ValidationState.3 1.5 KB

  1. .TH "ValidationState" 3 "Mon Jul 11 2022" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
  2. .ad l
  3. .nh
  4. .SH NAME
  5. ValidationState \- The \fBValidationState\fP class encapsulates a QBitArray that has a bit set (or unset) depending on wether the input for the associated index has been verified\&. The indexes correspond to the mandatory items enumerated in the ValidationItem enum\&.
  7. .br
  8. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fC#include <newflightdialog\&.h>\fP
  11. .SS "Public Member Functions"
  12. .in +1c
  13. .ti -1c
  14. .RI "void \fBvalidate\fP (ValidationItem item)"
  15. .br
  16. .ti -1c
  17. .RI "void \fBvalidate\fP (int index)"
  18. .br
  19. .ti -1c
  20. .RI "void \fBinvalidate\fP (ValidationItem item)"
  21. .br
  22. .ti -1c
  23. .RI "void \fBinvalidate\fP (int index)"
  24. .br
  25. .ti -1c
  26. .RI "bool \fBallValid\fP () const"
  27. .br
  28. .ti -1c
  29. .RI "bool \fBtimesValid\fP () const"
  30. .br
  31. .ti -1c
  32. .RI "bool \fBlocationsValid\fP () const"
  33. .br
  34. .ti -1c
  35. .RI "bool \fBnightDataValid\fP () const"
  36. .br
  37. .ti -1c
  38. .RI "bool \fBacftValid\fP () const"
  39. .br
  40. .ti -1c
  41. .RI "bool \fBvalidAt\fP (int index) const"
  42. .br
  43. .ti -1c
  44. .RI "bool \fBvalidAt\fP (ValidationItem item) const"
  45. .br
  46. .ti -1c
  47. .RI "void \fBprintValidationStatus\fP () const"
  48. .br
  49. .in -1c
  50. .SH "Detailed Description"
  51. .PP
  52. The \fBValidationState\fP class encapsulates a QBitArray that has a bit set (or unset) depending on wether the input for the associated index has been verified\&. The indexes correspond to the mandatory items enumerated in the ValidationItem enum\&.
  53. .SH "Author"
  54. .PP
  55. Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.