@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
reg [31:0] irq_pending;
reg [31:0] timer;
reg [31:0] buserr_address;
+ wire [31:0] active_irqs = irq_pending & ~irq_mask;
`ifndef PICORV32_REGS
reg [31:0] cpuregs [0:regfile_size-1];
@@ -1270,7 +1271,6 @@ module picorv32 #(
localparam cpu_state_ldmem = 8'b00000001;
reg [7:0] cpu_state;
- reg [1:0] irq_state;
`FORMAL_KEEP reg [127:0] dbg_ascii_state;
@@ -1293,6 +1293,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
reg latched_store;
reg latched_stalu;
reg latched_branch;
+ reg latched_irq;
reg latched_compr;
reg latched_trace;
reg latched_is_lu;
@@ -1389,14 +1390,14 @@ module picorv32 #(
clear_prefetched_high_word = clear_prefetched_high_word_q;
if (!prefetched_high_word)
clear_prefetched_high_word = 0;
- if (latched_branch || irq_state || !resetn)
+ if (latched_branch || latched_irq || !resetn)
clear_prefetched_high_word = COMPRESSED_ISA;
- reg cpuregs_write;
- reg [31:0] cpuregs_wrdata;
- reg [31:0] cpuregs_rs1;
- reg [31:0] cpuregs_rs2;
+ (* preserve = 1 *) reg cpuregs_write;
+ (* preserve = 1 *) reg [31:0] cpuregs_wrdata;
+ (* preserve = 1 *) reg [31:0] cpuregs_rs1;
+ (* preserve = 1 *) reg [31:0] cpuregs_rs2;
reg [regfile_bits-1:0] decoded_rs;
always @* begin
@@ -1414,10 +1415,6 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpuregs_wrdata = latched_stalu ? alu_out_q : reg_out;
cpuregs_write = 1;
- ENABLE_IRQ && irq_state[1]: begin
- cpuregs_wrdata = irq_pending & ~irq_mask;
- cpuregs_write = 1;
- end
@@ -1498,7 +1495,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
assign launch_next_insn = cpu_state == cpu_state_fetch &&
decoder_trigger &&
- (!ENABLE_IRQ || irq_delay || irq_active || !(irq_pending & ~irq_mask));
+ (!ENABLE_IRQ || irq_delay || irq_active || !active_irqs);
wire [31:0] csrr_src = instr_funct2[2] ? { 29'b0, decoded_rs1[4:0] } : cpuregs_rs1;
@@ -1542,7 +1539,6 @@ module picorv32 #(
decoder_trigger_q <= decoder_trigger;
decoder_pseudo_trigger <= 0;
decoder_pseudo_trigger_q <= decoder_pseudo_trigger;
- do_waitirq <= 0;
trace_valid <= 0;
@@ -1562,6 +1558,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
latched_store <= 0;
latched_stalu <= 0;
latched_branch <= 0;
+ latched_irq <= 0;
latched_trace <= 0;
latched_is_lu <= 0;
latched_is_lh <= 0;
@@ -1573,9 +1570,9 @@ module picorv32 #(
irq_delay <= 0;
irq_mask <= ~0;
next_irq_pending = 0;
- irq_state <= 0;
eoi <= 0;
- timer <= 0;
+ timer <= 0;
+ do_waitirq <= 0;
if (~STACKADDR) begin
latched_store <= 1;
latched_rd <= (USER_CONTEXTS << xreg_bits) | 2;
@@ -1590,7 +1587,8 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpu_state_fetch: begin
- mem_do_rinst <= !decoder_trigger && !do_waitirq && !(halt && !irq_state);
+ eoi <= 0;
+ mem_do_rinst <= !decoder_trigger && !do_waitirq && !halt;
mem_wordsize <= 0;
current_pc = reg_next_pc;
@@ -1601,20 +1599,15 @@ module picorv32 #(
current_pc = latched_store ? (latched_stalu ? alu_out_q : reg_out) & ~1 : reg_next_pc;
`debug($display("ST_RD: %2d 0x%08x, BRANCH 0x%08x", latched_rd, reg_pc + (latched_compr ? 2 : 4), current_pc);)
- latched_store && !latched_branch: begin
+ latched_store && !latched_branch && !latched_irq: begin
`debug($display("ST_RD: %2d 0x%08x", latched_rd, latched_stalu ? alu_out_q : reg_out);)
- ENABLE_IRQ && irq_state[0]: begin
- current_pc = progaddr_irq & ~1;
- irq_active <= 1;
- mem_do_rinst <= 1;
- end
- ENABLE_IRQ && irq_state[1]: begin
- eoi <= irq_pending & ~irq_mask;
- next_irq_pending = next_irq_pending & irq_mask;
- end
+ if (latched_irq) begin
+ current_pc = progaddr_irq & ~1;
+ mem_do_rinst <= 1'b1;
+ end
if (ENABLE_TRACE && latched_trace) begin
latched_trace <= 0;
trace_valid <= 1;
@@ -1630,37 +1623,39 @@ module picorv32 #(
latched_store <= 0;
latched_stalu <= 0;
latched_branch <= 0;
+ latched_irq <= 0;
latched_is_lu <= 0;
latched_is_lh <= 0;
latched_is_lb <= 0;
