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- .TH "Opl::Db" 3 "Fri Apr 30 2021" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
- Opl::Db
- .br
- .PP
- .SH "Detailed Description"
- .PP
- The opl::db namespace provides string literals to programatically access the database
- .PP
- Example usage, do: newData\&.insert(opl::db::FLIGHTS_DEP, ui->deptLocLineEdit->text()); newData\&.value(opl::db::AIRCRAFT_MULTIPILOT);
- .PP
- instead of: newData\&.insert('dept', ui->deptLocLineEdit->text()); newData\&.value('multipilot');
- .PP
- Declaring these literals here avoids memory allocation at runtime for construction of temporary qstrings like ('dept')\&. See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html#QStringLiteral and ensures uniform use throughout the application\&.
- .SH "Author"
- .PP
- Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.