Quellcode durchsuchen

Major UI Update

- Bug fixes 
- Jack doesn't show as plugged in if no jack detection is configured 
- New layout
- Updated jQuery to latest version
- Updated bootstrap to latest version
- Updated the command processing backend to support UI interactions
- Added a number of accessors to normalize read/update various configuration entries 
- Added more GPIOs to the status tab GPIO list
- Added several configuration sections for hardware and system
- Removed pop-over windows from system messages
- Added a message count pill to the status tab
- Added support for message count pill based on the highest severity 
- Updated the message list table to set colours based on messages severity
- Added command processing message area close to the action buttons to provide feedback from running the commands
Sebastien vor 4 Jahren
60 geänderte Dateien mit 3808 neuen und 1265 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 26 0
  2. 2 2
  3. 2 2
  4. 1 0
  5. 535 0
  6. 19 0
  7. 1 0
  8. 252 402
  9. 7 7
  10. 240 134
  11. 15 8
  12. 4 0
  13. 3 0
  14. 189 0
  15. 1 1
  16. 507 46
  17. 33 11
  18. 21 2
  19. 4 1
  20. 16 5
  21. 7 0
  22. 2 1
  23. 0 3
  24. 1 1
  25. BIN
  26. BIN
  27. 650 0
  28. 343 0
  29. 39 41
  30. 168 154
  31. 0 0
  32. BIN
  33. 0 29
  34. 56 0
  35. 90 0
  36. BIN
  37. 11 0
  38. BIN
  39. 0 0
  40. 5 0
  41. BIN
  42. 0 0
  43. BIN
  44. 388 413
  45. BIN
  46. 0 0
  47. BIN
  48. 1 0
  49. BIN
  50. 0 0
  51. BIN
  52. 1 0
  53. 0 1
  54. 1 0
  55. 15 0
  56. 2 1
  57. 19 0
  58. 2 0
  59. 121 0
  60. 8 0

+ 26 - 0

@@ -69,3 +69,29 @@ squeezelite-esp32-jsonblob.zip

+ 2 - 2

@@ -381,14 +381,14 @@ void displayer_control(enum displayer_cmd_e cmd, ...) {
-bool display_is_valid_driver(char * driver){
+bool display_is_valid_driver(const char * driver){
 	return display_conf_get_driver_name(driver)!=NULL;
-const char *display_conf_get_driver_name(char * driver){
+const char *display_conf_get_driver_name(const char * driver){
 	for(uint8_t i=0;known_drivers[i]!=NULL && strlen(known_drivers[i])>0;i++ ){
 			return known_drivers[i];

+ 2 - 2

@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ enum displayer_time_e 	{ DISPLAYER_ELAPSED, DISPLAYER_REMAINING };
 enum display_bus_cmd_e { DISPLAY_BUS_TAKE, DISPLAY_BUS_GIVE };
 bool (*display_bus)(void *from, enum display_bus_cmd_e cmd);
-const char *display_conf_get_driver_name(char * driver);
-bool display_is_valid_driver(char * driver);
+const char *display_conf_get_driver_name(const char * driver);
+bool display_is_valid_driver(const char * driver);
 void displayer_scroll(char *string, int speed, int pause);
 void displayer_control(enum displayer_cmd_e cmd, ...);

+ 1 - 0

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ idf_component_register( SRCS
+							cmd_config.c
 						INCLUDE_DIRS .   
 						REQUIRES nvs_flash 
 						PRIV_REQUIRES console app_update tools services spi_flash  platform_config vfs pthread wifi-manager platform_config newlib  telnet display )

+ 535 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+/* cmd_i2ctools.c
+   This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
+   software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "cmd_config.h"
+#include "argtable3/argtable3.h"
+#include "platform_console.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "platform_config.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "messaging.h"
+#include "accessors.h"
+const char * desc_squeezelite ="Squeezelite Options";
+const char * desc_dac= "DAC Options";
+const char * desc_spdif= "SPDIF Options";
+#define CODECS_BASE "flac,pcm,mp3,ogg"
+#if NO_FAAD
+#define CODECS_AAC  ""
+#define CODECS_AAC  ",aac"
+#define CODECS_FF   ",wma,alac"
+#define CODECS_FF   ""
+#if DSD
+#define CODECS_DSD  ",dsd"
+#define CODECS_DSD  ""
+#define CODECS_MP3  " (mad,mpg for specific mp3 codec)"
+#define NOT_OUTPUT "has input capabilities only"
+#define NOT_GPIO "is not a GPIO"
+static const char *TAG = "cmd_config";
+extern struct arg_end *getParmsEnd(struct arg_hdr * * argtable);
+static struct {
+	struct arg_str *model_name;
+    struct arg_int *clock;
+    struct arg_int *wordselect;
+    struct arg_int *data;
+    struct arg_int *mute_gpio;
+	struct arg_lit *mute_level;
+    struct arg_int *dac_sda;
+    struct arg_int *dac_scl;
+    struct arg_int *dac_i2c;
+	struct arg_lit *clear;
+    struct arg_end *end;
+} i2s_args;
+static struct {
+    struct arg_int *clock;
+    struct arg_int *wordselect;
+    struct arg_int *data;
+	struct arg_lit *clear;	
+    struct arg_end *end;
+} spdif_args;
+static struct {
+	struct arg_str * server; // -s <server>[:<port>]\tConnect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server\n"
+	struct arg_str * buffers;//			   "  -b <stream>:<output>\tSpecify internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes\n"
+	struct arg_str * codecs;//			   "  -c <codec1>,<codec2>\tRestrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs: " CODECS "\n"
+	struct arg_int * timeout;//			   "  -C <timeout>\t\tClose output device when idle after timeout seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on'\n"
+	struct arg_str * log_level; // "  -d <log>=<level>\tSet logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug\n"
+	// struct arg_str * log_level_all; // "  -d <log>=<level>\tSet logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug\n"
+	// struct arg_str * log_level_slimproto; // "  -d <log>=<level>\tSet logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug\n"
+	// struct arg_str * log_level_stream;
+	// struct arg_str * log_level_decode;
+	// struct arg_str * log_level_output;
+	#if IR
+	struct arg_str * log_level_ir;
+	#endif
+	struct arg_str * output_device; // "  -d <log>=<level>\tSet logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug\n"
+	//			   "  -e <codec1>,<codec2>\tExplicitly exclude native support of one or more codecs; known codecs: " CODECS "\n"
+	//			   "  -f <logfile>\t\tWrite debug to logfile\n"
+	//	#if IR
+	//			   "  -i [<filename>]\tEnable lirc remote control support (lirc config file ~/.lircrc used if filename not specified)\n"
+	//	#endif
+	struct arg_str * mac_addr; //			   "  -m <mac addr>\t\tSet mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56\n"
+	struct arg_str * model_name;//			   "  -M <modelname>\tSet the squeezelite player model name sent to the server (default: " MODEL_NAME_STRING ")\n"
+	struct arg_str * name;//			   "  -n <name>\t\tSet the player name\n"
+	struct arg_lit * header_format;//			   "  -W\t\t\tRead wave and aiff format from header, ignore server parameters\n"
+	struct arg_str * rates; //			   "  -r <rates>[:<delay>]\tSample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite is started; rates = <maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms\n"
+	struct arg_lit * resample;
+	struct arg_str * resample_parms; //"  -R -u [params]\tResample, params = <recipe>:<flags>:<attenuation>:<precision>:<passband_end>:<stopband_start>:<phase_response>,\n"
+	#endif
+	#if RESAMPLE16
+	struct arg_lit * resample;
+	struct arg_str * resample_parms; //" -R -u [params]\tResample, params = (b|l|m)[:i],\n"
+	//			   "   \t\t\t b = basic linear interpolation, l = 13 taps, m = 21 taps, i = interpolate filter coefficients\n"
+	#endif
+	struct arg_int * rate;//			   "  -Z <rate>\t\tReport rate to server in helo as the maximum sample rate we can support\n"
+    struct arg_end *end;
+} squeezelite_args;
+int is_output_gpio(struct arg_int * gpio, FILE * f, int * gpio_out, bool mandatory){
+	int res = 0;
+	const char * name = gpio->hdr.longopts?gpio->hdr.longopts:gpio->hdr.glossary;
+	*gpio_out=-1;
+	int t_gpio=gpio->ival[0];
+	if(gpio->count==0){
+		if(mandatory){
+			fprintf(f,"Missing: %s\n", name);
+			res++;
+		}
+	} else  if(!GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(t_gpio)){
+		fprintf(f,"Invalid %s gpio: [%d] %s\n",name, t_gpio, GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(t_gpio)?NOT_OUTPUT:NOT_GPIO );
+		res++;
+	}
+	else{
+		*gpio_out = t_gpio;
+	}
+	return res;
+int check_missing_parm(struct arg_int * int_parm, FILE * f){
+	int res=0;
+	const char * name = int_parm->hdr.longopts?int_parm->hdr.longopts:int_parm->hdr.glossary;
+	if(int_parm->count==0){
+		fprintf(f,"Missing: %s\n", name);
+		res++;
+	} 
+	return res;
+static int do_spdif_cmd(int argc, char **argv){
+		i2s_platform_config_t i2s_dac_pin = {
+		.i2c_addr = -1,
+		.sda= -1,
+		.scl = -1,
+		.mute_gpio = -1,
+		.mute_level = -1
+	};
+	if(is_spdif_config_locked()){
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"SPDIF Configuration is locked on this platform\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv,(void **)&spdif_args);
+	if (spdif_args.clear->count) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING,"SPDIF config cleared");
+		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spdif_config", "");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(nerrors >0){
+		arg_print_errors(f,spdif_args.end,desc_dac);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spdif_args.clock, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.bck_io_num, true);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spdif_args.wordselect, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.ws_io_num, true);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spdif_args.data, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.data_out_num, true);
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Storing SPDIF parameters.\n");
+		nerrors+=(config_spdif_set(&i2s_dac_pin )!=ESP_OK);
+	}
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Done.\n");
+	}
+	fflush (f);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return (nerrors==0 && err==ESP_OK)?0:1;
+static int do_i2s_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
+	i2s_platform_config_t i2s_dac_pin = {
+		.i2c_addr = -1,
+		.sda= -1,
+		.scl = -1,
+		.mute_gpio = -1,
+		.mute_level = -1
+	};
+	if(is_dac_config_locked()){
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"DAC Configuration is locked on this platform\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	strcpy(i2s_dac_pin.model, "I2S");
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv,(void **)&i2s_args);
+	if (i2s_args.clear->count) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING,"DAC config cleared");
+		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "dac_config", "");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(nerrors >0){
+		arg_print_errors(f,i2s_args.end,desc_dac);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.clock, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.bck_io_num, true);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.wordselect, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.ws_io_num, true);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.data, f, &i2s_dac_pin.pin.data_out_num, true);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.mute_gpio, f, &i2s_dac_pin.mute_gpio, false);
+	if(i2s_dac_pin.mute_gpio>0){
+		i2s_dac_pin.mute_level = i2s_args.mute_level->count>0?1:0;
+	}
+	if(i2s_args.dac_sda->count>0 && i2s_args.dac_sda->ival[0]>=0){
+		// if SDA specified, then SDA and SCL are both mandatory
+		nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.dac_sda, f, &i2s_dac_pin.sda, false);
+		nerrors+=is_output_gpio(i2s_args.dac_scl, f, &i2s_dac_pin.scl, false);
+	}
+	if(i2s_args.dac_sda->count==0&& i2s_args.dac_i2c->count>0){
+		fprintf(f,"warning: ignoring i2c address, since dac i2c gpios config is incomplete\n");
+	}
+	else if(i2s_args.dac_i2c->count>0){
+		i2s_dac_pin.i2c_addr = i2s_args.dac_i2c->ival[0];
+	}
+	if(i2s_args.model_name->count>0 && strlen(i2s_args.model_name->sval[0])>0){
+		strncpy(i2s_dac_pin.model,i2s_args.model_name->sval[0],sizeof(i2s_dac_pin.model));
+	}
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Storing i2s parameters.\n");
+		 nerrors+=(config_i2s_set(&i2s_dac_pin, "dac_config")!=ESP_OK);
+	}
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Done.\n");
+	}
+	fflush (f);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return (nerrors==0 && err==ESP_OK)?0:1;
+cJSON * example_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+//	int i2c_port;
+//	const i2c_config_t * i2c= config_i2c_get(&i2c_port);
+//	if(i2c->scl_io_num>0) {
+//		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"scl",i2c->scl_io_num);
+//	}
+//	if(i2c->sda_io_num>0) {
+//		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"sda",i2c->sda_io_num);
+//	}
+//	if(i2c->master.clk_speed>0) {
+//		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"freq",i2c->master.clk_speed);
+//	}
+//	if(i2c_port>0) {
+//		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"port",i2c_port);
+//	}
+	return values;
+//const i2s_pin_config_t * 	config_get_spdif_pin_struct( );
+cJSON * i2s_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	const i2s_platform_config_t * i2s_conf= 	config_dac_get( );
+	if(i2s_conf->pin.bck_io_num>0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"clock",i2s_conf->pin.bck_io_num);
+	}
+	if(i2s_conf->pin.ws_io_num>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"wordselect",i2s_conf->pin.ws_io_num);
+	}
+	if(i2s_conf->pin.data_out_num>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"data",i2s_conf->pin.data_out_num);
+	}
+	if(i2s_conf->sda>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"dac_sda",i2s_conf->sda);
+	}
+	if(i2s_conf->scl>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"dac_scl",i2s_conf->scl);
+	}	
+	if(i2s_conf->i2c_addr>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"dac_i2c",i2s_conf->i2c_addr);
+	}		
+	if(i2s_conf->mute_gpio>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"mute_gpio",i2s_conf->mute_gpio);
+	}		
+	if(i2s_conf->mute_level>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(values,"mute_level",i2s_conf->mute_level>0);
+	}		
+	if(strlen(i2s_conf->model)>0){
+		cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"model_name",i2s_conf->model);
+	}
+	else {
+		cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"model_name","I2S");
+	}
+	return values;
+cJSON * spdif_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	const i2s_platform_config_t * spdif_conf= 	config_spdif_get( );
+	if(spdif_conf->pin.bck_io_num>0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"clock",spdif_conf->pin.bck_io_num);
+	}
+	if(spdif_conf->pin.ws_io_num>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"wordselect",spdif_conf->pin.ws_io_num);
+	}
+	if(spdif_conf->pin.data_out_num>=0 ) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"data",spdif_conf->pin.data_out_num);
+	}
+	return values;
+void get_str_parm_json(struct arg_str * parm, cJSON * entry){
+	const char * name = parm->hdr.longopts?parm->hdr.longopts:parm->hdr.glossary;
+	if(parm->count>0){
+		cJSON_AddStringToObject(entry,name,parm->sval[0]);
+	}
+void get_file_parm_json(struct arg_file * parm, cJSON * entry){
+	const char * name = parm->hdr.longopts?parm->hdr.longopts:parm->hdr.glossary;
+	if(parm->count>0){
+		cJSON_AddStringToObject(entry,name,parm->filename[0]);
+	}
+void get_lit_parm_json(struct arg_lit * parm, cJSON * entry){
+	const char * name = parm->hdr.longopts?parm->hdr.longopts:parm->hdr.glossary;
+	cJSON_AddBoolToObject(entry,name,(parm->count>0));
+void get_int_parm_json(struct arg_int * parm, cJSON * entry){
+	const char * name = parm->hdr.longopts?parm->hdr.longopts:parm->hdr.glossary;
+	if(parm->count>0){
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(entry,name,parm->ival[0]);
+	}
+static int do_squeezelite_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr ** )&squeezelite_args);
+    char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	fprintf(f,"Not yet implemented!");
+	nerrors+=1;
+	fflush (f);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return (nerrors==0 && err==ESP_OK)?0:1;
+cJSON * squeezelite_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	char * nvs_config= config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "autoexec1");
+	char **argv = NULL;
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+    int nerrors=1;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to parse squeezelite parameters");
+	}
+	else {
+		if(nvs_config && strlen(nvs_config)>0){
+			ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Parsing command %s",nvs_config);
+			argv = (char **) calloc(22, sizeof(char *));
+			if (argv == NULL) {
+				FREE_AND_NULL(nvs_config);
+				return values;
+			}
+			size_t argc = esp_console_split_argv(nvs_config, argv,22);
+			if (argc != 0) {
+				nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv,(void **)&squeezelite_args);
+				ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Parsing completed");
+			}
+		}
+		if (nerrors == 0) {
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.buffers, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.codecs, values);
+			get_lit_parm_json(squeezelite_args.header_format, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level, values);
+			// get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level_all, values);
+			// get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level_decode, values);
+			// get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level_output, values);
+			// get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level_slimproto, values);
+			// get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.log_level_stream, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.mac_addr, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.output_device, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.model_name, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.name, values);
+			get_int_parm_json(squeezelite_args.rate, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.rates, values);
+			get_str_parm_json(squeezelite_args.server, values);
+			get_int_parm_json(squeezelite_args.timeout, values);
+			char * p = cJSON_Print(values);
+			ESP_LOGD(TAG,"%s",p);
+			free(p);
+		}
+		else {
+			arg_print_errors(f, squeezelite_args.end, desc_squeezelite);
+		}
+		fflush (f);
+		if(strlen(buf)>0){
+			log_send_messaging(nerrors?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+		}
+		fclose(f);
+		FREE_AND_NULL(buf);
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(nvs_config);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(argv);
+	return values;
+static char * get_log_level_options(const char * longname){
+	const char * template = "<%s=info|%s=debug|%s=sdebug>";
+	char * options = NULL;
+	int len = snprintf(NULL,0,template,longname,longname,longname);
+	if(len>0){
+		options = malloc(len+1);
+		snprintf(options,len,template,longname,longname,longname);
+	}
+	return options;
+static void register_i2s_config(void){
+	i2s_args.model_name = arg_str1(NULL,"model_name","TAS57xx|TAS5713|AC101|I2S","DAC Model Name");
+	i2s_args.clear = arg_lit0(NULL, "clear", "Clear configuration");
+    i2s_args.clock = arg_int1(NULL,"clock","<n>","Clock GPIO. e.g. 33");
+    i2s_args.wordselect = arg_int1(NULL,"wordselect","<n>","Word Select GPIO. e.g. 25");
+    i2s_args.data = arg_int1(NULL,"data","<n>","Data GPIO. e.g. 32");
+    i2s_args.mute_gpio = arg_int0(NULL,"mute_gpio", "<n>", "Mute GPIO. e.g. 14");
+	i2s_args.mute_level = arg_lit0(NULL,"mute_level","Mute GPIO level. Checked=HIGH, Unchecked=LOW");
+    i2s_args.dac_sda = arg_int0(NULL,"dac_sda", "<n>", "SDA GPIO. e.g. 27");
+    i2s_args.dac_scl = arg_int0(NULL,"dac_scl", "<n>", "SCL GPIO. e.g. 26");
+    i2s_args.dac_i2c = arg_int0(NULL,"dac_i2c", "<n>", "I2C device address. e.g. 106");
+    i2s_args.end = arg_end(6);
+	 const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
+        .command = CFG_TYPE_HW("dac"),
+        .help = desc_dac,
+        .hint = NULL,
+        .func = &do_i2s_cmd,
+        .argtable = &i2s_args
+    };
+    cmd_to_json_with_cb(&cmd,&i2s_cb);
+    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd));
+static void register_spdif_config(void){
+	spdif_args.clear = arg_lit0(NULL, "clear", "Clear configuration");
+    spdif_args.clock = arg_int1(NULL,"clock","<n>","Clock GPIO. e.g. 33");
+    spdif_args.wordselect = arg_int1(NULL,"wordselect","<n>","Word Select GPIO. e.g. 25");
+    spdif_args.data = arg_int1(NULL,"data","<n>","Data GPIO. e.g. 32");
+    spdif_args.end = arg_end(6);
+	 const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
+        .command = CFG_TYPE_HW("spdif"),
+        .help = desc_spdif,
+        .hint = NULL,
+        .func = &do_spdif_cmd,
+        .argtable = &spdif_args
+    };
+    cmd_to_json_with_cb(&cmd,&spdif_cb);
+    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd));
+static void register_squeezelite_config(void){
+	squeezelite_args.server = arg_str0("s","server","<server>[:<port>]","Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server");
+	squeezelite_args.buffers = arg_str0("b","buffers","<stream>:<output>","Internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes");
+	squeezelite_args.codecs = arg_strn("c","codecs","<codec1>,<codec2>",0,20,"Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs");
+	squeezelite_args.timeout = arg_int0("C","timeout","<n>","Close output device when idle after timeout seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on");
+	squeezelite_args.log_level = arg_str0("d","loglevel","log=level","Set logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug"); // "  -d <log>=<level>\tSet logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug\n"
+//	squeezelite_args.log_level_all = arg_str0(NULL,"all",get_log_level_options("all"),"Overall Logging Level");
+//	squeezelite_args.log_level_slimproto = arg_str0(NULL,"loglevel_slimproto",get_log_level_options("slimproto"),"Slimproto Logging Level");
+//	squeezelite_args.log_level_stream= arg_str0(NULL,"loglevel_stream",get_log_level_options("stream"),"Stream Logging Level");
+//	squeezelite_args.log_level_decode= arg_str0(NULL,"loglevel_decode",get_log_level_options("decode"),"Decode Logging Level");
+//	squeezelite_args.log_level_output= arg_str0(NULL,"loglevel_output",get_log_level_options("output"),"Output Logging Level");
+	#if IR
+	squeezelite_args.log_level_ir= arg_str0(NULL,"loglevel_ir",get_log_level_options("ir"),"IR Logging Level");
+	#endif
+	squeezelite_args.output_device = arg_str0("o","output_device","<string>","Output device");
+	squeezelite_args.mac_addr = arg_str0("m","mac_addr","<string>","Mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56");
+	squeezelite_args.model_name = arg_str0("M", "modelname", "<string>","Squeezelite player model name sent to the server");
+	squeezelite_args.name = arg_str0("n","name","<string>","Player name");
+	squeezelite_args.header_format = arg_lit0("W","header_format","Read wave and aiff format from header, ignore server parameters");
+	squeezelite_args.rates = arg_str0("r","rates","<rates>[:<delay>]", "Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite is started; rates = <maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms\n");
+	squeezelite_args.resample = arg_lit0("R","resample","Activate Resample");
+	squeezelite_args.resample_parms = arg_str0("u","resample_parms","<recipe>:<flags>:<attenuation>:<precision>:<passband_end>:<stopband_start>:<phase_response>","Resample, params");
+	#endif
+	#if RESAMPLE16
+	squeezelite_args.resample = arg_lit0("R","resample","Activate Resample");
+	squeezelite_args.resample_parms = arg_str0("u","resample_parms","(b|l|m)[:i]","Resample, params. b = basic linear interpolation, l = 13 taps, m = 21 taps, i = interpolate filter coefficients");
+	#endif
+	squeezelite_args.rate = arg_int0("Z","max_rate", "<n>", "Report rate to server in helo as the maximum sample rate we can support");
+	squeezelite_args.end = arg_end(6);
+    const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
+        .command = CFG_TYPE_SYST("squeezelite"),
+        .help = desc_squeezelite,
+        .hint = NULL,
+        .func = &do_squeezelite_cmd,
+        .argtable = &squeezelite_args
+    };
+    cmd_to_json_with_cb(&cmd,&squeezelite_cb);
+    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd));
+void register_config_cmd(void){
+	register_squeezelite_config();
+	register_i2s_config();
+	register_spdif_config();

