SettingsWidget.3 1.3 KB

  1. .TH "SettingsWidget" 3 "Sun May 2 2021" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
  2. .ad l
  3. .nh
  4. .SH NAME
  5. SettingsWidget \- The \fBSettingsWidget\fP is used to to display and alter Settings\&.
  7. .br
  8. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fC#include <settingswidget\&.h>\fP
  11. .PP
  12. Inherits QWidget\&.
  13. .SS "Public Types"
  14. .in +1c
  15. .ti -1c
  16. .RI "enum \fBSettingSignal\fP { \fBLogbookWidget\fP, \fBHomeWidget\fP, \fBAircraftWidget\fP, \fBPilotsWidget\fP }"
  17. .br
  18. .RI "enumerates Widgets that need to receive a signal when a setting is updated\&. "
  19. .in -1c
  20. .SS "Signals"
  21. .in +1c
  22. .ti -1c
  23. .RI "void \fBsettingChanged\fP (\fBSettingSignal\fP widget)"
  24. .br
  25. .RI "settingChanged is emitted when a setting change occurs that needs to trigger an update (repaint) to another widget\&. "
  26. .in -1c
  27. .SS "Public Member Functions"
  28. .in +1c
  29. .ti -1c
  30. .RI "\fBSettingsWidget\fP (QWidget *parent=nullptr)"
  31. .br
  32. .in -1c
  33. .SH "Detailed Description"
  34. .PP
  35. The \fBSettingsWidget\fP is used to to display and alter Settings\&.
  36. Most Inputs are collected and processed in various slots and written to the settings file via the \fBASettings\fP class\&. In the \fCPersonal\fP Settings tab, the user can edit his personal details, which are then written to the Database (The Logbook owner is registered in the Pilots Database with \fCpilot_id = 1\fP)\&.
  37. .SH "Author"
  38. .PP
  39. Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.