*openPilotLog - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
*Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Felix Turowsky
*This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*(at your option) any later version.
*This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*GNU General Public License for more details.
*You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*along with this program. If not, see .
#include "src/database/row.h"
namespace OPL {
* \brief A Row representing a Tail (Registration) entry.
* \details
* The tails table holds the various tails the user has added to his logbook.
* Within the program the term aircraft refers to an aircraft type and is stored
* in the aircraft database and is used as a template. A tail is a specific instance
* of an aircraft which is identified by its registration (tail).
class TailEntry : public Row
const static inline QString TABLE_NAME = QStringLiteral("tails");
TailEntry(const RowData_T &row_data);
TailEntry(int row_id, const RowData_T &row_data);
const QString getTableName() const override;
* \brief Return the aircrafts registration
* \return
const QString registration() const;
* \brief Return the aircraft type
const QString type() const; //TODO - Create String for make-model-variant
* \brief The entries row id in the database
const static inline QString ROWID = QStringLiteral("tail_id");
* \brief The aircrafts registration ("LN-ENL", "D-ABCD")
const static inline QString REGISTRATION = QStringLiteral("registration");
* \brief The company the aircraft is operated by
const static inline QString COMPANY = QStringLiteral("company");
* \brief The aircrafts manufacturer
const static inline QString MAKE = QStringLiteral("make");
* \brief The aircraft model
const static inline QString MODEL = QStringLiteral("model");
* \brief The aircraft model variant
const static inline QString VARIANT = QStringLiteral("variant");
* \brief Wether the aircraft requires more than one pilot (stored in the database as boolean)
static const inline QString MULTI_PILOT = QStringLiteral("multipilot");
* \brief Wether the aircraft has more than one engine (stored in the database as a boolean)
static const inline QString MULTI_ENGINE = QStringLiteral("multiengine");
* \brief The aircrafts engine type. Stored in the database as an integer
* \details
* - 0 - Single Engine Piston <\li>
- 1 - Multi Engine Piston <\li>
- 2 - Turboprop <\li>
- 3 - Jet <\li>
* <\ul>
static const inline QString ENGINE_TYPE = QStringLiteral("engineType");
* \brief The aircrafts weight class. Stored in the database as an integer
* \details
* - 0 - Light <\li>
- 1 - Medium <\li>
- 2 - Heavy <\li>
- 3 - Super Heavy <\li>
* <\ul>
static const inline QString WEIGHT_CLASS = QStringLiteral("weightClass");
} // namespace OPL
#endif // TAILENTRY_H