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* cmd_i2ctools.h
+   This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
+   software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#pragma once
+#include "stdbool.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void register_config_cmd(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 1 - 0

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #include "cmd_nvs.h"
 #include "cmd_i2ctools.h"
 #include "cmd_ota.h"
+#include "cmd_config.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 252 - 402

+ 7 - 7

@@ -330,11 +330,11 @@ static int set_value(int argc, char **argv)
     const char *key = set_args.key->sval[0];
     const char *type = set_args.type->sval[0];
     const char *values = set_args.value->sval[0];
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Setting '%s' (type %s)", key,type);
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "Setting '%s' (type %s)", key,type);
     esp_err_t err = set_value_in_nvs(key, type, values);
     if (err != ESP_OK) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
         return 1;
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static int get_value(int argc, char **argv)
     esp_err_t err = get_value_from_nvs(key, type);
     if (err != ESP_OK) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
         return 1;
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ static int erase_value(int argc, char **argv)
     esp_err_t err = erase(key);
     if (err != ESP_OK) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
         return 1;
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ static int erase_namespace(int argc, char **argv)
     esp_err_t err = erase_all(name);
     if (err != ESP_OK) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "%s", esp_err_to_name(err));
         return 1;
@@ -411,11 +411,11 @@ static int erase_wifi_manager(int argc, char **argv)
 	if (err != ESP_OK) {
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,  "wifi manager configuration was not erase. %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,  "wifi manager configuration was not erase. %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
 		return 1;
 	else {
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,  "Wifi manager configuration was erased");
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING,  "Wifi manager configuration was erased");
 	return 0;

