Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ src | |
▼ classes | |
aaircraftentry.h | |
acurrencyentry.h | |
adownload.h | |
aentry.h | |
aflightentry.h | |
apilotentry.h | |
arunguard.h | |
asettings.h | |
astandardpaths.h | |
astyle.h | |
atailentry.h | |
▼ database | |
adatabase.h | |
adatabasesetup.h | |
adatabasetypes.h | |
▼ functions | |
acalc.h | |
adate.h | |
adatetime.h | |
alog.h | |
areadcsv.h | |
astat.h | |
atime.h | |
▼ gui | |
▼ dialogues | |
firstrundialog.h | |
newflightdialog.h | |
newpilotdialog.h | |
newtaildialog.h | |
▼ widgets | |
aircraftwidget.h | |
backupwidget.h | |
debugwidget.h | |
homewidget.h | |
logbookwidget.h | |
pilotswidget.h | |
settingswidget.h | |
▼ testing | |
adebug.h | |
atimer.h | |
opl.h | |
oplconstants.h | |