@@ -299,22 +299,38 @@ module max80
wire [31:0] cpu_la_wdata;
wire [ 3:0] cpu_la_wstrb;
- // cpu_mem_valid by address quadrant, using a bit of lookahead
+ // cpu_mem_valid by address space, using a bit of lookahead
// decoding for speed.
- reg [3:0] mem_quad;
+ //
+ // Address space 0 = SRAM
+ // 1 = SDRAM
+ // 2 = I/O
+ typedef enum {
+ AS_SRAM = 0,
+ AS_SDRAM = 1,
+ AS_IO = 2
+ } as_enum_t;
+ localparam as_enum_t AS_MAX = AS_IO;
+ function logic [AS_MAX:0] mem_as_decode(logic [31:0] addr);
+ mem_as_decode[AS_SRAM] = addr[31:29] == 3'b000;
+ mem_as_decode[AS_SDRAM] = !addr[31] && addr[30:29] != 2'b00;
+ mem_as_decode[AS_IO] = addr[31];
+ endfunction
+ reg [AS_MAX:0] mem_as;
always @(negedge rst_n or posedge sys_clk)
if (~rst_n)
- mem_quad <= 4'b0;
+ mem_as <= 'b0;
else if (cpu_mem_valid)
- mem_quad <= 1'b1 << cpu_mem_addr[31:30];
+ mem_as <= mem_as_decode(cpu_mem_addr);
- mem_quad <= 1'b1 << cpu_la_addr[31:30];
+ mem_as <= mem_as_decode(cpu_la_addr);
+ wire [AS_MAX:0] cpu_mem_as = cpu_mem_valid ? mem_as : 'b0;
- wire [3:0] cpu_mem_quad = cpu_mem_valid ? mem_quad : 4'b0;
// I/O device map from iodevs.conf
- wire iodev_mem_valid = cpu_mem_quad[3];
+ wire iodev_mem_valid = cpu_mem_as[AS_IO];
`include "iodevs.vh"
@@ -344,7 +360,7 @@ module max80
// CPU interface
- wire sdram_valid = cpu_mem_quad[1];
+ wire sdram_valid = cpu_mem_as[AS_SDRAM];
wire [31:0] sdram_mem_rdata;
wire sdram_ready;
reg sdram_ready_q;
@@ -360,9 +376,7 @@ module max80
// to the sdram core while asserting ready to the CPU.
always @(posedge sys_clk)
- begin
- sdram_mem_ready <= sdram_ready & sdram_valid;
- end
+ sdram_mem_ready <= sdram_ready & sdram_valid;
dram_port #(32)
cpu_dram_port (
@@ -548,12 +562,11 @@ module max80
// of the CPU memory input MUX (it hurts timing on memory
// accesses...)
reg iodev_mem_ready;
+ wire sram_mem_ready;
- assign cpu_mem_ready =
- (cpu_mem_quad[0] & 1'b1) |
- (cpu_mem_quad[1] & sdram_mem_ready) |
- (cpu_mem_quad[2] & 1'b1) |
- (cpu_mem_quad[3] & iodev_mem_ready);
+ assign cpu_mem_ready = (cpu_mem_as[AS_SRAM] & sram_mem_ready) |
+ (cpu_mem_as[AS_SDRAM] & sdram_mem_ready) |
+ (cpu_mem_as[AS_IO] & iodev_mem_ready);
// Fast memory. This runs on the SDRAM clock, i.e. 2x the speed
// of the CPU. The .bits parameter gives the number of dwords
@@ -588,16 +601,18 @@ module max80
.rdata1 ( vjtag_sram_rdata )
+ assign sram_mem_ready = 1'b1; // Always ready
// Register I/O data to reduce the size of the read data MUX
reg [31:0] iodev_rdata_q;
// Read data MUX
- case ( cpu_mem_quad )
- 4'b0001: cpu_mem_rdata = fast_mem_rdata;
- 4'b0010: cpu_mem_rdata = sdram_mem_rdata;
- 4'b1000: cpu_mem_rdata = iodev_rdata_q;
- default: cpu_mem_rdata = 32'hxxxx_xxxx;
+ case ( cpu_mem_as )
+ 1'b1 << AS_SRAM: cpu_mem_rdata = fast_mem_rdata;
+ 1'b1 << AS_SDRAM: cpu_mem_rdata = sdram_mem_rdata;
+ 1'b1 << AS_IO: cpu_mem_rdata = iodev_rdata_q;
+ default: cpu_mem_rdata = 32'hxxxx_xxxx;
// Miscellaneous system control/status registers