+ 240 - 134

@@ -32,25 +32,30 @@
 #include "messaging.h"				  
 #include "platform_console.h"
 #include "trace.h"
 #define WITH_TASKS_INFO 1
+static struct {
+	struct arg_str *scanmode;
+    struct arg_lit *disable_power_save;
+	struct arg_end *end;
+} wifi_parms_arg;
 static struct {
 	struct arg_str *name;
 	struct arg_end *end;
 } name_args;
 static struct {
- 	struct arg_lit *telnet;
  	struct arg_lit *btspeaker;
  	struct arg_lit *airplay;
+ 	struct arg_str *telnet;
  	struct arg_lit *stats;
     struct arg_end *end;
 } set_services_args;
 static const char * TAG = "cmd_system";
-static void register_setbtsource();
+//static void register_setbtsource();
 static void register_free();
 static void register_setdevicename();
 static void register_heap();
@@ -62,13 +67,15 @@ static void register_factory_boot();
 static void register_restart_ota();
 static void register_update_certs();
 static void register_set_services();
+static void register_set_wifi_parms();
 static void register_tasks();
 extern BaseType_t wifi_manager_task;
 void register_system()
-	register_setbtsource();
+    register_set_wifi_parms();
+//	register_setbtsource();
@@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ static int get_version(int argc, char **argv)
     esp_chip_info_t info;
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,
     "IDF Version:%s\r\n"
     "Chip info:\r\n"
@@ -196,7 +203,7 @@ static int restart(int argc, char **argv)
 	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING, "\n\nPerforming a simple restart to the currently active partition.");
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"Unable to commit configuration. ");
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING,"Unable to commit configuration. ");
     vTaskDelay(750/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
@@ -205,7 +212,7 @@ static int restart(int argc, char **argv)
 void simple_restart()
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"\n\n Called to perform a simple system reboot.");
+	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"System reboot requested.");
 		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"Unable to commit configuration. ");
@@ -216,24 +223,24 @@ void simple_restart()
 esp_err_t guided_restart_ota(){
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"\n\nCalled for a reboot to OTA Application");
+	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"System reboot to Application requested");
 	return ESP_FAIL; // return fail.  This should never return... we're rebooting!
 esp_err_t guided_factory(){
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"\n\nCalled for a reboot to recovery application");
+	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"System reboot to recovery requested");
 	return ESP_FAIL; // return fail.  This should never return... we're rebooting!
 static int restart_factory(int argc, char **argv)
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING, "Executing guided boot into recovery");
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING, "Executing guided boot into recovery");
 	return 0; // return fail.  This should never return... we're rebooting!
 static int restart_ota(int argc, char **argv)
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING, "Executing guided boot into ota app 0");
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_WARNING, "Executing guided boot into ota app 0");
 	return 0; // return fail.  This should never return... we're rebooting!
@@ -241,7 +248,7 @@ static void register_restart()
     const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
         .command = "restart",
-        .help = "Software reset of the chip",
+        .help = "Reboot system",
         .hint = NULL,
         .func = &restart,
@@ -252,7 +259,7 @@ static void register_restart_ota()
     const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
         .command = "restart_ota",
-        .help = "Selects the ota app partition to boot from and performa a software reset of the chip",
+        .help = "Reboot system to Squeezelite",
         .hint = NULL,
         .func = &restart_ota,
@@ -264,7 +271,7 @@ static void register_factory_boot()
     const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
         .command = "recovery",
-        .help = "Resets and boot to recovery (if available)",
+        .help = "Reboot system to Recovery",
         .hint = NULL,
         .func = &restart_factory,
@@ -275,94 +282,10 @@ static void register_factory_boot()
 static int free_mem(int argc, char **argv)
-	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"%d", esp_get_free_heap_size());
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,"%d", esp_get_free_heap_size());
     return 0;
-static struct {
-    struct arg_str *a2dp_dev_name;
-    struct arg_str *a2dp_sink_name;
-    struct arg_str *wakeup_gpio_level;
-    struct arg_str *bt_sink_pin;
-    struct arg_str *enable_bt_sink;
-    struct arg_end *end;
-} set_btsource_args;
-//static int do_set_btsource(int argc, char **argv)
-//	a2dp_dev_name;
-//	a2dp_sink_name;
-//	wakeup_gpio_level;
-//	bt_sink_pin;
-//	enable_bt_sink;
-//	int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&deep_sleep_args);
-//    if (nerrors != 0) {
-//        return 1;
-//    }
-//    if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_time->count) {
-//        uint64_t timeout = 1000ULL * deep_sleep_args.wakeup_time->ival[0];
-//        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling timer wakeup, timeout=%lluus", timeout);
-//        ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(timeout) );
-//    }
-//    if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->count) {
-//        int io_num = deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->ival[0];
-//        if (!rtc_gpio_is_valid_gpio(io_num)) {
-//        	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "GPIO %d is not an RTC IO", io_num);
-//            return 1;
-//        }
-//        int level = 0;
-//        if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->count) {
-//            level = deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->ival[0];
-//            if (level != 0 && level != 1) {
-//            	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "Invalid wakeup level: %d", level);
-//                return 1;
-//            }
-//        }
-//        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling wakeup on GPIO%d, wakeup on %s level",
-//                 io_num, level ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
-//        ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(1ULL << io_num, level) );
-//    }
-//    rtc_gpio_isolate(GPIO_NUM_12);
-//    esp_deep_sleep_start();
-//return 0;
-static void register_setbtsource(){
-//	a2dp_dev_name;
-//	a2dp_sink_name;
-//	wakeup_gpio_level;
-//	bt_sink_pin;
-//	enable_bt_sink;
-//    set_btsource_args.wakeup_time =
-//        arg_int0("t", "time", "<t>", "Wake up time, ms");
-//    set_btsource_args.wakeup_gpio_num =
-//        arg_int0(NULL, "io", "<n>",
-//                 "If specified, wakeup using GPIO with given number");
-//    set_btsource_args.wakeup_gpio_level =
-//        arg_int0(NULL, "io_level", "<0|1>", "GPIO level to trigger wakeup");
-//    set_btsource_args.end = arg_end(3);
-//    const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
-//        .command = "deep_sleep",
-//        .help = "Enter deep sleep mode. "
-//        "Two wakeup modes are supported: timer and GPIO. "
-//        "If no wakeup option is specified, will sleep indefinitely.",
-//        .hint = NULL,
-//        .func = &do_set_btsource,
-//        .argtable = &set_btsource_args
-//    };
-//    ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd) );
 static void register_free()
@@ -380,7 +303,7 @@ static void register_free()
 static int heap_size(int argc, char **argv)
     uint32_t heap_size = heap_caps_get_minimum_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT);
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "min heap size: %u", heap_size);
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "min heap size: %u", heap_size);
     return 0;
 cJSON * setdevicename_cb(){
@@ -397,12 +320,82 @@ static int setnamevar(char * nvsname, FILE *f, char * value){
 	return err==ESP_OK?0:1;
+typedef enum {
+} scanstate_t;
+int set_squeezelite_player_name(FILE * f,const char * name){
+	char * nvs_config= config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "autoexec1");
+	char **argv = NULL;
+    esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+    int nerrors=0;
+    bool bFoundParm=false;
+    scanstate_t state=SCANNING;
+    char * newCommandLine = NULL;
+    char * parm = " -n ";
+    char * cleaned_name = strdup(name);
+    for(char * p=cleaned_name;*p!='\0';p++){
+        if(*p == ' '){
+            *p='_'; // no spaces allowed
+        }
+    }
+	if(nvs_config && strlen(nvs_config)>0){
+        // allocate enough memory to hold the new command line
+        size_t cmdLength = strlen(nvs_config) + strlen(cleaned_name) + strlen(parm) +1 ;
+        newCommandLine = malloc(cmdLength);
+        memset(newCommandLine,0x00, cmdLength);
+		ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Parsing command %s",nvs_config);
+		argv = (char **) calloc(22, sizeof(char *));
+		if (argv == NULL) {
+			FREE_AND_NULL(nvs_config);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		size_t argc = esp_console_split_argv(nvs_config, argv,22);
+		for(int i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+            if(i>0){
+                strcat(newCommandLine," ");
+            }
+            switch (state)
+            {
+            case SCANNING:
+                strcat(newCommandLine,argv[i]);
+                if(strcasecmp(argv[i],"--name")==0 || strcasecmp(argv[i],"-n")==0 ){
+                    state = PROCESSING_NAME;
+                }
+                break;
+            case PROCESSING_NAME:
+                bFoundParm=true;
+                strcat(newCommandLine,cleaned_name);
+                state = SCANNING;
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(!bFoundParm){
+            strcat(newCommandLine,parm);
+            strcat(newCommandLine,name);
+        }
+        fprintf(f,"Squeezelite player name changed to %s\n",newCommandLine);
+        if((err=config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "autoexec1",newCommandLine))!=ESP_OK){
+            nerrors++;
+            fprintf(f,"Failed updating squeezelite command. %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+        }
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(nvs_config);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(argv);
+	return nerrors;
 static int setdevicename(int argc, char **argv)
 	char * name = NULL;
     int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&name_args);
     if (nerrors != 0) {
-        return 0;
+        return 1;
 	/* Check "--name" option */
@@ -410,32 +403,35 @@ static int setdevicename(int argc, char **argv)
 	else {
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Name must be specified.");
-		return 0;
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Name must be specified.");
+		return 1;
 	char *buf = NULL;
 	size_t buf_size = 0;
 	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
 	if (f == NULL) {
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
-		return 0;
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
 	nerrors+=setnamevar("a2dp_dev_name", f, name);
 	nerrors+=setnamevar("airplay_name", f, name);
 	nerrors+=setnamevar("ap_ssid", f, name);
 	nerrors+=setnamevar("bt_name", f, name);
 	nerrors+=setnamevar("host_name", f, name);
+    nerrors+=set_squeezelite_player_name(f, name);
 		fprintf(f,"Device name changed to %s\n",name);
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Done.\n");
+	}
 	fflush (f);
-	log_send_messaging(nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
-	return nerrors==0;
+	return nerrors;
@@ -459,7 +455,7 @@ static void register_setdevicename()
 	name_args.name = arg_str0("n", "name", default_host_name, "New Name");
 	name_args.end = arg_end(8);
 	const esp_console_cmd_t set_name= {
-	 		.command = "setname",
+	 		.command = CFG_TYPE_SYST("name"),
 			.help="Device Name",
 			.hint = NULL,
 			.func = &setdevicename,
@@ -476,16 +472,16 @@ static int tasks_info(int argc, char **argv)
     const size_t bytes_per_task = 40; /* see vTaskList description */
     char *task_list_buffer = malloc(uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks() * bytes_per_task);
     if (task_list_buffer == NULL) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "failed to allocate buffer for vTaskList output");
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "failed to allocate buffer for vTaskList output");
         return 1;
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Task Name\tStatus\tPrio\tHWM\tTask#"
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,"Task Name\tStatus\tPrio\tHWM\tTask#"
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", task_list_buffer);
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", task_list_buffer);
     return 0;
@@ -505,7 +501,7 @@ static void register_tasks()
 extern esp_err_t update_certificates(bool force);
 static int force_update_cert(int argc, char **argv){
-	return update_certificates(true)==ESP_OK;
+	return update_certificates(true);
 static void register_update_certs()
@@ -539,30 +535,31 @@ static int deep_sleep(int argc, char **argv)
     if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_time->count) {
         uint64_t timeout = 1000ULL * deep_sleep_args.wakeup_time->ival[0];
-        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling timer wakeup, timeout=%lluus", timeout);
+        cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling timer wakeup, timeout=%lluus", timeout);
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(timeout) );
     if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->count) {
         int io_num = deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->ival[0];
         if (!rtc_gpio_is_valid_gpio(io_num)) {
-        	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "GPIO %d is not an RTC IO", io_num);
+        	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "GPIO %d is not an RTC IO", io_num);
             return 1;
         int level = 0;
         if (deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->count) {
             level = deep_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->ival[0];
             if (level != 0 && level != 1) {
-            	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "Invalid wakeup level: %d", level);
+            	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "Invalid wakeup level: %d", level);
                 return 1;
-        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling wakeup on GPIO%d, wakeup on %s level",
+        cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling wakeup on GPIO%d, wakeup on %s level",
                  io_num, level ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(1ULL << io_num, level) );
+    return 0; // this code will never run. deep sleep will cause the system to restart
 static void register_deep_sleep()
@@ -599,31 +596,112 @@ static int enable_disable(FILE * f,char * nvs_name, struct arg_lit *arg){
 	return err;
+static int do_configure_wifi(int argc, char **argv){
+    esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
+    int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&wifi_parms_arg);
+    if (nerrors != 0) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	nerrors += enable_disable(f,"disable_ps",wifi_parms_arg.disable_power_save);
+    if(wifi_parms_arg.scanmode->count>0){
+        if(strcasecmp(wifi_parms_arg.scanmode->sval[0],"Comprehensive") == 0){
+            err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "wifi_smode", "A");
+        } 
+        else {
+            err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "wifi_smode", "F");
+        }
+        if(err!=ESP_OK){
+            nerrors++;
+            fprintf(f,"Error setting wifi scan mode to %s. %s\n",wifi_parms_arg.scanmode->sval[0], esp_err_to_name(err));
+        }
+        else {
+            fprintf(f,"Wifi Scan Mode changed to %s\n",wifi_parms_arg.scanmode->sval[0]);
+        }
+    }
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Done.\n");
+	}
+	fflush (f);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return nerrors;
 static int do_set_services(int argc, char **argv)
+    esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
     int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&set_services_args);
     if (nerrors != 0) {
-        return 0;
+        return 1;
 	char *buf = NULL;
 	size_t buf_size = 0;
 	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
 	if (f == NULL) {
-		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
-		return 0;
+		cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 1;
 	nerrors += enable_disable(f,"enable_airplay",set_services_args.airplay);
 	nerrors += enable_disable(f,"enable_bt_sink",set_services_args.btspeaker);
-	nerrors += enable_disable(f,"telnet_enable",set_services_args.telnet);
+    if(set_services_args.telnet->count>0){
+        if(strcasecmp(set_services_args.telnet->sval[0],"Disabled") == 0){
+            err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "telnet_enable", "N");
+        } 
+        else if(strcasecmp(set_services_args.telnet->sval[0],"Telnet Only") == 0){
+            err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "telnet_enable", "Y");
+        }
+        else if(strcasecmp(set_services_args.telnet->sval[0],"Telnet and Serial") == 0){
+            err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "telnet_enable", "D");
+        }
+        if(err!=ESP_OK){
+            nerrors++;
+            fprintf(f,"Error setting telnet service to %s. %s\n",set_services_args.telnet->sval[0], esp_err_to_name(err));
+        }
+        else {
+            fprintf(f,"Telnet service changed to %s\n",set_services_args.telnet->sval[0]);
+        }
+    }
 	nerrors += enable_disable(f,"stats",set_services_args.stats);
+	if(!nerrors ){
+		fprintf(f,"Done.\n");
+	}
 	fflush (f);
-	log_send_messaging(nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
-	return nerrors==0;
+	return nerrors;
+cJSON * configure_wifi_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	char * p=NULL;
+	if ((p = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "disable_ps")) != NULL) {
+		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(values,"disable_power_save",strcmp(p,"1") == 0 || strcasecmp(p,"y") == 0);
+	}
+    if ((p = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "wifi_smode")) != NULL) {
+        cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"scanmode",strcasecmp(p,"a") == 0 ?"Comprehensive":"Fast");
+        FREE_AND_NULL(p);
+	}
+    return values;
 cJSON * set_services_cb(){
 	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
 	char * p=NULL;
@@ -636,23 +714,36 @@ cJSON * set_services_cb(){
 	if ((p = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "telnet_enable")) != NULL) {
-		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(values,"telnet",strcasestr("YXD",p)!=NULL);
+        if(strcasestr("YX",p)!=NULL){
+		    cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"telnet","Telnet Only");
+        }
+        else if(strcasestr("D",p)!=NULL){
+            cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"telnet","Telnet and Serial");
+        }
+        else {
+            cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"telnet","Disabled");
+        }
+#if WITH_TASKS_INFO        
 	if((p = config_alloc_get_default(NVS_TYPE_STR, "stats", "n", 0))!=NULL){
 		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(values,"stats",(*p == '1' || *p == 'Y' || *p == 'y')) ;
 	return values;
 static void register_set_services(){
 	set_services_args.airplay = arg_lit0(NULL, "AirPlay", "AirPlay");
 	set_services_args.btspeaker = arg_lit0(NULL, "BT_Speaker", "Bluetooth Speaker");
-	set_services_args.telnet= arg_lit0(NULL, "telnet", "Telnet server. Use only for troubleshooting");
+	set_services_args.telnet= arg_str0("t", "telnet","Disabled|Telnet Only|Telnet and Serial","Telnet server. Use only for troubleshooting");
 	set_services_args.stats= arg_lit0(NULL, "stats", "System Statistics. Use only for troubleshooting");
 	const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
-        .command = "set_services",
+        .command = CFG_TYPE_SYST("services"),
         .help = "Services",
 		.argtable = &set_services_args,
         .hint = NULL,
@@ -661,6 +752,21 @@ static void register_set_services(){
     ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd) );
+static void register_set_wifi_parms(){
+	wifi_parms_arg.scanmode = arg_str0(NULL, "scanmode", "Fast|Comprehensive","Sets the WiFi Scan Mode. Use Comprehensive where more than one AP has the same name on different channels. This will ensure that the AP with the strongest signal is chosen.");
+	wifi_parms_arg.disable_power_save = arg_lit0(NULL, "disable_power_save", "Disable Power Saving. This may help if the wifi connection is unstable.");
+	wifi_parms_arg.end=arg_end(2);
+	const esp_console_cmd_t cmd = {
+        .command = CFG_TYPE_SYST("wifi"),
+        .help = "WiFi",
+		.argtable = &wifi_parms_arg,
+        .hint = NULL,
+        .func = &do_configure_wifi,
+    };
+	cmd_to_json_with_cb(&cmd,&configure_wifi_cb);
+    ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_console_cmd_register(&cmd) );
 /** 'light_sleep' command puts the chip into light sleep mode */
 static struct {
@@ -679,22 +785,22 @@ static int light_sleep(int argc, char **argv)
     if (light_sleep_args.wakeup_time->count) {
         uint64_t timeout = 1000ULL * light_sleep_args.wakeup_time->ival[0];
-        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling timer wakeup, timeout=%lluus", timeout);
+        cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "Enabling timer wakeup, timeout=%lluus", timeout);
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(timeout) );
     int io_count = light_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->count;
     if (io_count != light_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->count) {
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,  "Should have same number of 'io' and 'io_level' arguments");
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,  "Should have same number of 'io' and 'io_level' arguments");
         return 1;
     for (int i = 0; i < io_count; ++i) {
         int io_num = light_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_num->ival[i];
         int level = light_sleep_args.wakeup_gpio_level->ival[i];
         if (level != 0 && level != 1) {
-        	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR, "Invalid wakeup level: %d", level);
+        	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR, "Invalid wakeup level: %d", level);
             return 1;
-        log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,  "Enabling wakeup on GPIO%d, wakeup on %s level",
+        cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,  "Enabling wakeup on GPIO%d, wakeup on %s level",
                  io_num, level ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( gpio_wakeup_enable(io_num, level ? GPIO_INTR_HIGH_LEVEL : GPIO_INTR_LOW_LEVEL) );
@@ -703,7 +809,7 @@ static int light_sleep(int argc, char **argv)
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_gpio_wakeup() );
-    	log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,  "Enabling UART wakeup (press ENTER to exit light sleep)");
+    	cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO,  "Enabling UART wakeup (press ENTER to exit light sleep)");
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( uart_set_wakeup_threshold(CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_NUM, 3) );
         ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_uart_wakeup(CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_NUM) );
@@ -726,7 +832,7 @@ static int light_sleep(int argc, char **argv)
         cause_str = "unknown";
         printf("%d\n", cause);
-    log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "Woke up from: %s", cause_str);
+    cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_INFO, "Woke up from: %s", cause_str);
     return 0;

