123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381 |
- /*
- *openPilotLog - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
- *Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Felix Turowsky
- *
- *This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *(at your option) any later version.
- *
- *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #include <QtCore>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include <QComboBox>
- #define APPNAME QStringLiteral("openPilotLog")
- #define ORGNAME QStringLiteral("opl")
- #define ORGDOMAIN QStringLiteral("https://github.com/fiffty-50/openpilotlog")
- #define OPL_VERSION 0
- #define OPL_SUBVERSION 1
- #if OPL_VERSION < 1
- #define OPL_VERSION_STRING QString(QString::number(OPL_VERSION) + "." + QString::number(OPL_SUBVERSION)) + "-alpha"
- #else
- #define OPL_VERSION_STRING QString(QString::number(OPL_VERSION) + "." + QString::number(OPL_SUBVERSION))
- #endif
- /*!
- * \brief A namespace to collect constants and enums used throughout the application.
- *
- * \details The opl namespace collects enums and constants that are used throughout
- * the application and provide uniform access.
- *
- * The date, time and datetime namespaces include enums used to differentiate
- * date and time formats for QDate, QTime and QDateTime that deviate from standard values
- * included in the Qt Framework like Qt::ISODate and are to be used in conjunction with the
- * .toString() members of these classes.
- *
- * The db namespace contains constants for programatically accessing the database in a fast
- * and uniform manner.
- */
- namespace OPL {
- #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- #define FUNC_IDENT __FUNCSIG__
- #else
- #define FUNC_IDENT __func__
- #endif
- #define DEB qDebug() // Use for debugging
- #define LOG qInfo() // Use for logging milestones (silently, will be written to log file and console out only)
- #define TODO qCritical() << "TO DO:\t"
- #define INFO(msg) OPL::ANotificationHandler::info(msg, this) // Use for messages of interest to the user (will be displayed in GUI)
- #define WARN(msg) OPL::ANotificationHandler::warn(msg, this) // Use for warnings (will be displayed in GUI)
- #define CRIT(msg) OPL::ANotificationHandler::crit(msg, this) // Use for critical warnings (will be displayed in GUI)
- /**
- * @brief Defines the row ID for non-user entries in the database;
- */
- constexpr static int STUB_ROW_ID = -1;
- /**
- * @brief Defines a four-letter code for a non-extistent (dummy) airport: "XXXX"
- */
- constexpr static auto STUB_AIRPORT_CODE = QLatin1String("XXXX");
- /**
- * @brief Defines a registration for a non-existent (dummy) aircraft: "XX-XXX"
- */
- constexpr static auto STUB_AIRCRAFT_REG = QLatin1String("XX-XXX");
- /*!
- * \brief The decimal seperator used internally
- */
- constexpr static char DECIMAL_SEPERATOR = '.';
- /*!
- * \brief The ANotificationHandler class handles displaying of user-directed messages. It displays
- * information to the user in a QMessageBox and forwards the displayed message to ALog so it is written
- * to the console and log files. The INFO, WARN and CRIT makros provide convenient access.
- */
- class ANotificationHandler {
- public:
- static inline void info(const QString msg, QWidget *parent = nullptr){
- qInfo() << msg;
- auto mb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, QStringLiteral("Info"), msg, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, parent);
- mb.exec();
- };
- static inline void warn(const QString msg, QWidget *parent = nullptr){
- qWarning() << msg;
- auto mb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, QStringLiteral("Warning"), msg, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, parent);
- mb.exec();
- };
- static inline void crit(const QString msg, QWidget *parent = nullptr){
- qCritical() << msg;
- auto mb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, QStringLiteral("Warning"), msg, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, parent);
- mb.exec();
- };
- }; // class ANotificationHandler
- using RowData_T = QHash<QString, QVariant>;
- struct ToLdgCount_T {
- int toDay;
- int toNight;
- int ldgDay;
- int ldgNight;
- ToLdgCount_T(int toDay, int toNight, int ldgDay, int ldgNight)
- : toDay(toDay), toNight(toNight), ldgDay(ldgDay), ldgNight(ldgNight) {}
- };
- /*!
- * \brief The DateFormat struct encapsulates how date and time values are displayed.
- * \details Stores how the user wishes to display and enter Date and Time Entries.
- * These are stored numerically in the database and thus need to be converted to
- * human-readably form.
- */
- struct DateTimeFormat {
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates how dates can be formatted to a localised format.
- * \value Default - The Application standard, Equivalent to Qt::ISODate
- * \value SystemLocale - The current system locale date format
- */
- enum class DateFormat { Default, SystemLocale, Custom };
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates how time values can be formatted
- * \value Default - The application default is 'hh:mm'
- * \value Decimal - Time as Decmial hours (01:30 == 1.5)
- * \value Custom - A user-provided custom format string
- */
- enum class TimeFormat { Default, Decimal, Custom };
- /*!
