@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module max80
// sdram_clk, sys_clk - 2:1 ratio
// vid_hdmiclk, vid_clk - 5:1 ratio
- wire reset_plls;
+ wire reset_plls = 1'b0;
wire master_clk; // 336 MHz internal master clock
pll2 pll2 (
.areset ( reset_plls ),
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ module max80
// XXX: reuse this counter for the CPU cycle counter.
- parameter reset_pow2 = 12;
+ localparam reset_pow2 = 12;
reg [31:0] sys_clk_ctr;
reg [31:0] sys_clk_ctr_q;
@@ -239,9 +239,6 @@ module max80
- // Unused device stubs - remove when used
- assign gpio = 6'bz; // Unless assigned elsewhere
// Reset in the video clock domain
reg vid_rst_n;
always @(negedge all_plls_locked or posedge vid_clk)
@@ -437,7 +434,7 @@ module max80
// Embedded RISC-V CPU
- parameter cpu_fast_mem_bits = SRAM_BITS-2; /* 2^[this] * 4 bytes */
+ localparam cpu_fast_mem_bits = SRAM_BITS-2; /* 2^[this] * 4 bytes */
// Edge-triggered IRQs. picorv32 latches interrupts
// but doesn't edge detect for a slow signal, so do it
@@ -695,8 +692,6 @@ module max80
// Serial port. Direct to the CP2102N for v1 boards
// boards or to GPIO for v2 boards.
- // The GPIO numbering matches the order of pins for FT[2]232H.
- //
wire tty_data_out; // Output data
wire tty_data_in; // Input data
wire tty_cts_out; // Assert CTS# externally