+ 15 - 8

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const char* recovery_prompt = LOG_COLOR_E "recovery-squeezelite-esp32> " LOG_RES
 #define MOUNT_PATH "/data"
 #define HISTORY_PATH MOUNT_PATH "/history.txt"
-void run_command(char * line);
+esp_err_t run_command(char * line);
 #define ADD_TO_JSON(o,t,n) if (t->n) cJSON_AddStringToObject(o,QUOTE(n),t->n);
 #define ADD_PARMS_TO_CMD(o,t,n) { cJSON * parms = ParmsToJSON(&t.n->hdr); if(parms) cJSON_AddItemToObject(o,QUOTE(n),parms); }
 cJSON * cmdList;
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ cJSON * ParmsToJSON(struct arg_hdr * * argtable){
 		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(entry, "checkbox", (table[tabindex]->flag & ARG_HASOPTVALUE)==0 && (table[tabindex]->flag & ARG_HASVALUE)==0);
 		cJSON_AddBoolToObject(entry, "hasvalue", table[tabindex]->flag & ARG_HASVALUE);
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(entry,"mincount",table[tabindex]->mincount);
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(entry,"maxcount",table[tabindex]->maxcount);
 		cJSON_AddItemToArray(arg_list, entry);
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ int arg_parse_msg(int argc, char **argv, struct arg_hdr ** args){
 		if (f != NULL) {
 			arg_print_errors(f, getParmsEnd(args), argv[0]);
 			fflush (f);
-			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"%s", buf);
+			cmd_send_messaging(argv[0],MESSAGING_ERROR,"%s", buf);
@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ void initialize_console() {
 	/* Initialize the console */
-	esp_console_config_t console_config = { .max_cmdline_args = 22,
+	esp_console_config_t console_config = { .max_cmdline_args = 28,
 			.max_cmdline_length = 600,
 			.hint_color = atoi(LOG_COLOR_CYAN)
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ void console_start() {
 	else {
 		/* Initialize the console */
-		esp_console_config_t console_config = { .max_cmdline_args = 22,
+		esp_console_config_t console_config = { .max_cmdline_args = 28,
 				.max_cmdline_length = 600,
 				.hint_color = atoi(LOG_COLOR_CYAN)
@@ -296,8 +298,10 @@ void console_start() {
 	/* Register commands */
+	register_config_cmd();
@@ -364,7 +368,7 @@ void console_start() {
-void run_command(char * line){
+esp_err_t run_command(char * line){
 	/* Try to run the command */
 	int ret;
 	esp_err_t err = esp_console_run(line, &ret);
@@ -373,13 +377,16 @@ void run_command(char * line){
 		ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Unrecognized command: %s", line);
 	} else if (err == ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG) {
 		// command was empty
-	} else if (err == ESP_OK && ret != ESP_OK) {
+	} else if (err != ESP_OK && ret != ESP_OK) {
 		ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Command returned non-zero error code: 0x%x (%s)", ret,
-				esp_err_to_name(err));
+		esp_err_to_name(err));
+	} else if (err == ESP_OK && ret != ESP_OK) {
+		ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Command returned in error");
+		err = ESP_FAIL;
 	} else if (err != ESP_OK) {
 		ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Internal error: %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+	return err;
 static void * console_thread() {

+ 4 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+#define CFG_TYPE_HW(a)     "cfg-hw-" a
+#define CFG_TYPE_SYST(a)   "cfg-syst-" a
+#define CFG_TYPE_FW(a)     "cfg-fw-" a
+#define CFG_TYPE_GEN(a)    "cfg-gen-" a
 typedef cJSON * parm_values_fn_t(void);
 esp_err_t cmd_to_json(const esp_console_cmd_t *cmd);
 esp_err_t cmd_to_json_with_cb(const esp_console_cmd_t *cmd, parm_values_fn_t parm_values_fn);

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+idf_component_register(SRCS "test_system.c"
+                    INCLUDE_DIRS "."
+                    REQUIRES unity tools console json platform_console platform_config )

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* test_mean.c: Implementation of a testable component.
+   This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
+   software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "platform_console.h"
+#include "platform_esp32.h"
+#include "platform_config.h"
+#include "string.h"
+struct arg_lit *arglit;
+struct arg_int *argint;
+struct arg_str *argstr;
+struct arg_end *end;
+extern int is_output_gpio(struct arg_int * gpio, FILE * f, int * gpio_out, bool mandatory);
+extern void initialize_console();
+extern esp_err_t run_command(char * line);
+static char *buf = NULL;
+static char * s_tmp_line_buf=NULL;
+static size_t buf_size = 0;
+static FILE * f;
+static size_t argc=1;
+static char ** argv=NULL;
+static bool config_initialized=false;
+void init_console(){
+    if(config_initialized) return;
+    initialize_console();
+    config_initialized=true;
+ * 
+ */
+void open_mem_stream_file(){
+	f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+ * 
+ */
+void close_flush_all(void * argtable, int count,bool print){
+    fflush (f);
+    if(print){
+        printf("%s", buf);
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+    free(buf);
+    arg_freetable(argtable,count);
+    free(argv);   
+ * 
+ */
+int alloc_split_command_line(char * cmdline){
+    argv = (char **) calloc(22, sizeof(char *));
+    if(!s_tmp_line_buf){
+        s_tmp_line_buf= calloc(strlen(cmdline), 1);
+    }
+    strlcpy(s_tmp_line_buf, cmdline, 22);
+    argc = esp_console_split_argv(s_tmp_line_buf, argv,22);
+    return 0;
+ * 
+ */
+int alloc_split_parse_command_line(char * cmdline, void ** args){
+    alloc_split_command_line(cmdline);
+    return arg_parse(argc, argv,args);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("Invalid GPIO detected", "[config][ui]")
+    char * cmdline =  "test -i 55\n";
+    void *argtable[] = {
+        argint = arg_int1("i","int","<gpio>","GPIO number"),
+        end  = arg_end(6)
+    };
+    open_mem_stream_file();
+    alloc_split_parse_command_line(cmdline, &argtable);
+    int out_val = 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(1,is_output_gpio(argtable[0], f, &out_val, true),"Invalid GPIO not detected");
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(-1,out_val,"GPIO Should be set to -1");
+    fflush (f);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE("Invalid int gpio: [55] is not a GPIO\n",buf,"Invalid GPIO message wrong");
+    close_flush_all(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]),false);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("Input Only GPIO detected", "[config][ui]")
+    char * cmdline =  "test -i 35\n";
+    void *argtable[] = {
+        argint = arg_int1("i","int","<gpio>","GPIO number"),
+        end  = arg_end(6)
+    };
+    open_mem_stream_file();
+    alloc_split_parse_command_line(cmdline, &argtable);
+    int out_val = 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(1,is_output_gpio(argtable[0], f, &out_val, true),"Input only GPIO not detected");
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(-1,out_val,"GPIO Should be set to -1");
+    fflush (f);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE("Invalid int gpio: [35] has input capabilities only\n",buf,"Missing GPIO message wrong");
+    close_flush_all(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]),false);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("Valid GPIO Processed", "[config][ui]")
+    char * cmdline =  "test -i 33\n";
+    void *argtable[] = {
+        argint = arg_int1("i","int","<gpio>","GPIO number"),
+        end  = arg_end(6)
+    };
+    open_mem_stream_file();
+    alloc_split_parse_command_line(cmdline, &argtable);
+    int out_val = 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(0,is_output_gpio(argtable[0], f, &out_val, true),"Valid GPIO not recognized");
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(33,out_val,"GPIO Should be set to 33");
+    fflush (f);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE("",buf,"Valid GPIO shouldn't produce a message");
+    close_flush_all(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]),false);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("Missing mandatory GPIO detected", "[config][ui]")
+    char * cmdline =  "test \n";
+    void *argtable[] = {
+        argint = arg_int1("i","int","<gpio>","GPIO number"),
+        end  = arg_end(6)
+    };
+    open_mem_stream_file();
+    alloc_split_parse_command_line(cmdline, &argtable);
+    int out_val = 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(1,is_output_gpio(argtable[0], f, &out_val, true),"Missing GPIO not detected");
+    fflush (f);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE("Missing: int\n",buf,"Missing GPIO parameter message wrong");
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(-1,out_val,"GPIO Should be set to -1");
+    close_flush_all(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]),false);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("Missing mandatory parameter detected", "[config][ui]")
+    char * cmdline =  "test \n";
+    void *argtable[] = {
+        argint = arg_int1("i","int","<gpio>","GPIO number"),
+        end  = arg_end(6)
+    };
+    open_mem_stream_file();
+    alloc_split_parse_command_line(cmdline, &argtable);
+    int out_val = 0;
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(1,is_output_gpio(argtable[0], f, &out_val, true),"Missing parameter not detected");
+    fflush (f);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING_MESSAGE("Missing: int\n",buf,"Missing parameter message wrong");
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT_MESSAGE(-1,out_val,"GPIO Should be set to -1");
+    close_flush_all(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]),false);
+ * 
+ */
+TEST_CASE("dac config command", "[config_cmd]")
+    config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "dac_config", "");
+    esp_err_t err=run_command("cfg-hw-dac\n");
+    char * nvs_value =  config_alloc_get_str("dac_config", NULL,NULL);
+    TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(nvs_value);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(ESP_OK,err,"Running command failed");
+    free(nvs_value);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 idf_component_register(SRC_DIRS .
 						INCLUDE_DIRS .  ${IDF_PATH}/components/driver
 						REQUIRES json tools platform_config display
+						PRIV_REQUIRES soc esp32 squeezelite

