EditFlight 0 0 695 395 Edit Flight Time Time Name PIC Search UTC Place Qt::Horizontal 288 20 Destination UTC Qt::Horizontal 288 20 Aircraft Place Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok 0 true Frankfurt International Airport Search Departure true Boeing 737-800 D-LMAO Enter the ICAO 4-letter Identifier of the Airport Qt::ImhNone 4 EDDF Verify Date of Flight self Enter the ICAO 4-letter Identifier of the Airport Qt::ImhNone 4 KJFK 0 true John F. Kennedy Intl. Airport true Sullenberger, C. 23 0 0 2019 12 24 yyyy/MM/dd true Qt::UTC 5 true YYYY/MM/DD newDoft newDept newTofb newDest newTonb newAcft newPic verifyEdit deptHintlineEdit deptTZ destHintlineEdit desTZ acftHintLineEdit picHintLineEdit verifyButton buttonBox accepted() EditFlight accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() EditFlight reject() 316 260 286 274