body></html>SubmitFlight Data<html><head/><body><p>Once all the required items are filled out, the total time of flight will be displayed here.</p></body></html> 00:00PICusDeparturePlacePICSecond PilotEnter the ICAO 4-letter Identifier of the AirportEDDFSICoptionalRemarksselfNightDate of FlightFlight numberCalendarThird PilotTimeDualTotal Time<html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#a8abb0;">Enter a valid time.</span></p><p><span style=" color:#a8abb0;">e.g.: 845 0845 8:45 08:45</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>00:00InstructorSP / SE<html><head/><body><p>UTC - Universal Time Coordinated</p><p>LOCAL - Local time at Airfield</p><p>BASE - Local time at Home Base</p></body></html>UTCLocalName PICAircraftD-LMAOKJFKMulti PilotIFRSP / MEDestinationAuto-LoggingFunctionPICUSTaskAssumes T/O and LDG performed. If not, edit details.PFApproach PMTake OffRulesVFRLandingAutolandSet current selection as defaultSet As DefaultRestore previously stored default selectionRestore DefaultEnable Manual EditingSP SESP MEMPCo-PilotFITotalNewFlightDialogDate Format: %1Unable to determine total block time.<br>Please fill out all Mandatory Fields<br>before manually editing these times.The flight time you have entered is longer than the total blocktime:<br><center><b>%1</b></center>No Aircraft foundNo aircraft with this registration found.<br>If this is the first time you log a flight with this aircraft, you have to add the registration to the database first.<br><br>Would you like to add a new aircraft to the database?No Pilot foundNo pilot found.<br>Please enter the Name as<br><br><center><b>Lastname, Firstname</b></center><br><br>If this is the first time you log a flight with this pilot, you have to add the pilot to the database first.<br><br>Would you like to add a new pilot to the database?Not all mandatory entries are valid.<br>The following item(s) are empty or missing:<br><br><center><b>%1</b></center><br>Please go back and fill in the required data.The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1<br><br>The entry has not been saved.Invalid Date.Unknown airport identifierUnknown Registration.Before editing times manually, please fill out the required fields in the flight data tab, so that total time can be calculated.Currently only logging in UTC time is supported.NewPilotDialogLast NameFirst NameCompanyAliasEmployee IDPhoneeMailNewPilotDialogLast Name and First Name are required.The following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1<br><br>The entry has not been saved.NewTailAdd New AircraftOperationmandatorye.g. BoeingVariante.g. 737<Select>Single EngineMulti EngineWeight ClassLightMediumHeavySuperRegistrationModelCompanyoptionalstart typing to search for aircraft typese.g. 800SearchUnpoweredPistonTurbopropJetPower PlantMakeSingle PilotMulti PilotNewTailDialogThe following error has ocurred:<br><br>%1<br><br>The entry has not been saved.Registration cannot be empty.Some or all recommended fields are empty.<br>Please fill out the mandatory fields. You can use the search function to automatically fill out all the required fields for a known aircraft type.PageDynamic page examplePilotsWidgetFormSearch:Search in:Last NameFirst NameCompanySelect a Pilot from the List to show or edit details.New PilotDelete PilotNo Pilot selected.Deleting multiple entries is currently not supportedYou are deleting the following pilot:<br><br><b><tt>%1</b></tt><br><br>Are you sure?<br>Unable to delete.<br><br>The following error has ocurred:<br>%1Unable to delete.<br><br>This is most likely the case because a flight exists with the Pilot you are trying to delete as PIC.<br><br>%1 flight(s) with this pilot have been found:<br><br><br><b><tt>%2</b></tt><br><br>You have to change or remove the conflicting flight(s) before removing this pilot from the database.<br><br>QMessageBox<h3><center>About openPilotLog</center></h3><br>© 2020-2021 Felix Turowsky<br><p>This is a collaboratively developed Free and Open Source Application. Visit us <a href="https://%1/">here</a> for more information.</p><p>This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p><p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.</p> <p>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, please click <a href="https://%2">here</a>.</p><br><p>This program uses <a href="http://%3/">Qt</a> version %4 and <a href="https://%5/">SQLite</a> version %6</p>QObjectDate of FlightDeparture AirportDestination AirportTime Off BlocksTime on BlocksPIC NameAircraft RegistrationSettingsWidgetFormPersonalLast NamerequiredFirst NameCompanyoptionalEmployee IDeMailPhoneFlight LoggingDate Format<html><head/><body><p>How your own name is displayed in your logbook</p></body></html>Show own name asselfSELFLastname, Firstname<html><head/><body><p>Default function for auto-logging</p></body></html>FunctionPICSICDUALINSTRUCTOR<html><head/><body><p>Default Flight Rules for auto-logging</p></body></html>Flight RulesVFRIFR<html><head/><body><p>The default approach for auto-logging</p></body></html>Approach<html><head/><body><p>Determines how (if) night time is automatically calculated. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>Night Time<html><head/><body><p>EASA: End of civil evening twilight until beginning of civil morning twilight</p><p>SR/SS: From sunrise to sunset.</p></body></html>NOYES (EASA)YES (SR/SS)<html><head/><body><p>Enter you airline Prefix to speed up logging of flight numbers</p></body></html>Airline PrefixCurrenciescustom currencyTake-off / Landing (days)MM/dd/yyyy<html><head/><body><p>Number of days for TO/LDG currency. Default 90</p></body></html>MedicalLine CheckType RatingLicenceShow on Home PageAppearance<html><head/><body><p>Determines by which column to sort the display of Pilots in the Pilots Tab.</p></body></html>Sort Pilots by<html><head/><body><p>Determines whether incomplete database entries are permitted. It is highly recommended to keep this option off.</p></body></html>Allow incomplete Entries Use System FontFont<html><head/><body><p>Determines by which column to sort the display of Aircaft in the Aircraft Tab.</p></body></html>RegistrationTypeSort Aircraft byNoYes<html><head/><body><p>Determines how your logbook is displayed in the logbook tab. This has no influence on what details are logged, just on what is displayed by default.</p></body></html>Logbook DispayReset to DefaultDefaultEASA Part-FCLStyleLanguageAboutAbout openPilotLogWarningEnabling incomplete logging will enable you to add aircraft with incomplete data.<br><br>If you do not fill out the aircraft details, it will be impossible to automatically determine Single/Multi Pilot Times or Single/Multi Engine Time. This will also impact statistics and auto-logging capabilites as well as jeopardise database integrity.<br><br>It is highly recommended to keep this option off unless you have a specific reason not to.<br><br>Are you sure you want to proceed?The style you have currently selected may not be fully compatible with changing to a custom font while the application is running.<br><br>Applying your changes may require restarting the application.<br>The application will be restarted for this change to take effect.Translations are not yet available. If you are interested in making openPilotLog available in your native language, visit us <a href="https://%1/">here</a> for more information.