+ 507 - 46

@@ -20,10 +20,24 @@
 #include "driver/gpio.h"
 #include "stdbool.h"
 #include "driver/adc.h"
+#include "esp_attr.h"
+#include "soc/spi_periph.h"
+#include "esp_err.h"
+#include "soc/rtc.h"
+#include "sdkconfig.h"
+#include "soc/efuse_periph.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#include "driver/spi_common_internal.h"
+#include "esp32/rom/efuse.h"
+#include "adac.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "monitor.h"
+#include "messaging.h"
 static const char *TAG = "services";
-static const char *i2c_name="I2C";
-static const char *spi_name="SPI";
+const char *i2c_name_type="I2C";
+const char *spi_name_type="SPI";
 static cJSON * gpio_list=NULL;
 #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
 #ifndef QUOTE
@@ -33,19 +47,250 @@ static cJSON * gpio_list=NULL;
 	#define STR(macro)  QUOTE(macro)
+bool are_statistics_enabled(){
+	return true;
+	return false;
+ * 
+ */
+static char * config_spdif_get_string(){
+	return config_alloc_get_str("spdif_config", CONFIG_SPDIF_CONFIG, "bck=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_BCK_IO)
+											  ",ws=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_WS_IO) ",do=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_DO_IO));
+ * 
+ */
+static char * get_dac_config_string(){
+	return config_alloc_get_str("dac_config", CONFIG_DAC_CONFIG, "model=i2s,bck=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_BCK_IO)
+											",ws=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_WS_IO) ",do=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_DO_IO)
+											",sda=" STR(CONFIG_I2C_SDA) ",scl=" STR(CONFIG_I2C_SCL)
+											",mute=" STR(CONFIG_MUTE_GPIO));
+ * 
+ */
+bool is_dac_config_locked(){
+#if ( defined CONFIG_DAC_CONFIG )
+	if(strlen(CONFIG_DAC_CONFIG) > 0){
+		return true;
+	}
+#if defined(CONFIG_I2S_BCK_IO) && CONFIG_I2S_BCK_IO>0		
+	return true;
+	return false;
+ * 
+ */
+bool is_spdif_config_locked(){
+#if ( defined CONFIG_SPDIF_CONFIG )
+	if(strlen(CONFIG_SPDIF_CONFIG) > 0){
+		return true;
+	}
+	return true;
+	return false;
+ * Set pin from config string
+ */
+static void set_i2s_pin(char *config, i2s_pin_config_t *pin_config) {
+	char *p;
+	pin_config->bck_io_num = pin_config->ws_io_num = pin_config->data_out_num = pin_config->data_in_num = -1; 				
+	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "bck")) != NULL) pin_config->bck_io_num = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "ws")) != NULL) pin_config->ws_io_num = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "do")) != NULL) pin_config->data_out_num = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+ * Get i2s config structure from config string
+ */
+const i2s_platform_config_t * config_get_i2s_from_str(char * dac_config ){
+	static i2s_platform_config_t i2s_dac_pin = {
+		.i2c_addr = -1,
+		.sda= -1,
+		.scl = -1,
+		.mute_gpio = -1,
+		.mute_level = -1
+	};
+	set_i2s_pin(dac_config, &i2s_dac_pin.pin);
+	strcpy(i2s_dac_pin.model, "i2s");
+	char * p=NULL;
+	if ((p = strcasestr(dac_config, "i2c")) != NULL) i2s_dac_pin.i2c_addr = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(dac_config, "sda")) != NULL) i2s_dac_pin.sda = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(dac_config, "scl")) != NULL) i2s_dac_pin.scl = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(dac_config, "model")) != NULL) sscanf(p, "%*[^=]=%31[^,]", i2s_dac_pin.model);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(dac_config, "mute")) != NULL) {
+		char mute[8] = "";
+		sscanf(p, "%*[^=]=%7[^,]", mute);
+		i2s_dac_pin.mute_gpio = atoi(mute);
+		if ((p = strchr(mute, ':')) != NULL) i2s_dac_pin.mute_level = atoi(p + 1);
+	}	
+	return &i2s_dac_pin;
+ * Get spdif config structure 
+ */
+const i2s_platform_config_t * config_spdif_get( ){
+	char * spdif_config = config_spdif_get_string();
+	static i2s_platform_config_t i2s_dac_config;
+	memcpy(&i2s_dac_config, config_get_i2s_from_str(spdif_config), sizeof(i2s_dac_config));
+	free(spdif_config);
+	return &i2s_dac_config;
+ * Get dac config structure 
+ */
+const i2s_platform_config_t * config_dac_get(){
+	char * spdif_config = get_dac_config_string();
+	static i2s_platform_config_t i2s_dac_config;
+	memcpy(&i2s_dac_config, config_get_i2s_from_str(spdif_config), sizeof(i2s_dac_config));
+	free(spdif_config);
+	return &i2s_dac_config;
 esp_err_t config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port){
 	int buffer_size=255;
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
 	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
 	if(config_buffer)  {
-		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"scl=%u sda=%u speed=%u port=%u",config->scl_io_num,config->sda_io_num,config->master.clk_speed,port);
-		ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Updating i2c configuration to %s",config_buffer);
-		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "i2c_config", config_buffer);
+		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"scl=%u,sda=%u,speed=%u,port=%u",config->scl_io_num,config->sda_io_num,config->master.clk_speed,port);
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Updating I2C configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "i2c_config", config_buffer);
+		if(err!=ESP_OK){
+			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Error: %s",esp_err_to_name(err));
+		}		
-	return ESP_OK;
+	return err;
+ * 
+ */
+esp_err_t config_display_set(const display_config_t * config){
+	int buffer_size=512;
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	char * config_buffer2=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	if(config_buffer && config_buffer2)  {
+		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"%s:width=%i,height=%i",config->type,config->width,config->height);
+		if(strcasecmp("I2C",config->type)==0){
+			if(config->address>0 ){
+				snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,address=%i",config_buffer,config->address);
+				strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			if(config->CS_pin >=0 ){
+				snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,cs=%i",config_buffer,config->CS_pin);
+				strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+			}		
+		}
+		if(config->RST_pin >=0 ){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,reset=%i",config_buffer,config->RST_pin);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}		
+// I2C,width=<pixels>,height=<pixels>[address=<i2c_address>][,reset=<gpio>][,HFlip][,VFlip][driver=SSD1306|SSD1326[:1|4]|SSD1327|SH1106]
+// SPI,width=<pixels>,height=<pixels>,cs=<gpio>[,back=<gpio>][,reset=<gpio>][,speed=<speed>][,HFlip][,VFlip][driver=SSD1306|SSD1322|SSD1326[:1|4]|SSD1327|SH1106|SSD1675|ST7735|ST7789[,rotate]]		
+		if(config->back >=0 ){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,back=%i",config_buffer,config->back);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}
+		if(config->speed >0 && strcasecmp("SPI",config->type)==0){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,speed=%i",config_buffer,config->speed);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}
+		snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,driver=%s%s%s%s",config_buffer,config->drivername,config->hflip?",HFlip":"",config->vflip?",VFlip":"",config->rotate?",rotate":"");
+		strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Updating display configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "display_config", config_buffer);
+		if(err!=ESP_OK){
+			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Error: %s",esp_err_to_name(err));
+		}
+	} 
+	else {
+		err = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(config_buffer);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(config_buffer2);	
+	return err;
+ * 
+ */
+esp_err_t config_i2s_set(const i2s_platform_config_t * config, const char * nvs_name){
+	int buffer_size=255;
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	char * config_buffer2=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	if(config_buffer && config_buffer2)  {
+		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"model=%s,bck=%u,ws=%u,do=%u",config->model,config->pin.bck_io_num,config->pin.ws_io_num,config->pin.data_out_num);
+		if(config->mute_gpio>=0){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,mute=%u:%u",config_buffer,config->mute_gpio,config->mute_level);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}
+		if(config->sda>=0){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,sda=%u,scl=%u",config_buffer,config->sda,config->scl);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}
+		if(config->i2c_addr>0){
+			snprintf(config_buffer2,buffer_size,"%s,i2c=%u",config_buffer,config->i2c_addr);
+			strcpy(config_buffer,config_buffer2);
+		}
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Updating dac configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, nvs_name, config_buffer);
+		if(err!=ESP_OK){
+			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Error: %s",esp_err_to_name(err));
+		}
+	} 
+	else {
+		err = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(config_buffer);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(config_buffer2);	
+	return err;
+ * 
+ */
+esp_err_t config_spdif_set(const i2s_platform_config_t * config){
+	int buffer_size=255;
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	if(config_buffer )  {
+		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"bck=%u,ws=%u,do=%u",config->pin.bck_io_num,config->pin.ws_io_num,config->pin.data_out_num);
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Updating SPDIF configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spdif_config", config_buffer);
+		if(err!=ESP_OK){
+			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Error: %s",esp_err_to_name(err));
+		}		
+	} 
+	else {
+		err = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(config_buffer);
+	return err;
@@ -53,21 +298,39 @@ esp_err_t config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port){
 esp_err_t config_spi_set(const spi_bus_config_t * config, int host, int dc){
 	int buffer_size=255;
+	esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
 	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
 	if(config_buffer)  {
-		ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Updating SPI configuration to %s",config_buffer);
-		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spi_config", config_buffer);
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO,"Updating SPI configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		err = config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spi_config", config_buffer);
+		if(err!=ESP_OK){
+			log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Error: %s",esp_err_to_name(err));
+		}		
-	return ESP_OK;
+	return err;
 const display_config_t * config_display_get(){
-	static display_config_t dstruct;
+	static display_config_t dstruct = {
+		.back = -1,
+		.CS_pin = -1,
+		.RST_pin = -1,
+		.depth = -1,
+		.address = 0,
+		.drivername = NULL,
+		.height = 0,
+		.width = 0,
+		.vflip = false,
+		.hflip = false,
+		.type = NULL,
+		.speed = 0,
+		.rotate = false
+	};
 	char *config = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "display_config");
 	if (!config) {
 		return NULL;
@@ -76,19 +339,20 @@ const display_config_t * config_display_get(){
 	char * p=NULL;
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "driver")) != NULL){
+		sscanf(p, "%*[^:]:%u", &dstruct.depth);
 		dstruct.drivername = display_conf_get_driver_name(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "width")) != NULL) dstruct.width = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "height")) != NULL) dstruct.height = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "reset")) != NULL) dstruct.RST_pin = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	dstruct.i2c_system_port=i2c_system_port;
-	if (strstr(config, "I2C") ) dstruct.type=i2c_name;
+	if (strstr(config, "I2C") ) dstruct.type=i2c_name_type;
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "address")) != NULL) dstruct.address = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	if (strstr(config, "SPI") ) dstruct.type=spi_name;
+	if (strstr(config, "SPI") ) dstruct.type=spi_name_type;
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "cs")) != NULL) dstruct.CS_pin = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "speed")) != NULL) dstruct.speed = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
+	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "back")) != NULL) dstruct.back = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 	dstruct.hflip= strcasestr(config, "HFlip") ? true : false;
 	dstruct.vflip= strcasestr(config, "VFlip") ? true : false;
 	dstruct.rotate= strcasestr(config, "rotate") ? true : false;
@@ -119,7 +383,13 @@ const i2c_config_t * config_i2c_get(int * i2c_port) {
 		if ((p = strcasestr(nvs_item, "port")) != NULL) i2c_system_port = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	if(i2c_port) *i2c_port=i2c_system_port;
+	if(i2c_port) {
+		*i2c_port= I2C_NUM_1;
+		*i2c_port=i2c_system_port;
+	}
 	return &i2c;
@@ -182,25 +452,135 @@ cJSON * get_gpio_entry(const char * name, const char * prefix, int gpio, bool fi
-cJSON * get_GPIO_list() {
-	cJSON * list = cJSON_CreateArray();
+cJSON * get_GPIO_nvs_list(cJSON * list) {
+	cJSON * ilist = list?list:cJSON_CreateArray();
 	char *nvs_item, *p, type[16];
 	int gpio;
-	if ((nvs_item = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "set_GPIO")) == NULL) return list;
+	bool fixed=false;	
+	bool bFoundJack=false;
+	bool bFoundSpkFault = false;
+	if ((nvs_item = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "set_GPIO")) == NULL) return ilist;
 	p = nvs_item;
 	do {
+		fixed=false;
 		if (sscanf(p, "%d=%15[^,]", &gpio, type) > 0 && (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio) ||  gpio==GPIO_NUM_NC)){
-			cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(type,"gpio", gpio, false));
+			if(strcasecmp(type,"jack")==0){
+				fixed=true;
+				bFoundJack=true;
+			}
+			if(strcasecmp(type,"spkfault")==0){
+				fixed=true;
+				bFoundSpkFault=true;
+			}		
+			cJSON_AddItemToArray(ilist,get_gpio_entry(type,"gpio", gpio, fixed));
 		p = strchr(p, ',');
 	} while (p++);
+	if(!bFoundJack){
+		monitor_gpio_t *jack= get_jack_insertion_gpio(); 		
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry("jack", "other", jack->gpio, true));
+	}
+	if(!bFoundSpkFault){
+		monitor_gpio_t *jack= get_spkfault_gpio(); 		
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry("spkfault", "other", jack->gpio, true));
+	}
+	return ilist;
-	return list;
+ *
+ */
+cJSON * get_DAC_GPIO(cJSON * list){
+	cJSON * llist = list;
+	if(!llist){
+		llist = cJSON_CreateArray();
+	}	
+	const i2s_platform_config_t * i2s_config= config_dac_get();
+	if(i2s_config->pin.bck_io_num>=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("bck","dac",i2s_config->pin.bck_io_num,is_dac_config_locked()));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("ws","dac",i2s_config->pin.ws_io_num,is_dac_config_locked()));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("do","dac",i2s_config->pin.data_out_num,is_dac_config_locked()));
+		if(i2s_config->sda>=0){
+			cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("sda","dac",i2s_config->sda,is_dac_config_locked()));
+			cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("scl","dac",i2s_config->scl,is_dac_config_locked()));
+		}
+		if(i2s_config->mute_gpio>=0){
+			cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("mute","dac",i2s_config->mute_gpio,is_dac_config_locked()));
+		}
+	}
+	return llist;
+ *
+ */
+cJSON * get_Display_GPIO(cJSON * list){
+	cJSON * llist = list;
+	if(!llist){
+		llist = cJSON_CreateArray();
+	}	
+	const display_config_t * config= config_display_get();
+	if(config->back >=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("backlight","display",config->back,false));
+	}
+	if(config->CS_pin >=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("CS","display",config->CS_pin,false));
+	}	
+	if(config->RST_pin >=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("reset","display",config->RST_pin,false));
+	}
+	return llist;
+ *
+ */
+cJSON * get_I2C_GPIO(cJSON * list){
+	cJSON * llist = list;
+	if(!llist){
+		llist = cJSON_CreateArray();
+	}	
+	int port=0;
+	const i2c_config_t * i2c_config = config_i2c_get(&port);
+	if(i2c_config->scl_io_num>=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("scl","i2c",i2c_config->scl_io_num,false));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("sda","i2c",i2c_config->sda_io_num,false));
+	}
+	return llist;
+ *
+ */
+cJSON * get_SPI_GPIO(cJSON * list){
+	cJSON * llist = list;
+	if(!llist){
+		llist = cJSON_CreateArray();
+	}	
+	spi_host_device_t spi_host;
+	const spi_bus_config_t * spi_config = config_spi_get(&spi_host);
+	if(spi_config->miso_io_num>=0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("data","spi",spi_config->miso_io_num,false));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("data","clk",spi_config->sclk_io_num,false));
+	}
+	if(spi_system_dc_gpio>0){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry("data","dc",spi_system_dc_gpio,false));
+	}
+	return llist;
@@ -223,19 +603,19 @@ cJSON * get_GPIO_from_string(const char * nvs_item, const char * prefix, cJSON *
 	while((((ret1=sscanf(p, "%[^=]=%d%n", type,&gpio,&offset)) ==2) || ((sret=sscanf(p, "%[^=]=%[^, ],%n", buf1,buf2,&soffset)) > 0 )) && (offset || soffset)){
 		if(ret1==2 && (GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio) ||  gpio==GPIO_NUM_NC)){
-			cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(type,prefix,gpio,fixed));
+			if(gpio>0){
+				cJSON_AddItemToArray(llist,get_gpio_entry(type,prefix,gpio,fixed));
+			}
 		} else {
 		while(*p==' ' || *p==',') p++;
 	return llist;
@@ -256,7 +636,6 @@ cJSON * get_GPIO_from_nvs(const char * item, const char * prefix, cJSON * list,
 esp_err_t get_gpio_structure(cJSON * gpio_entry, gpio_entry_t ** gpio){
 	esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
 	*gpio = malloc(sizeof(gpio_entry_t));
-	//gpio,name,fixed
 	cJSON * val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(gpio_entry,"gpio");
 		(*gpio)->gpio= (int)val->valuedouble;
@@ -339,16 +718,104 @@ gpio_entry_t * get_gpio_by_name(char * name,char * group, bool refresh){
 	return gpio;
+#define PICO_PSRAM_CLK_IO          6
+#ifndef PSRAM_SPIQ_SD0_IO
+#define PSRAM_SPIQ_SD0_IO          7
+#define PSRAM_SPID_SD1_IO          8
+#define PSRAM_SPIWP_SD3_IO         10
+#define PSRAM_SPIHD_SD2_IO         9
+#define FLASH_HSPI_CLK_IO          14
+#define FLASH_HSPI_CS_IO           15
+#define PSRAM_HSPI_SPIQ_SD0_IO     12
+#define PSRAM_HSPI_SPID_SD1_IO     13
+#define PSRAM_HSPI_SPIWP_SD3_IO    2
+#define PSRAM_HSPI_SPIHD_SD2_IO    4
+cJSON * get_psram_gpio_list(cJSON * list){
+	const char * psram_dev = "psram";
+	const char * flash_dev = "flash";
+	const char * clk = "clk";
+	const char * cs = "cs";
+	const char * spiq_sd0_io="spiq_sd0_io"; 
+	const char * spid_sd1_io = "spid_sd1_io";
+	const char * spiwp_sd3_io = "spiwp_sd3_io";
+	const char * spihd_sd2_io = "spihd_sd2_io";
+	cJSON * llist=list;
+    uint32_t pkg_ver = chip_ver & 0x7;
+    if (pkg_ver == EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_PKG_ESP32D2WDQ5) {
+        rtc_vddsdio_config_t cfg = rtc_vddsdio_get_config();
+        if (cfg.tieh != RTC_VDDSDIO_TIEH_1_8V) {
+            return llist;
+        }
+        cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,psram_dev,CONFIG_D2WD_PSRAM_CLK_IO,true));
+        cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,psram_dev,CONFIG_D2WD_PSRAM_CS_IO,true));
+    } else if ((pkg_ver == EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_PKG_ESP32PICOD2) || (pkg_ver == EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_PKG_ESP32PICOD4)) {
+        rtc_vddsdio_config_t cfg = rtc_vddsdio_get_config();
+        if (cfg.tieh != RTC_VDDSDIO_TIEH_3_3V) {
+            return llist;
+        }
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,psram_dev,PICO_PSRAM_CLK_IO,true));
+        cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,psram_dev,CONFIG_PICO_PSRAM_CS_IO,true));
+    } else if ((pkg_ver == EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_PKG_ESP32D0WDQ6) || (pkg_ver == EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_PKG_ESP32D0WDQ5)){
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,psram_dev,CONFIG_D0WD_PSRAM_CLK_IO,true));
+        cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,psram_dev,CONFIG_D0WD_PSRAM_CS_IO,true));
+    } else {
+        ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Cant' determine GPIOs for PSRAM chip id: %d", pkg_ver);
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,psram_dev,-1,true));
+        cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,psram_dev,-1,true));
+    }
+    const uint32_t spiconfig = ets_efuse_get_spiconfig();
+    if (spiconfig == EFUSE_SPICONFIG_SPI_DEFAULTS) {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiq_sd0_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_SPIQ_SD0_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spid_sd1_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_SPID_SD1_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiwp_sd3_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_SPIWP_SD3_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spihd_sd2_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_SPIHD_SD2_IO,true));
+    } else if (spiconfig == EFUSE_SPICONFIG_HSPI_DEFAULTS) {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiq_sd0_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_HSPI_SPIQ_SD0_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spid_sd1_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_HSPI_SPID_SD1_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiwp_sd3_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_HSPI_SPIWP_SD3_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spihd_sd2_io,psram_dev,PSRAM_HSPI_SPIHD_SD2_IO,true));
+    } else {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiq_sd0_io,psram_dev,EFUSE_SPICONFIG_RET_SPIQ(spiconfig),true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spid_sd1_io,psram_dev,EFUSE_SPICONFIG_RET_SPID(spiconfig),true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spihd_sd2_io,psram_dev,EFUSE_SPICONFIG_RET_SPIHD(spiconfig),true));
+        // If flash mode is set to QIO or QOUT, the WP pin is equal the value configured in bootloader.
+        // If flash mode is set to DIO or DOUT, the WP pin should config it via menuconfig.
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiwp_sd3_io,psram_dev,CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_SPI_WP_PIN,true));
+        #else
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(spiwp_sd3_io,psram_dev,CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPIWP_SD3_PIN,true));
+        #endif
+	}
+    if (spiconfig == EFUSE_SPICONFIG_SPI_DEFAULTS) {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,flash_dev,SPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,flash_dev,SPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS,true));
+    } else if (spiconfig == EFUSE_SPICONFIG_HSPI_DEFAULTS) {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,flash_dev,FLASH_HSPI_CLK_IO,true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,flash_dev,FLASH_HSPI_CS_IO,true));
+    } else {
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(clk,flash_dev,EFUSE_SPICONFIG_RET_SPICLK(spiconfig),true));
+		cJSON_AddItemToArray(list,get_gpio_entry(cs,flash_dev,EFUSE_SPICONFIG_RET_SPICS0(spiconfig),true));
+	}
+    return llist;	
 cJSON * get_gpio_list() {
 	gpio_num_t gpio_num;
-		cJSON_free(gpio_list);
+		cJSON_Delete(gpio_list);
-	gpio_list = get_GPIO_list();
+	gpio_list = cJSON_CreateArray();	
 	char *bat_config = config_alloc_get_default(NVS_TYPE_STR, "bat_config", NULL, 0);
 	if (bat_config) {
@@ -358,7 +825,7 @@ cJSON * get_gpio_list() {
 			channel = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
 			if(channel != -1){
 				if(adc1_pad_get_io_num(channel,&gpio_num )==ESP_OK){
-					cJSON_AddItemToArray(gpio_list,get_gpio_entry("bat","",gpio_num,false));
+					cJSON_AddItemToArray(gpio_list,get_gpio_entry("bat","other",gpio_num,false));
@@ -366,23 +833,17 @@ cJSON * get_gpio_list() {
 		if(adc1_pad_get_io_num(CONFIG_BAT_CHANNEL,&gpio_num )==ESP_OK){
-			cJSON_AddItemToArray(gpio_list,get_gpio_entry("bat","",gpio_num,true));
+			cJSON_AddItemToArray(gpio_list,get_gpio_entry("bat","other",gpio_num,true));
-	gpio_list = get_GPIO_from_nvs("i2c_config","i2c", gpio_list, false);
-	gpio_list = get_GPIO_from_nvs("spi_config","spi", gpio_list, false);
-	char *spdif_config = config_alloc_get_str("spdif_config", CONFIG_SPDIF_CONFIG, "bck=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_BCK_IO)
-											  ",ws=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_WS_IO) ",do=" STR(CONFIG_SPDIF_DO_IO));
-	gpio_list=get_GPIO_from_string(spdif_config,"spdif", gpio_list, (strlen(CONFIG_SPDIF_CONFIG)>0 || CONFIG_SPDIF_DO_IO>0 ));
-	char *dac_config = config_alloc_get_str("dac_config", CONFIG_DAC_CONFIG, "model=i2s,bck=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_BCK_IO)
-											",ws=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_WS_IO) ",do=" STR(CONFIG_I2S_DO_IO)
-											",sda=" STR(CONFIG_I2C_SDA) ",scl=" STR(CONFIG_I2C_SCL)
-											",mute=" STR(CONFIG_MUTE_GPIO));
-	gpio_list=get_GPIO_from_string(dac_config,"dac", gpio_list, (strlen(CONFIG_DAC_CONFIG)>0 || CONFIG_I2S_DO_IO>0 ));
+	gpio_list = get_GPIO_nvs_list(gpio_list);
+	char * spdif_config = config_spdif_get_string();
+	gpio_list=get_GPIO_from_string(spdif_config,"spdif", gpio_list, is_spdif_config_locked());
-	free(dac_config);
+	gpio_list=get_Display_GPIO(gpio_list);
+	gpio_list=get_SPI_GPIO(gpio_list);
+	gpio_list=get_I2C_GPIO(gpio_list);
+	gpio_list=get_DAC_GPIO(gpio_list);
+	gpio_list=get_psram_gpio_list(gpio_list);
 	return gpio_list;