latched_rd <= decoded_rd;
latched_compr <= compressed_instr;
- if (halt && !irq_state) begin
+ if (halt && !latched_irq) begin
// Do nothing, but allow an already started instruction or IRQ to complete
end else
- if (ENABLE_IRQ && ((decoder_trigger && !irq_active && !irq_delay && |(irq_pending & ~irq_mask)) || irq_state)) begin
- irq_state <=
- irq_state == 2'b00 ? 2'b01 :
- irq_state == 2'b01 ? 2'b10 : 2'b00;
- latched_compr <= latched_compr;
- latched_rd <= MASK_IRQ_REG;
- reg_mepc <= reg_next_pc | latched_compr;
+ if (ENABLE_IRQ && do_waitirq &&
+ (&(irq_pending | ~reg_op1) || |(irq_pending & reg_op2))) begin
+ // Waited-for interrupt: wake up and exit waitirq
+ // If this interrupt is enabled, it will be taken on the next cycle
+ latched_store <= 1;
+ reg_out <= irq_pending;
+ reg_next_pc <= current_pc + (compressed_instr ? 2 : 4);
+ do_waitirq <= 0;
+ end else
+ if (ENABLE_IRQ && decoder_trigger && !irq_active && !irq_delay && |active_irqs) begin
+ irq_active <= 1'b1;
+ latched_irq <= 1'b1;
+ latched_rd <= MASK_IRQ_REG;
+ reg_out <= active_irqs;
+ latched_store <= 1'b1;
+ eoi <= active_irqs;
+ next_irq_pending = next_irq_pending & irq_mask;
+ reg_mepc <= reg_next_pc | latched_compr;
+ do_waitirq <= 0; // An unwaited-for interrupt can break waitirq
end else
if (ENABLE_IRQ && do_waitirq) begin
- if (&(irq_pending | ~reg_op1) || |(irq_pending & reg_op2)) begin
- // Waited-for interrupt
- latched_store <= 1;
- reg_out <= irq_pending;
- reg_next_pc <= current_pc + (compressed_instr ? 2 : 4);
- end else if (decoder_trigger && !irq_active && !irq_delay && |(irq_pending & ~irq_mask)) begin
- // Allow non-waited-for interrupt to be taken; in this case
- // PC is *not* advanced so the interrupt routine will return
- // to waitirq.
- do_waitirq <= 0;
- end else begin
- do_waitirq <= 1;
- end
+ // Actually waiting for an IRQ...
+ do_waitirq <= 1; // Keep waiting...
end else
if (decoder_trigger) begin
`debug($display("-- %-0t pc: 0x%08x irq: %x", $time, current_pc, irq_active);)
@@ -1778,7 +1773,6 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpu_state <= cpu_state_exec;
ENABLE_IRQ && instr_retirq: begin
- eoi <= 0;
irq_active <= 0;
latched_branch <= 1;
latched_store <= 1;
@@ -1803,14 +1797,14 @@ module picorv32 #(
cpu_state <= cpu_state_fetch;
end // case: ENABLE_IRQ && instr_maskirq
ENABLE_IRQ && instr_waitirq: begin
- reg_op1 <= cpuregs_rs1;
- reg_op2 <= cpuregs_rs2;
+ reg_op1 <= cpuregs_rs1;
+ reg_op2 <= cpuregs_rs2;
dbg_rs1val <= cpuregs_rs1;
dbg_rs1val_valid <= 1;
dbg_rs2val <= cpuregs_rs2;
dbg_rs2val_valid <= 1;
do_waitirq <= 1;
- reg_next_pc <= reg_pc;
+ reg_next_pc <= reg_pc; // Stay on this instruction until released
cpu_state <= cpu_state_fetch;
ENABLE_IRQ && ENABLE_IRQ_TIMER && instr_timer: begin
@@ -1824,9 +1818,14 @@ module picorv32 #(
ENABLE_IRQ && instr_pollirq: begin
latched_store <= 1;
- reg_out <= (irq_pending & ~irq_mask & ~cpuregs_rs1) | cpuregs_rs2;
- eoi <= irq_pending & ~irq_mask & ~cpuregs_rs1;
+ reg_out <= (active_irqs & ~cpuregs_rs1) | cpuregs_rs2;
+ eoi <= active_irqs & ~cpuregs_rs1;
next_irq_pending = next_irq_pending & (irq_mask | cpuregs_rs1);
+ dbg_rs1val <= cpuregs_rs1;
+ dbg_rs1val_valid <= 1;
+ dbg_rs2val <= cpuregs_rs2;
+ dbg_rs2val_valid <= 1;
+ cpu_state <= cpu_state_fetch;
is_lb_lh_lw_lbu_lhu && !instr_trap: begin
`debug($display("LD_RS1: %2d 0x%08x", decoded_rs1, cpuregs_rs1);)
@@ -2140,7 +2139,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
dbg_irq_call <= 0;
dbg_irq_enter <= dbg_irq_call;
end else
- if (irq_state == 1) begin
+ if (latched_irq) begin
dbg_irq_call <= 1;
dbg_irq_ret <= next_pc;
@@ -2149,7 +2148,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
rvfi_rd_addr <= 0;
rvfi_rd_wdata <= 0;
end else
- if (cpuregs_write && !irq_state) begin
+ if (cpuregs_write && !latched_irq) begin
`ifdef PICORV32_TESTBUG_003
rvfi_rd_addr <= latched_rd ^ 1;