907 B

Creating a windows installer:

1 Update Version Info

Update the version numbers in

  • \packages\com.opl.openPilotLog\meta\package.xml
  • \config\config.xml

2 Collect dependencies

  • Use windeployqt to bundle the dependencies into a deployment directory

.\windeployqt.exe --dir \path\to\deploy-dir\ \path\to\openPilotLog.exe

3 Add openSSL binaries

  • These libraries are required for connectivity and cannot be bundled by windeployqt, so copy them into the deployment directory



4 Zip the deployment directory

  • create a 7zip archive of the deployment directory and put it in \packages\com.opl.openPilotLog\data

5 create installer with Qt Installer Framework

  • Use the Qt Installer Framework binary creator to create an installer

.\binarycreator.exe -c \path\to\config.xml -p \path\to\directory\packages \path\to\output_file.exe