+ 33 - 11

@@ -10,35 +10,57 @@
 #include "esp_system.h"
 #include "driver/i2c.h"
+#include "driver/i2s.h"
 #include "driver/spi_master.h"
+extern const char *i2c_name_type;
+extern const char *spi_name_type;
 typedef struct {
 	int width;
 	int height;
-	int RST_pin;
-	int i2c_system_port;
 	int address;
+	int RST_pin;
+	bool hflip;
+	bool vflip;
+	const char *drivername;
 	int CS_pin;
 	int speed;
-	const char *drivername;
+	int back;
+	int depth;
 	const char *type;
-	bool hflip;
-	bool vflip;
 	bool rotate;
 } display_config_t;
-const display_config_t * config_display_get();
-esp_err_t 					config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port);
-esp_err_t 					config_spi_set(const spi_bus_config_t * config, int host, int dc);
-const i2c_config_t * 		config_i2c_get(int * i2c_port);
-const spi_bus_config_t * 	config_spi_get(spi_host_device_t * spi_host);
-void 						parse_set_GPIO(void (*cb)(int gpio, char *value));
+typedef struct {
+	i2s_pin_config_t pin;
+	char model[32];
+	int mute_gpio;
+	int mute_level;
+	int i2c_addr;
+	int sda;
+	int scl;
+} i2s_platform_config_t;
 typedef struct {
 	bool fixed;
 	char * name;
 	char * group;
 	int gpio;
 } gpio_entry_t;
+const display_config_t * 	config_display_get();
+esp_err_t 					config_display_set(const display_config_t * config);
+esp_err_t 					config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port);
+esp_err_t 					config_i2s_set(const i2s_platform_config_t * config, const char * nvs_name);
+esp_err_t 					config_spi_set(const spi_bus_config_t * config, int host, int dc);
+const i2c_config_t * 		config_i2c_get(int * i2c_port);
+const spi_bus_config_t * 	config_spi_get(spi_host_device_t * spi_host);
+void 						parse_set_GPIO(void (*cb)(int gpio, char *value));
+const i2s_platform_config_t * 	config_dac_get();
+const i2s_platform_config_t * 	config_spdif_get( );
+esp_err_t 					config_spdif_set(const i2s_platform_config_t * config);
+bool 						is_spdif_config_locked();
 esp_err_t 					free_gpio_entry( gpio_entry_t ** gpio);
 gpio_entry_t * 				get_gpio_by_name(char * name,char * group, bool refresh);
 gpio_entry_t * 				get_gpio_by_no(int gpionum, bool refresh);
 cJSON * 					get_gpio_list();
+bool 						is_dac_config_locked();
+bool 						are_statistics_enabled();

+ 21 - 2

@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ const char * messaging_get_class_desc(messaging_classes msg_class){
 			return "Unknown";
@@ -141,12 +142,12 @@ cJSON *  messaging_retrieve_messages(RingbufHandle_t buf_handle){
 		else {
 			json_message = cJSON_CreateObject();
 			cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_message, "message", message->message);
-			vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)message);
 			cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_message, "type", messaging_get_type_desc(message->type));
 			cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_message, "class", messaging_get_class_desc(message->msg_class));
 			cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_message,"current_time",esp_timer_get_time() / 1000);
+			vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)message);
 	return json_messages;
@@ -260,5 +261,23 @@ void log_send_messaging(messaging_types msgtype,const char *fmt, ...) {
 		ESP_LOGE(tag, "Memory allocation failed while sending message");
+void cmd_send_messaging(const char * cmdname,messaging_types msgtype, const char *fmt, ...){
+	va_list va;
+	va_start(va, fmt);
+	size_t cmd_len = strlen(cmdname)+1;
+	size_t ln = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, va)+1;
+	char * message_txt = malloc(ln+cmd_len);
+	if(message_txt){
+		strcpy(message_txt,cmdname);
+		strcat(message_txt,"\n");
+		vsprintf((message_txt+cmd_len), fmt, va);
+		va_end(va);
+		ESP_LOG_LEVEL_LOCAL(messaging_type_to_err_type(msgtype),tag, "%s",message_txt);
+		messaging_post_message(msgtype, MESSAGING_CLASS_CFGCMD, message_txt );
+		free(message_txt);
+	}
+	else{
+		ESP_LOGE(tag, "Memory allocation failed while sending message");
+	}