- * \brief Initialise a DateTimeFormat instance with default values
- */
- DateTimeFormat()
- : m_dateFormat(DateFormat::Default),
- m_dateFormatString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd")),
- m_timeFormat(TimeFormat::Default),
- m_timeFormatString(QStringLiteral("hh:mm"))
- {}
- DateTimeFormat(DateFormat dateFormat_,
- const QString &dateFormatString_,
- TimeFormat timeFormat_,
- const QString &timeFormatString_)
- :
- m_dateFormat(dateFormat_),
- m_dateFormatString(dateFormatString_),
- m_timeFormat(timeFormat_),
- m_timeFormatString(timeFormatString_)
- {}
- public:
- DateFormat dateFormat() const { return m_dateFormat; }
- TimeFormat timeFormat() const { return m_timeFormat; }
- const QString &dateFormatString() const { return m_dateFormatString; }
- const QString &timeFormatString() const { return m_timeFormatString; }
- private:
- DateFormat m_dateFormat;
- TimeFormat m_timeFormat;
- QString m_dateFormatString;
- QString m_timeFormatString;
- };
- /*!
- * \brief ADateFormats enumerates the accepted date formats for QDateEdits
- * \todo At the moment, only ISODate is accepet as a valid date format.
- */
- enum class DateFormat {ISODate, DE, EN };
- enum class FlightTimeFormat {Default, Decimal};
- enum class DateTimeFormat_deprecated {Default, Backup};
- /*!
- * \brief PilotFunction
- * Pilot in Command, Pilot in Command under Supervision, Second in Command (Co-Pilot), Dual, Flight Instructor
- */
- enum class PilotFunction {PIC = 0, PICUS = 1, SIC = 2, DUAL = 3, FI = 4};
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates the available translations
- */
- enum class Translation {English, German, Spanish};
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates the available SQL views in the database
- */
- enum class LogbookView {Default, DefaultWithSim, Easa, EasaWithSim, SimulatorOnly};
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates the Simulator Types: Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer 1/2, Flight Simulation Training Device
- */
- enum class SimulatorType {FNPTI = 0, FNPTII = 1, FSTD = 2};
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates the tables in the database
- */
- enum class DbTable {Any, Flights, Simulators, Pilots, Tails, Aircraft, Airports, Currencies, Changelog, PreviousExperience};
- /*!
- * \brief Enumerates the currency names
- */
- enum class CurrencyName {Licence = 1, TypeRating = 2, LineCheck = 3, Medical = 4, Custom1 = 5, Custom2 = 6};
- /*!
- * \brief The OplGlobals class encapsulates non-POD globals to avoid making them static. It is available
- * as a global static object via the OPL::GLOBAL makro and may be used as if it were a pointer, guaranteed to be initialized exactly once.
- * For more information, see (Q_GLOBAL_STATIC)[https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qglobalstatic.html#details]
- */
- class OplGlobals : public QObject {
- public:
- OplGlobals() = default;
- void fillLanguageComboBox(QComboBox *combo_box) const;
- void fillViewNamesComboBox(QComboBox *combo_box) const;
- void loadPilotFunctios(QComboBox *combo_box) const;
- void loadSimulatorTypes(QComboBox *combo_box) const;
- void loadApproachTypes(QComboBox *combo_box) const;
- inline const QStringList &getApproachTypes() const {return APPROACH_TYPES;}
- inline const QString getLanguageFilePath(Translation language) const {return L10N_FilePaths.value(language);}
- inline const QString getViewIdentifier(LogbookView view_name) const {return DATABASE_VIEWS.value(view_name);}
- inline const QString getDbTableName(DbTable table_name) const {return DB_TABLES.value(table_name);}
- private:
- const static inline QMap<Translation, QString> L10N_FilePaths {
- {Translation::English, QStringLiteral("l10n/openpilotlog_en")},
- {Translation::German, QStringLiteral("l10n/openpilotlog_de")},
- {Translation::Spanish, QStringLiteral("l10n/openpilotlog_es")},
- };
- const static inline QMap<Translation, QString> L10N_DisplayNames {
- {Translation::English, QStringLiteral("English")},
- {Translation::German, QStringLiteral("Deutsch")},
- {Translation::Spanish, QStringLiteral("Español")},
- };
- const static inline QMap<LogbookView, QString> DATABASE_VIEWS = {
- {LogbookView::Default, QStringLiteral("viewDefault")},
- {LogbookView::DefaultWithSim, QStringLiteral("viewDefaultSim")},
- {LogbookView::Easa, QStringLiteral("viewEasa")},
- {LogbookView::EasaWithSim, QStringLiteral("viewEasaSim")},
- {LogbookView::SimulatorOnly, QStringLiteral("viewSimulators")},
- };
- const QMap<LogbookView, QString> DATABASE_VIEW_DISPLAY_NAMES = {
- {LogbookView::Default, tr("Default")},
- {LogbookView::DefaultWithSim, tr("Default with Simulator")},
- {LogbookView::Easa, tr("EASA-FCL")},
- {LogbookView::EasaWithSim, tr("EASA-FCL with Simulator")},
- {LogbookView::SimulatorOnly, tr("Simulator Sessions Only")},
- };
- const static inline QMap<PilotFunction, QString> PILOT_FUNCTIONS = {
- {PilotFunction::PIC, QStringLiteral("PIC")},
- {PilotFunction::PICUS, QStringLiteral("PICUS")},
- {PilotFunction::SIC, QStringLiteral("SIC")},
- {PilotFunction::DUAL, QStringLiteral("DUAL")},
- {PilotFunction::FI, QStringLiteral("FI")},
