ASettings.3 2.7 KB

  1. .TH "ASettings" 3 "Fri Apr 30 2021" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
  2. .ad l
  3. .nh
  4. .SH NAME
  5. ASettings \- Thin wrapper for the QSettings class, simplifying reading and writing of settings\&.
  7. .br
  8. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fC#include <asettings\&.h>\fP
  11. .SS "Public Types"
  12. .in +1c
  13. .ti -1c
  14. .RI "enum \fBMain\fP { \fBSetupComplete\fP, \fBStyle\fP, \fBFont\fP, \fBFontSize\fP, \fBUseSystemFont\fP, \fBLogbookView\fP, \fBDateFormat\fP }"
  15. .br
  16. .ti -1c
  17. .RI "enum \fBUserData\fP { \fBDisplaySelfAs\fP, \fBTailSortColumn\fP, \fBPilotSortColumn\fP, \fBAcftAllowIncomplete\fP, \fBFtlWarningThreshold\fP, \fBCurrWarningEnabled\fP, \fBCurrWarningThreshold\fP, \fBShowToLgdCurrency\fP, \fBShowLicCurrency\fP, \fBShowTrCurrency\fP, \fBShowLckCurrency\fP, \fBShowMedCurrency\fP, \fBShowCustom1Currency\fP, \fBShowCustom2Currency\fP, \fBCustom1CurrencyName\fP, \fBCustom2CurrencyName\fP }"
  18. .br
  19. .ti -1c
  20. .RI "enum \fBFlightLogging\fP { \fBFunction\fP, \fBApproach\fP, \fBNightLoggingEnabled\fP, \fBLogIFR\fP, \fBFlightNumberPrefix\fP, \fBNumberTakeoffs\fP, \fBNumberLandings\fP, \fBPilotFlying\fP, \fBNightAngle\fP, \fBRules\fP, \fBFlightTimeFormat\fP, \fBFunctionComboBox\fP }"
  21. .br
  22. .in -1c
  23. .SS "Static Public Member Functions"
  24. .in +1c
  25. .ti -1c
  26. .RI "static void \fBsetup\fP ()"
  27. .br
  28. .RI "Should be called after QCoreApplication::set\&.\&.\&.Name have been called\&. "
  29. .ti -1c
  30. .RI "static void \fBresetToDefaults\fP ()"
  31. .br
  32. .RI "\fBASettings::resetToDefaults\fP (Re-)sets all settings to the default value\&. "
  33. .ti -1c
  34. .RI "static QVariant \fBread\fP (const Main key)"
  35. .br
  36. .ti -1c
  37. .RI "static void \fBwrite\fP (const Main key, const QVariant &val)"
  38. .br
  39. .ti -1c
  40. .RI "static QVariant \fBread\fP (const FlightLogging key)"
  41. .br
  42. .ti -1c
  43. .RI "static void \fBwrite\fP (const UserData key, const QVariant &val)"
  44. .br
  45. .ti -1c
  46. .RI "static QVariant \fBread\fP (const UserData key)"
  47. .br
  48. .ti -1c
  49. .RI "static void \fBwrite\fP (const FlightLogging key, const QVariant &val)"
  50. .br
  51. .ti -1c
  52. .RI "static QString \fBgroupOfKey\fP (const Main key)"
  53. .br
  54. .RI "Return string representation of group of key: 'ini_header/key'\&. "
  55. .ti -1c
  56. .RI "static QString \fBgroupOfKey\fP (const FlightLogging key)"
  57. .br
  58. .ti -1c
  59. .RI "static QString \fBgroupOfKey\fP (const UserData key)"
  60. .br
  61. .ti -1c
  62. .RI "static QString \fBstringOfKey\fP (const Main key)"
  63. .br
  64. .RI "Return string representation of key\&. "
  65. .ti -1c
  66. .RI "static QString \fBstringOfKey\fP (const FlightLogging key)"
  67. .br
  68. .ti -1c
  69. .RI "static QString \fBstringOfKey\fP (const UserData key)"
  70. .br
  71. .ti -1c
  72. .RI "static QSettings \fBsettings\fP ()"
  73. .br
  74. .in -1c
  75. .SH "Detailed Description"
  76. .PP
  77. Thin wrapper for the QSettings class, simplifying reading and writing of settings\&.
  78. .SH "Author"
  79. .PP
  80. Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.