+ 4 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "sdkconfig.h"
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
 #include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
 #include "cJSON.h"
 #pragma once
@@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
 } messaging_classes;
 typedef struct messaging_list_t *messaging_handle_t;
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ void messaging_post_message(messaging_types type,messaging_classes msg_class, co
 cJSON *  messaging_retrieve_messages(RingbufHandle_t buf_handle);
 single_message_t *  messaging_retrieve_message(RingbufHandle_t buf_handle);
 void log_send_messaging(messaging_types msgtype,const char *fmt, ...);
+void cmd_send_messaging(const char * cmdname,messaging_types msgtype, const char *fmt, ...);
 esp_err_t messaging_type_to_err_type(messaging_types type);
 void messaging_service_init();

+ 16 - 5

@@ -32,11 +32,8 @@ static const char *TAG = "monitor";
 static TimerHandle_t monitor_timer;
-static struct {
-	int gpio;
-	int active;
-} 	jack = { CONFIG_JACK_GPIO, 0 },
-	spkfault = { CONFIG_SPKFAULT_GPIO, 0 };
+static monitor_gpio_t jack = { CONFIG_JACK_GPIO, 0 };
+static monitor_gpio_t spkfault = { CONFIG_SPKFAULT_GPIO, 0 };
 void (*jack_handler_svc)(bool inserted);
 bool jack_inserted_svc(void);
@@ -245,3 +242,17 @@ void monitor_svc_init(void) {
+ * 
+ */
+ monitor_gpio_t * get_spkfault_gpio(){
+	return &spkfault	; 
+ } 
+ * 
+ */
+ monitor_gpio_t * get_jack_insertion_gpio(){
+	return &jack;

+ 7 - 0

@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
 #pragma once
+typedef struct {
+	int gpio;
+	int active;
+}  monitor_gpio_t;	
 extern void (*jack_handler_svc)(bool inserted);
 extern bool jack_inserted_svc(void);
@@ -19,3 +23,6 @@ extern bool spkfault_svc(void);
 extern float battery_value_svc(void);
 extern uint8_t battery_level_svc(void);
+extern monitor_gpio_t * get_spkfault_gpio(); 
+extern monitor_gpio_t * get_jack_insertion_gpio(); 

+ 2 - 1

@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "esp_pthread.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
 #define SQUEEZELITE_ESP32_RELEASE_URL "https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32/releases"
 extern bool is_recovery_running;
-extern void run_command(char * line);
+extern esp_err_t run_command(char * line);
 extern  bool wait_for_wifi();
 extern void console_start();
 extern pthread_cond_t wifi_connect_suspend_cond;

+ 0 - 3

@@ -33,6 +33,3 @@ extern const char * str_or_null(const char * str);
 #ifndef CASE_TO_STR
 #define CASE_TO_STR(x) case x: return STR(x); break;
-#define START_FREE_MEM_CHECK(a) size_t a=heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL);
-#define CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(a,b) ESP_LOGV(__FUNCTION__ ,b "Mem used: %i",a-heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL)); a=heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ idf_component_register( SRC_DIRS .
 						INCLUDE_DIRS . ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp_http_server/src ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp_http_server/src/port/esp32  ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp_http_server/src/util ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp_http_server/src/
 						REQUIRES squeezelite-ota json mdns 
 						PRIV_REQUIRES tools services platform_config esp_common json newlib freertos  spi_flash nvs_flash mdns pthread wpa_supplicant platform_console esp_http_server console   
-						EMBED_FILES style.css code.js index.html bootstrap.min.css.gz jquery.min.js.gz popper.min.js.gz bootstrap.min.js.gz favicon.ico
+						EMBED_FILES res/style.css.gz res/code.js.gz index.html res/bootstrap.css.gz res/jquery.js.gz res/bootstrap.js.gz res/favicon.ico



+ 650 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+	"commands":	[{
+			"help":	"Squeezelite Options",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<server>[:<port>]",
+					"glossary":	"Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server",
+					"longopts":	"server",
+					"shortopts":	"s",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<stream>:<output>",
+					"glossary":	"Internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes",
+					"longopts":	"buffers",
+					"shortopts":	"b",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<codec1>,<codec2>",
+					"glossary":	"Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs",
+					"longopts":	"codecs",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	20
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Close output device when idle after timeout seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on",
+					"longopts":	"timeout",
+					"shortopts":	"C",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"log=level",
+					"glossary":	"Set logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug",
+					"longopts":	"loglevel",
+					"shortopts":	"d",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<string>",
+					"glossary":	"Output device",
+					"longopts":	"output_device",
+					"shortopts":	"o",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<string>",
+					"glossary":	"Mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56",
+					"longopts":	"mac_addr",
+					"shortopts":	"m",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<string>",
+					"glossary":	"Squeezelite player model name sent to the server",
+					"longopts":	"modelname",
+					"shortopts":	"M",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<string>",
+					"glossary":	"Player name",
+					"longopts":	"name",
+					"shortopts":	"n",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Read wave and aiff format from header, ignore server parameters",
+					"longopts":	"header_format",
+					"shortopts":	"W",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<rates>[:<delay>]",
+					"glossary":	"Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite is started; rates = <maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms\n",
+					"longopts":	"rates",
+					"shortopts":	"r",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Report rate to server in helo as the maximum sample rate we can support",
+					"longopts":	"max_rate",
+					"shortopts":	"Z",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-W] [-s <server>[:<port>]] [-b <stream>:<output>] [-c <codec1>,<codec2>]... [-C <n>] [-d log=level] [-o <string>] [-m <string>] [-M <string>] [-n <string>] [-r <rates>[:<delay>]] [-Z <n>]",
+			"name":	"cfg-syst-squeezelite"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"DAC Options",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"TAS57xx|TAS5713|AC101|I2S",
+					"glossary":	"DAC Model Name",
+					"longopts":	"model_name",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Clock GPIO. e.g. 33",
+					"longopts":	"clock",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Word Select GPIO. e.g. 25",
+					"longopts":	"wordselect",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Data GPIO. e.g. 32",
+					"longopts":	"data",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Mute GPIO. e.g. 14",
+					"longopts":	"mute_gpio",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Mute active GPIO level",
+					"longopts":	"mute_level",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"SDA GPIO. e.g. 27",
+					"longopts":	"dac_sda",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"SCL GPIO. e.g. 26",
+					"longopts":	"dac_scl",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"I2C device address. e.g. 106",
+					"longopts":	"dac_i2c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Clear configuration",
+					"longopts":	"clear",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" --model_name=TAS57xx|TAS5713|AC101|I2S --clock=<n> --wordselect=<n> --data=<n> [--mute_gpio=<n>] [--mute_level] [--dac_sda=<n>] [--dac_scl=<n>] [--dac_i2c=<n>] [--clear]",
+			"name":	"cfg-hw-dac"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Get the current size of free heap memory",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"free"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Services",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"glossary":	"Bluetooth Speaker",
+					"longopts":	"BT_Speaker",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"AirPlay",
+					"longopts":	"AirPlay",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"Disabled|Telnet Only|Telnet and Serial",
+					"glossary":	"Telnet server. Use only for troubleshooting",
+					"longopts":	"telnet",
+					"shortopts":	"t",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"System Statistics. Use only for troubleshooting",
+					"longopts":	"stats",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [--BT_Speaker] [--AirPlay] [-t Disabled|Telnet Only|Telnet and Serial] [--stats]",
+			"name":	"cfg-syst-services"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Get minimum size of free heap memory found during execution",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"heap"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Device Name",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"\"squeezelite-test3\"",
+					"glossary":	"New Name",
+					"longopts":	"name",
+					"shortopts":	"n",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-n \"squeezelite-test3\"]",
+			"name":	"cfg-syst-name"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Get version of chip and SDK",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"version"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Software reset of the chip",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"restart"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Resets and boot to recovery (if available)",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"recovery"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Selects the ota app partition to boot from and performa a software reset of the chip",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"restart_ota"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"I2C Bus Parameters",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"0|1",
+					"glossary":	"Port",
+					"longopts":	"port",
+					"shortopts":	"p",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"int",
+					"glossary":	"Frequency (Hz) e.g. 100000",
+					"longopts":	"speed",
+					"shortopts":	"f",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"SDA GPIO. e.g. 19",
+					"longopts":	"sda",
+					"shortopts":	"d",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"SCL GPIO. e.g. 18",
+					"longopts":	"scl",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Load Existing Configuration",
+					"longopts":	"load",
+					"shortopts":	"l",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Clear configuration",
+					"longopts":	"clear",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-l] [-p 0|1] [-f int] [-d <n>] [-c <n>] [--clear]",
+			"name":	"cfg-hw-i2c"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"SPI Bus Parameters",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Data GPIO",
+					"longopts":	"data",
+					"shortopts":	"d",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Clock GPIO",
+					"longopts":	"clk",
+					"shortopts":	"k",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"DC GPIO",
+					"longopts":	"dc",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"int",
+					"glossary":	"SPI Host Number",
+					"longopts":	"host",
+					"shortopts":	"h",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Clear configuration",
+					"longopts":	"clear",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-d <n>] [-k <n>] [-c <n>] [-h int] [--clear]",
+			"name":	"cfg-hw-spi"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Scan I2C bus for devices",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"i2cdetect"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Read registers visible through the I2C bus",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<chip_addr>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the address of the chip on that bus",
+					"longopts":	"chip",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<register_addr>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the address on that chip to read from",
+					"longopts":	"register",
+					"shortopts":	"r",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<length>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the length to read from that data address",
+					"longopts":	"length",
+					"shortopts":	"l",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" -c <chip_addr> [-r <register_addr>] [-l <length>]",
+			"name":	"i2cget"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Set registers visible through the I2C bus",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<chip_addr>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the address of the chip on that bus",
+					"longopts":	"chip",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the i2c port (0|2)",
+					"longopts":	"port",
+					"shortopts":	"p",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<register_addr>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the address on that chip to read from",
+					"longopts":	"register",
+					"shortopts":	"r",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<data>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the data to write to that data address",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	256
+				}],
+			"hint":	" -c <chip_addr> [-p <n>] [-r <register_addr>] [<data>]...",
+			"name":	"i2cset"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Examine registers visible through the I2C bus",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<chip_addr>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the address of the chip on that bus",
+					"longopts":	"chip",
+					"shortopts":	"c",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	1,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<size>",
+					"glossary":	"Specify the size of each read",
+					"longopts":	"size",
+					"shortopts":	"s",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" -c <chip_addr> [-s <size>]",
+			"name":	"i2cdump"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Display",
+			"hascb":	true,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<I2C|SPI>",
+					"glossary":	"Interface (default I2C)",
+					"longopts":	"type",
+					"shortopts":	"t",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<SH1106|SSD1306|SSD1322|SSD1326|SSD1327|SSD1675|SSD1351|ST77xx|ILI9341|>",
+					"glossary":	"Driver (default SSD1306)",
+					"longopts":	"driver",
+					"shortopts":	"d",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"I2C address (default 60)",
+					"longopts":	"address",
+					"shortopts":	"a",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Width",
+					"longopts":	"width",
+					"shortopts":	"w",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Height",
+					"longopts":	"height",
+					"shortopts":	"h",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Rotate 180 degrees",
+					"longopts":	"rotate",
+					"shortopts":	"r",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Flip horizontally",
+					"longopts":	"hf",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"Flip vertically",
+					"longopts":	"vf",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Bus Speed (Default 8000000 for SPI, 250000 for I2C). SPI interface can work up to 26MHz~40MHz",
+					"longopts":	"speed",
+					"shortopts":	"s",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"datatype":	"<n>",
+					"glossary":	"Backlight GPIO (if applicable)",
+					"longopts":	"back",
+					"shortopts":	"b",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}, {
+					"glossary":	"clear configuration and return",
+					"longopts":	"clear",
+					"checkbox":	true,
+					"hasvalue":	false,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-r] [-t <I2C|SPI>] [-d <SH1106|SSD1306|SSD1322|SSD1326|SSD1327|SSD1675|SSD1351|ST77xx|ILI9341|>] [-a <n>] [-w <n>] [-h <n>] [--hf] [--vf] [-s <n>] [-b <n>] [--clear]",
+			"name":	"cfg-hw-display"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Shows display options and global i2c configuration",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"name":	"getdisplay"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Stop the I2C bus",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<0|1>",
+					"glossary":	"I2C bus port number",
+					"longopts":	"port",
+					"shortopts":	"p",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-p <0|1>]",
+			"name":	"i2cstop"
+		}, {
+			"help":	"Check if the I2C bus is installed",
+			"hascb":	false,
+			"argtable":	[{
+					"datatype":	"<0|1>",
+					"glossary":	"Set the I2C bus port number",
+					"longopts":	"port",
+					"shortopts":	"p",
+					"checkbox":	false,
+					"hasvalue":	true,
+					"mincount":	0,
+					"maxcount":	1
+				}],
+			"hint":	" [-p <0|1>]",
+			"name":	"i2ccheck"
+		}],
+	"values":	{
+		"cfg-syst-squeezelite":	{
+			"buffers":	"500:2000",
+			"header_format":	true,
+			"loglevel":	"all=info",
+			"output_device":	"I2S",
+			"name":	"squeezelite",
+			"timeout":	30
+		},
+		"cfg-hw-dac":	{
+			"model_name":	"i2s"
+		},
+		"cfg-syst-services":	{
+			"BT_Speaker":	false,
+			"AirPlay":	false,
+			"telnet":	"Telnet and Serial",
+			"stats":	true
+		},
+		"cfg-syst-name":	{
+			"name":	"\"squeezelite-test3\""
+		},
+		"cfg-hw-i2c":	{
+			"freq":	400000
+		},
+		"cfg-hw-spi":	{
+		},
+		"cfg-hw-display":	{
+			"address":	0,
+			"width":	0,
+			"height":	0,
+			"driver":	"SSD1306",
+			"hf":	false,
+			"vf":	false,
+			"rotate":	false
+		}
+	}