- };
- const static inline QMap<SimulatorType, QString> SIMULATOR_TYPES = {
- {SimulatorType::FNPTI, QStringLiteral("FNPT I")},
- {SimulatorType::FNPTII, QStringLiteral("FNPT II")},
- {SimulatorType::FSTD, QStringLiteral("FSTD")},
- };
- const static inline QMap<DbTable, QString> DB_TABLES = {
- {DbTable::Flights, QStringLiteral("flights")},
- {DbTable::Simulators, QStringLiteral("simulators")},
- {DbTable::Pilots, QStringLiteral("pilots")},
- {DbTable::Tails, QStringLiteral("tails")},
- {DbTable::Aircraft, QStringLiteral("aircraft")},
- {DbTable::Airports, QStringLiteral("airports")},
- {DbTable::Currencies, QStringLiteral("currencies")},
- {DbTable::Changelog, QStringLiteral("changelog")},
- {DbTable::PreviousExperience, QStringLiteral("previousExperience")},
- };
- const static inline QStringList APPROACH_TYPES = {
- QStringLiteral("VISUAL"),
- QStringLiteral("ILS CAT I"),
- QStringLiteral("ILS CAT II"),
- QStringLiteral("ILS CAT III"),
- QStringLiteral("GLS"),
- QStringLiteral("MLS"),
- QStringLiteral("LOC"),
- QStringLiteral("LOC/DME"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV (LNAV)"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV (LNAV/VNAV)"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV (LPV)"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV (RNP)"),
- QStringLiteral("RNAV (RNP-AR)"),
- QStringLiteral("VOR"),
- QStringLiteral("VOR/DME"),
- QStringLiteral("NDB"),
- QStringLiteral("NDB/DME"),
- QStringLiteral("TACAN"),
- QStringLiteral("SRA"),
- QStringLiteral("PAR"),
- QStringLiteral("OTHER")
- };
- };
- //Make available as a global static
- namespace Assets {
- const inline auto DATABASE_SCHEMA = QStringLiteral(":/database/database_schema.sql");
- const inline auto DATABASE_TEMPLATE_AIRCRAFT = QStringLiteral(":/database/templates/aircraft.json");
- const inline auto DATABASE_TEMPLATE_AIRPORT = QStringLiteral(":/database/templates/airports.json");
- const inline auto DATABASE_TEMPLATE_CHANGELOG = QStringLiteral(":/database/templates/changelog.json");
- const inline auto LOGO = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/logos/logo_text.png");
- const inline auto ICON_MAIN = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/app/icon_main.png");
- const inline auto ICON_APPICON_LINUX = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/app/icon_linux.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_APPICON_IOS = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/app/icon_ios.icns");
- const inline auto ICON_APPICON_WIN = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/app/icon_windows.ico");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_HOME = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_home.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_NEW_FLIGHT = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_new_flight.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_LOGBOOK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_logbook.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_airplane.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_PILOT = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_pilot.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_settings.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_QUIT = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_exit.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_BACKUP = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/light/icon_backup.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_HOME_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_home_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_NEW_FLIGHT_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_new_flight_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_LOGBOOK_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_logbook_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_airplane_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_PILOT_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_pilot_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_settings_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_QUIT_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_exit_dm.svg");
- const inline auto ICON_TOOLBAR_BACKUP_DARK = QStringLiteral(":/icons/opl-icons/toolbar/thick/dark/icon_backup_dm.svg");
- }
- namespace CssStyles {
- const inline auto RED_BORDER = QStringLiteral("border: 1px solid red");
- } // namespace Styles
- //namespace Format {
- //const inline auto TIME_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("hh:mm");
- //} // namespace Format
- namespace RegEx {
- const inline auto RX_PHONE_NUMBER = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^[+]{0,1}[0-9\\-\\s]+"));
- const inline auto RX_TIME_ENTRY = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^(?:(?:([01]?\\d|2[0-3])(?::?)([0-5]\\d))|(?:([01]?\\d|2[0-3])([0-5]\\d))|(?:([1-9]|[1-9]\\d)\\:([0-5]\\d)?)|(?:([01]?\\d|2[0-3])\\.([0-5]?\\d)))$"));
- const inline auto RX_AIRPORT_CODE = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}"));
- } // namespace RegEx
- } // namespace opl
- #endif // OPLCONSTANTS_H