@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ byte m_msb[256]; // Command storage bytes
* BSRR register generator
* Totally configurable for which pin is each data bit, which pin is PTY, and which pin is REQ.
- * The only requirement is that data and parity pins are in the same GPIO block.
* REQ can be specified as -1 to ignore, as it doens't have to be in the same GPIO block.
* This is dramatically slower than the original static array, but is easier to configure
@@ -228,7 +227,6 @@ byte SCSI_INFO_BUF[SCSI_INFO_BUF_SIZE] = {
inline byte readIO(void)
// Port input data register
uint32_t ret = GPIOD->regs->IDR;
byte bret = (byte)(~(ret));
@@ -248,7 +246,6 @@ inline byte readIO(void)
inline byte readHandshake(void)
while( ! SCSI_IN(vACK)) { if(m_isBusReset) return 0; }
@@ -328,34 +325,6 @@ void setup()
//Check which image to load
-Should not be used due to buffers
- // set up OTYPER for open drain on SCSI pins of PA and PB
- // PA 0-7, 11-14
- uint32_t oTypeA_And = 0x000078FF;
- // PA 8, 9, 10, 15
- uint32_t oTypeA_Or = 0x00008700;
- GPIOA->regs->OTYPER = (GPIOA->regs->OTYPER & oTypeA_And) | oTypeA_Or;
- // PB 1, 11 are not used
- uint32_t oTypeB_And = 0x00000000;
- // PB 0, 2-10, 12-15 are used for SCSI, set open drain
- uint32_t oTypeB_Or = 0x0000F7FD;
- GPIOB->regs->OTYPER = (GPIOB->regs->OTYPER & oTypeB_And) | oTypeB_Or;
- // PD 8-15 are not used
- uint32_t oTypeD_And = 0b00000000000000001111111100000000;
- // PD 0-7 are used for SCSI, set open drain
- uint32_t oTypeD_Or = 0b00000000000000000000000011111111;
- GPIOD->regs->OTYPER = (GPIOD->regs->OTYPER & oTypeD_And) | oTypeD_Or;
- // PE 1, 7-15 are not used
- uint32_t oTypeE_And = 0b00000000000000001111111110000010;
- // PE 0,2-6 are used for SCSI, set open drain
- uint32_t oTypeE_Or = 0b00000000000000000000000001111101;
- GPIOD->regs->OTYPER = (GPIOE->regs->OTYPER & oTypeE_And) | oTypeE_Or;
// Turn off the output port