AircraftWidget.3 2.2 KB

  1. .TH "AircraftWidget" 3 "Fri Apr 30 2021" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
  2. .ad l
  3. .nh
  4. .SH NAME
  5. AircraftWidget \- The \fBAircraftWidget\fP is used to view, edit, delete or add new tails\&.
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  8. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fC#include <aircraftwidget\&.h>\fP
  11. .PP
  12. Inherits QWidget\&.
  13. .SS "Public Slots"
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  16. .RI "void \fBonAircraftWidget_settingChanged\fP (\fBSettingsWidget::SettingSignal\fP signal)"
  17. .br
  18. .RI "invokes setupModelAndView() to account for changes the user has made in the \fBSettingsWidget\fP "
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  20. .RI "void \fBonAircraftWidget_dataBaseUpdated\fP ()"
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  22. .RI "Refreshes the view if the Database has been altered from outside the \fBAircraftWidget\fP\&. "
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  24. .RI "void \fBrepopulateModel\fP ()"
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  26. .RI "\fBAircraftWidget::repopulateModel\fP (public slot) - re-populates the model to cater for a change to the database connection (for example, when a backup is created) "
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  28. .SS "Public Member Functions"
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  31. .RI "\fBAircraftWidget\fP (QWidget *parent=nullptr)"
  32. .br
  33. .in -1c
  34. .SH "Detailed Description"
  35. .PP
  36. The \fBAircraftWidget\fP is used to view, edit, delete or add new tails\&.
  37. The widget consists of two main parts, a \fIQTableView\fP on the left side and a \fIQStackedWidget\fP on the right side\&.
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  39. In the QTableView, a QSqlTableModel is used to access a view from the database, which holds a tails' Registration, Type and Company\&.
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  41. The welcome page shown on the QStackedWidget on the right side has a QLineEdit that functions as a search box and a QCombobox holding the possible columns that can be used to filter what is displayed\&. The text of the QLineEdit is used as a filter for the QSqlTableModel, so the view is updated in real time\&.
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  43. The \fI\fBNewTailDialog\fP\fP is used for creating a new entry as well as for editing an existing entry\&. If the user selects a row in the QTableView, the NewTailDilog is displayed on the right side of the Widget, inside the QStackedWidget\&. In order to avoid leaks from any previously made selections, existing Dialogs are deleted before a new one is created\&. The \fBNewTailDialog\fP's \fCaccepted\fP and \fCrejected\fP signals are connected to refresh the view as required\&.
  44. .SH "Author"
  45. .PP
  46. Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.