*openPilot Log - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
*Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Turowsky
*This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*(at your option) any later version.
*This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*GNU General Public License for more details.
*You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef __DB_H__
#define __DB_H__
#include "src/database/dbinfo.h"
#include "src/testing/adebug.h"
#include "aentry.h"
#include "apilotentry.h"
#include "atailentry.h"
#include "aaircraftentry.h"
#include "aflightentry.h"
namespace experimental {
// [G]: Suspicious documentation -,O
* \brief The DBTarget enum provides the items for which QCompleter
* completion lists are provided from the database.
enum class ADatabaseTarget
// [G]: This is how we should handle custom "events" in the program.
// In this case a custom error doesnt need to be built from scratch.
// Find the type of error you want and extend it with a few tweaks.
* \brief Custom Database Error derived from QSqlError.
* Extends text() adding "Database Error: " before the text.
class ADatabaseError : public QSqlError {
ADatabaseError() = default;
ADatabaseError(QString msg);
QString text() const;
* \brief The DB class encapsulates the SQL database by providing fast access
* to hot database data.
class ADatabase : public QObject {
TableNames tableNames;
TableColumns tableColumns;
static ADatabase* instance;
ADatabase() = default;
// Ensure DB is not copiable or assignable
ADatabase(const ADatabase&) = delete;
void operator=(const ADatabase&) = delete;
static ADatabase* getInstance();
ADatabaseError lastError;
* \brief Connect to the database and populate database information.
bool connect();
* \brief closes the database connection.
void disconnect();
* \brief Can be used to access the database connection.
* \return The QSqlDatabase object pertaining to the connection.
static QSqlDatabase database();
* \brief Can be used to send a complex query to the database.
* \param query - the full sql query statement
* \param returnValues - the number of return values
QVector customQuery(QString statement, int return_values);
* \brief Checks if an entry exists in the database, based on position data
bool exists(AEntry entry);
bool exists(DataPosition data_position);
* \brief commits an entry to the database, calls either insert or update,
* based on position data
bool commit(AEntry entry);
* \brief Create new entry in the databse based on UserInput
bool insert(AEntry new_entry);
* \brief Updates entry in database from existing entry tweaked by the user.
bool update(AEntry updated_entry);
* \brief deletes an entry from the database.
bool remove(AEntry entry);
* \brief deletes a list of entries from the database. Optimised for speed when
* deleting many entries.
bool removeMany(QList);
* \brief retreive entry data from the database to create an entry object
TableData getEntryData(DataPosition data_position);
* \brief retreive an Entry from the database.
AEntry getEntry(DataPosition data_position);
* \brief retreives a PilotEntry from the database.
* This function is a wrapper for DataBase::getEntry(DataPosition),
* where the table is already set and which returns a PilotEntry
* instead of an Entry. It allows for easy access to a pilot entry
* with only the RowId required as input.
APilotEntry getPilotEntry(RowId row_id);
* \brief retreives a TailEntry from the database.
* This function is a wrapper for DataBase::getEntry(DataPosition),
* where the table is already set and which returns a TailEntry
* instead of an Entry. It allows for easy access to a tail entry
* with only the RowId required as input.
ATailEntry getTailEntry(RowId row_id);
* \brief retreives a TailEntry from the database.
* This function is a wrapper for DataBase::getEntry(DataPosition),
* where the table is already set and which returns an AAircraftEntry
* instead of an AEntry. It allows for easy access to an aircraft entry
* with only the RowId required as input.
AAircraftEntry getAircraftEntry(RowId row_id);
* \brief retreives a flight entry from the database.
* This function is a wrapper for DataBase::getEntry(DataPosition),
* where the table is already set and which returns an AFlightEntry
* instead of an AEntry. It allows for easy access to a flight entry
* with only the RowId required as input.
AFlightEntry getFlightEntry(RowId row_id);
* \brief getCompletionList returns a QStringList of values for a
* QCompleter based on database values
const QStringList getCompletionList(ADatabaseTarget);
* \brief returns a QMap of a human-readable database value and
* its row id. Used in the Dialogs to map user input to unique database entries.
const QMap getIdMap(ADatabaseTarget);
* \brief returns the ROWID for the newest entry in the respective database.
int getLastEntry(ADatabaseTarget);
* \brief returns a list of ROWID's in the flights table for which foreign key constraints
* exist.
QList getForeignKeyConstraints(int foreign_row_id, ADatabaseTarget target);
* \brief updated is emitted whenever the database contents have been updated.
* This can be either a commit, update or remove. This signal should be used to
* trigger an update to the models of the views displaying database contents in
* the user interface so that a user is always presented with up-to-date information.
void dataBaseUpdated();
* \brief Convinience function that returns instance of DataBase.
* Instead of this:
* DataBase::getInstance().commit(...)
* Write this:
* aDB()->commit(...)
ADatabase* aDB();
} // namespace experimental