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- .TH "experimental::ADatabaseError" 3 "Sat Dec 26 2020" "openPilotLog" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
- experimental::ADatabaseError \- Custom Database Error derived from QSqlError\&. Extends text() adding 'Database Error: ' before the text\&.
- .br
- .PP
- .PP
- \fC#include <adatabase\&.h>\fP
- .PP
- Inherits QSqlError\&.
- .SS "Public Member Functions"
- .in +1c
- .ti -1c
- .RI "\fBADatabaseError\fP (QString msg)"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "QString \fBtext\fP () const"
- .br
- .in -1c
- .SH "Detailed Description"
- .PP
- Custom Database Error derived from QSqlError\&. Extends text() adding 'Database Error: ' before the text\&.
- .SH "Author"
- .PP
- Generated automatically by Doxygen for openPilotLog from the source code\&.