.TH "ADate" 3 "Mon Jul 11 2022" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
ADate \- The \fBADate\fP class is responsible for input/output of Dates and handling the different Date Formats\&.  

\fC#include <adate\&.h>\fP
.SS "Static Public Member Functions"

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.RI "static QDate \fBparseInput\fP (QString &io_user_input, \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format)"
.RI "takes a user-provided input and tries to convert it to a (valid) QDate\&. "
.ti -1c
.RI "static void \fBtryToFix\fP (QString &io_user_input, \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format)"
.ti -1c
.RI "static void \fBpadCentury\fP (QString &io_user_input, \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format)"
.RI "padCentury adds the century to a date where it was omitted "
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.RI "static void \fBpadZeroes\fP (QString &io_user_input)"
.RI "pads a user-provided date string with 0s to facilitate conversion to QDate "
.ti -1c
.RI "static void \fBaddSeperators\fP (QString &io_user_input, const \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP &format)"
.ti -1c
.RI "static bool \fBcontainsSeperator\fP (const QString &user_input)"
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.RI "static QString \fBtoString\fP (const QDate &date, \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format=OPL::DateFormat::ISODate)"
.RI "Reimplements QDate::toString to accept OPL::Date::ADateFormat enums\&. "
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.RI "static const QStringList & \fBgetDisplayNames\fP ()"
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.RI "static const QString \fBgetFormatString\fP (\fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format)"
.ti -1c
.RI "static const QString \fBcurrentDate\fP ()"
.RI "today Returns a string containing the current date in ISO format "
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.SH "Detailed Description"
The \fBADate\fP class is responsible for input/output of Dates and handling the different Date Formats\&. 
.SH "Member Function Documentation"
.SS "const QString ADate::currentDate ()\fC [static]\fP"

today Returns a string containing the current date in ISO format 
.RS 4


.SS "QDate ADate::parseInput (QString & io_user_input, \fBOPL::DateFormat\fP format)\fC [static]\fP"

takes a user-provided input and tries to convert it to a (valid) QDate\&. 
.RS 4
QDate (invalid if input not recognized) 

.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.