H. Peter Anvin cc37f87c67 sdram: rewrite as parameterized ports; usb: add USB core for testing 3 rokov pred
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USB Full Speed PHY

Github: http://github.com/ultraembedded/core_usb_fs_phy

This component implements the low level USB1.1 / FS / 12Mbit/s USB signalling (SOP,DATA,EOP) with the required bitstuffing.

  • UTMI PHY interface.
  • Connection to a transceiver (e.g. USB1T11A) or can drive the FPGA pins directly as USB D+/D-.
Configuration / Requirements
  • Top: usb_fs_phy
  • Clock: clk_i - 48MHz
  • Reset: rst_i - Asynchronous, active high

Tested with various FPGA + USB based projects.

FPGA Transceiver

To avoid external components, you can drive the USB D+/D- pins directly from the FPGA fabric. The USB1.1 bit rate is low enough (12MHz) for this to be not too problematic with short cables!

module usb_fs_phy_wrapper
     input           clk_i
    ,input           rst_i

    ,input  [  7:0]  utmi_data_out_i
    ,input           utmi_txvalid_i
    ,input  [  1:0]  utmi_op_mode_i
    ,input  [  1:0]  utmi_xcvrselect_i
    ,input           utmi_termselect_i
    ,input           utmi_dppulldown_i
    ,input           utmi_dmpulldown_i
    ,output [  7:0]  utmi_data_in_o
    ,output          utmi_txready_o
    ,output          utmi_rxvalid_o
    ,output          utmi_rxactive_o
    ,output          utmi_rxerror_o
    ,output [  1:0]  utmi_linestate_o

    // USB D+ / D-
    ,inout          usb_dp_io
    ,inout          usb_dn_io

wire           usb_pads_rx_rcv_w;
wire           usb_pads_rx_dn_w;
wire           usb_pads_rx_dp_w;
wire           usb_pads_tx_dn_w;
wire           usb_pads_tx_dp_w;
wire           usb_pads_tx_oen_w;

usb_transceiver u_usb_xcvr
    // Inputs

    // Outputs

usb_fs_phy u_usb_phy
    // Inputs

    // Outputs


Example contraints;

set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N4    IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { usb_dp_io }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P3    IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { usb_dn_io }];
set_property PULLUP TRUE [get_ports usb_dp_io]