NewFlight 0 0 625 619 New Flight 0 Flight Data Name PIC Aircraft Enter the ICAO 4-letter Identifier of the Airport Qt::ImhNone 4 EDDF optional Destination D-LMAO Departure Date of Flight Enter the ICAO 4-letter Identifier of the Airport Qt::ImhNone 4 KJFK Place Flight number optional Time <html><head/><body><p>UTC - Universal Time Coordinated</p><p>LOCAL - Local time at Airfield</p><p>BASE - Local time at Home Base</p></body></html> UTC Local <html><head/><body><p>UTC - Universal Time Coordinated</p><p>LOCAL - Local time at Airfield</p><p>BASE - Local time at Home Base</p></body></html> UTC Local self optional optional 23 0 0 2019 12 14 yyyy/MM/dd true Qt::UTC 5 00:00 Place Third Pilot Time Remarks Second Pilot 00:00 DebugButton Debug Text Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok 0 Auto-Logging PM Approach Rules IFR true Set current selection as default Set As Default PIC Co-Pilot Dual Instructor Function ILS CAT I ILS CAT I ILS CAT II ILS CAT III Visual RNAV RNAV (RNP) RNAV (RNP AR) VOR NDB LOC GLS MLS SRA Task Assumes T/O and LDG performed. If not, edit details. PF true false false VFR Restore previously stored default selection Restore Default Landing true Take Off true 1 Autoland 1 Edit Times SP SE Night SP ME XC MP PIC TOTAL Co-Pilot IFR Dual VFR FI SIM newDept newTofb newDest newTonb newAcft newPic secondPilotLineEdit thirdPilotLineEdit FlightNumberLineEdit RemarksLineEdit setAsDefaultButton restoreDefaultButton spseTimeLineEdit spmeTimeLineEdit mpTimeLineEdit totalTimeLineEdit ifrTimeLineEdit vfrTimeLineEdit nightTimeLineEdit xcTimeLineEdit picTimeLineEdit copTimeLineEdit dualTimeLineEdit fiTimeLineEdit simTimeLineEdit destTZ verifyButton verifyEdit deptTZ buttonBox accepted() NewFlight accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() NewFlight reject() 316 260 286 274