+ 343 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+	"gpio": [
+		{
+			"gpio": 33,
+			"name": "bck",
+			"group": "spdif",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 25,
+			"name": "ws",
+			"group": "spdif",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 15,
+			"name": "do",
+			"group": "spdif",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "bck",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "ws",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "do",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "sda",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "scl",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": -1,
+			"name": "mute",
+			"group": "dac",
+			"fixed": false
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 17,
+			"name": "clk",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 16,
+			"name": "cs",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 7,
+			"name": "spiq_sd0_io",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 8,
+			"name": "spid_sd1_io",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 10,
+			"name": "spiwp_sd3_io",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 9,
+			"name": "spihd_sd2_io",
+			"group": "psram",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 6,
+			"name": "clk",
+			"group": "flash",
+			"fixed": true
+		},
+		{
+			"gpio": 11,
+			"name": "cs",
+			"group": "flash",
+			"fixed": true
+		}
+	],
+	"config": {
+		"a2dp_sink_name": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "SMSL BT4.2",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"a2dp_ctmt": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "1000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"a2dp_ctrld": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "500",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"bt_sink_pin": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "1234",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"release_url": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32/releases",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_ip_address": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_ip_gateway": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_ip_netmask": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_channel": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "1",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_pwd": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"airplay_port": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "5000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"bypass_wm": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "0",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"actrls_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"lms_ctrls_raw": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "n",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"rotary_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ota_erase_blk": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "249856",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ota_stack": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "10240",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ota_prio": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "6",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"display_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"i2c_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"spi_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"set_GPIO": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"led_brightness": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"dac_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"dac_controlset": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"jack_mutes_amp": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "n",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"bat_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"metadata_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"telnet_buffer": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "40000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"telnet_block": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "500",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"spdif_config": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "bck=33,ws=25,do=15",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"enable_bt_sink": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "N",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"enable_airplay": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "N",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"wifi_smode": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "a",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"disable_ps": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "n",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"stats": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "Y",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"autoexec": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "1",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"autoexec1_spdif": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n \"squeezelite-test3\" -o SPDIF -Z 192000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"autoexec1_i2s": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n \"squeezelite-test3\" -o I2S",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"autoexec1_bt": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n \"squeezelite-test3\" -o \"BT -n 'test'\" -Z 192000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"autoexec1": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 -W -n \"squeezelite-test3\" -o \"BT -n 'test'\" -Z 192000",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"bt_name": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite-test3",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"host_name": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite-test3",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"airplay_name": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite-test3",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"ap_ssid": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite-test3",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"a2dp_dev_name": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "squeezelite-test3",
+			"chg": false
+		},
+		"telnet_enable": {
+			"type": 33,
+			"value": "D",
+			"chg": false
+		}
+	}

+ 39 - 41

@@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ static const char redirect_payload3[]="'>here</a> to login.</p></body></html>";
  * @see file "component.mk"
  * @see https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-guides/build-system.html#embedding-binary-data
-extern const uint8_t style_css_start[] asm("_binary_style_css_start");
-extern const uint8_t style_css_end[]   asm("_binary_style_css_end");
-extern const uint8_t jquery_gz_start[] asm("_binary_jquery_min_js_gz_start");
-extern const uint8_t jquery_gz_end[] asm("_binary_jquery_min_js_gz_end");
-extern const uint8_t popper_gz_start[] asm("_binary_popper_min_js_gz_start");
-extern const uint8_t popper_gz_end[] asm("_binary_popper_min_js_gz_end");
-extern const uint8_t bootstrap_js_gz_start[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_min_js_gz_start");
-extern const uint8_t bootstrap_js_gz_end[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_min_js_gz_end");
-extern const uint8_t bootstrap_css_gz_start[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_min_css_gz_start");
-extern const uint8_t bootstrap_css_gz_end[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_min_css_gz_end");
-extern const uint8_t code_js_start[] asm("_binary_code_js_start");
-extern const uint8_t code_js_end[] asm("_binary_code_js_end");
+extern const uint8_t style_css_start[] asm("_binary_style_css_gz_start");
+extern const uint8_t style_css_end[]   asm("_binary_style_css_gz_end");
+extern const uint8_t jquery_gz_start[] asm("_binary_jquery_js_gz_start");
+extern const uint8_t jquery_gz_end[] asm("_binary_jquery_js_gz_end");
+// extern const uint8_t popper_gz_start[] asm("_binary_popper_min_js_gz_start");
+// extern const uint8_t popper_gz_end[] asm("_binary_popper_min_js_gz_end");
+extern const uint8_t bootstrap_js_gz_start[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_js_gz_start");
+extern const uint8_t bootstrap_js_gz_end[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_js_gz_end");
+extern const uint8_t bootstrap_css_gz_start[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_css_gz_start");
+extern const uint8_t bootstrap_css_gz_end[] asm("_binary_bootstrap_css_gz_end");
+extern const uint8_t code_js_start[] asm("_binary_code_js_gz_start");
+extern const uint8_t code_js_end[] asm("_binary_code_js_gz_end");
 extern const uint8_t index_html_start[] asm("_binary_index_html_start");
 extern const uint8_t index_html_end[] asm("_binary_index_html_end");
 extern const uint8_t favicon_ico_start[] asm("_binary_favicon_ico_start");
@@ -232,31 +232,31 @@ bool is_captive_portal_host_name(httpd_req_t *req){
 /* Custom function to free context */
 void free_ctx_func(void *ctx)
 	session_context_t * context = (session_context_t *)ctx;
     	ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Freeing up socket context");
-    	CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(ff,"free_ctx");
 session_context_t* get_session_context(httpd_req_t *req){
+	bool newConnection=false;
 	if (! req->sess_ctx) {
 		ESP_LOGD(TAG,"New connection context. Allocating session buffer");
 		req->sess_ctx = malloc(sizeof(session_context_t));
 		req->free_ctx = free_ctx_func;
+		newConnection = true;
 		// get the remote IP address only once per session
 	session_context_t *ctx_data = (session_context_t*)req->sess_ctx;
 	ctx_data->sess_ip_address = http_alloc_get_socket_address(req, 0, &ctx_data->port);
-	ESP_LOGD_LOC(TAG, "serving %s to peer %s port %u", req->uri, ctx_data->sess_ip_address , ctx_data->port);
-	CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(ff,"get sess context");
+	if(newConnection){
+		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "serving %s to peer %s port %u", req->uri, ctx_data->sess_ip_address , ctx_data->port);
+	}
 	return (session_context_t *)req->sess_ctx;
@@ -408,11 +408,13 @@ esp_err_t resource_filehandler(httpd_req_t *req){
    if(strstr(filename, "code.js")) {
-	    const size_t file_size = (code_js_end - code_js_start);
 	    set_content_type_from_file(req, filename);
+		httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
+	    const size_t file_size = (code_js_end - code_js_start);
 	    httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)code_js_start, file_size);
 	} else if(strstr(filename, "style.css")) {
 		set_content_type_from_file(req, filename);
+		httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
 	    const size_t file_size = (style_css_end - style_css_start);
 	    httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)style_css_start, file_size);
     } else if(strstr(filename, "favicon.ico")) {
@@ -424,11 +426,11 @@ esp_err_t resource_filehandler(httpd_req_t *req){
 		httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
 	    const size_t file_size = (jquery_gz_end - jquery_gz_start);
 	    httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)jquery_gz_start, file_size);
-	} else if(strstr(filename, "popper.js")) {
-		set_content_type_from_file(req, filename);
-		httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
-	    const size_t file_size = (popper_gz_end - popper_gz_start);
-	    httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)popper_gz_start, file_size);
+	// } else if(strstr(filename, "popper.js")) {
+	// 	set_content_type_from_file(req, filename);
+	// 	httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
+	//     const size_t file_size = (popper_gz_end - popper_gz_start);
+	//     httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)popper_gz_start, file_size);
 	} else if(strstr(filename, "bootstrap.js")) {
 			set_content_type_from_file(req, filename);
 			httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
@@ -487,7 +489,8 @@ esp_err_t console_cmd_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req){
 	return err;
 esp_err_t console_cmd_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req){
-	char success[]="{}";
+	char success[]="{\"Result\" : \"Success\" }";
+	char failed[]="{\"Result\" : \"Failed\" }";
 	ESP_LOGD_LOC(TAG, "serving [%s]", req->uri);
 	//bool bOTA=false;
 	//char * otaURL=NULL;
@@ -522,14 +525,18 @@ esp_err_t console_cmd_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req){
 		ESP_LOGE_LOC(TAG, "Command not found. Received content was: %s",command);
 		httpd_resp_send_err(req, HTTPD_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Malformed command json.  Unable to parse content.");
 		err = ESP_FAIL;
 		// navigate to the first child of the config structure
-		run_command(cJSON_GetStringValue(item));
+		if(run_command(cJSON_GetStringValue(item))!=ESP_OK){
+			httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)failed, strlen(failed));
+		}
+		else {
+			httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)success, strlen(success));
+		}
-	httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)success, strlen(success));
 	ESP_LOGD_LOC(TAG, "done serving [%s]", req->uri);
 	return err;
@@ -1041,7 +1048,11 @@ esp_err_t redirect_processor(httpd_req_t *req, httpd_err_code_t error){
 	bool connected_to_sta_ip_interface = false;
 	bool useragentiscaptivenetwork = false;
-	ESP_LOGW_LOC(TAG, "Invalid URL requested: [%s]", req->uri);
+    in_port_t port=0;
+    ESP_LOGV_LOC(TAG,  "Getting remote socket address");
+    remote_ip = http_alloc_get_socket_address(req,0, &port);
+	ESP_LOGW_LOC(TAG, "%s requested invalid URL: [%s]",remote_ip, req->uri);
 		sta_ip_address = strdup(wifi_manager_get_sta_ip_string());
@@ -1051,9 +1062,6 @@ esp_err_t redirect_processor(httpd_req_t *req, httpd_err_code_t error){
     	httpd_resp_send_err(req, HTTPD_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR , NULL);
-    in_port_t port=0;
-    ESP_LOGV_LOC(TAG,  "Getting remote socket address");
-    remote_ip = http_alloc_get_socket_address(req,0, &port);
     ESP_LOGV_LOC(TAG,  "Getting host name from request");
     char *req_host = alloc_get_http_header(req, "Host");
@@ -1128,34 +1136,24 @@ esp_err_t redirect_ev_handler(httpd_req_t *req){
 esp_err_t messages_get_handler(httpd_req_t *req){
     ESP_LOGD_LOC(TAG, "serving [%s]", req->uri);
-    START_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before);
     	// todo:  redirect to login page
     	// return ESP_OK;
-    CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after user auth");
     esp_err_t err = set_content_type_from_req(req);
 	if(err != ESP_OK){
 		return err;
-	CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after set_content_type");
 	cJSON * json_messages=  messaging_retrieve_messages(messaging);
-	CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after receiving messages");
 		char * json_text= cJSON_Print(json_messages);
-		CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after json print");
 		httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)json_text, strlen(json_text));
-		CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after http send");
-		CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after free json message");
-		CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(before, "after free json");
 	else {
 		httpd_resp_send_err(req, HTTPD_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR , "Unable to retrieve messages");
-	CHECK_RESET_FREE_MEM_CHECK(all, "before returning");
 	return ESP_OK;

+ 168 - 154

@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 		<meta charset="utf-8"/>
 		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
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@@ -52,36 +52,28 @@
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@@ -205,119 +197,154 @@
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+                            <h1>Check for firmware upgrade</h1>
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+                                        <th scope="col">Flash this FW</th>
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+                                        <th scope="col">Key</th>
+                                        <th scope="col">Value</th>
+                                    </tr>
+                                </thead>
+                                <tbody id="nvsTable">
+                                </tbody>
+                            </table>
+                            <div class="buttons">
+                                <div id="boot-div">
+                                    <form id="reboot-form" action="/reboot.json" method="post" target="dummyframe">
+                                        <button id="reboot-button" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Reboot</button>
+                                    </form>
+                                </div>
+                                <input id="save-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Commit">
+                                <input id="save-as-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Download config">
+                                <input id="load-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Load File">
+                                <input aria-describedby="fileHelp" onchange="onChooseFile(event, onFileLoad.bind(this))" id="nvsfilename" type="file" style="display:none">
+                            </div>
-					</div>
-					<div id="btsinkdiv">
-						<input id="btsink" type="text" value="BT sink name" />
-					</div>
-					<div>
-						<h1>Player name</h1>
-						<input id="player" type="text" value="squeezelite" />
-					</div>
-					<div>
-						<h1>Optional setting (e.g. for LMS IP address)</h1>
-						<input id="optional" type="text" value="" placeholder="-s" />
-					</div>
-					<div class="buttons">
-						<input id="generate-command" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Generate" />
-					</div>
-					<h1>Squeezelite command to run</h1>
-					<section id="command-list">
-						<textarea id="autoexec1" maxlength="120">squeezelite -o I2S -b 500:2000 -d all=info -C 30 - W</textarea>
-					</section>
-					<div class="buttons">
-						<input id="save-autoexec1" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Save" />
-					</div>
-					<h1>Start Squeezelite (toggle to activate changes)</h1>
-					<div class="custom-control custom-switch">
-						<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="autoexec-cb" checked="checked">
-						<label class="custom-control-label" for="autoexec-cb"></label>
-					</div>
-					<br />
-				</div>
-				<!-- audio -->
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-					<div id="boot-div">
-						<form id="boot-form" action="/recovery.json" method="post" target="dummyframe">
-							<button id="boot-button" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Recovery</button>
-						</form>
-					</div>
-					<h1>Check for firmware upgrade</h1>
-					<div class="buttons">
-						<input type="button" id="fwcheck" class="btn btn-info" value="Check for updates" />
-					</div>
-					<div id="searchfw" class="form-group">
-						<select class="custom-select" id="fwbranch">
-							<option selected="">Choose FW branch</option>
-						</select>
-						<input class="form-control form-control-sm" id="searchinput" type="text" placeholder="search releases" id="inputSmall">
-					</div>
-					<table class="table table-hover">
-						<thead>
-							<tr>
-								<th scope="col">Firmware version</th>
-								<th scope="col">Release date</th>
-								<th scope="col">HW platform</th>
-								<th scope="col">IDF version</th>
-								<th scope="col">Branch</th>
-								<th scope="col">Flash this FW</th>
-							</tr>
-						</thead>
-						<tbody id="releaseTable">
-						</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<h2>Firmware URL:</h2>
-					<textarea id="fwurl" maxlength="1000"></textarea>
-					<div class="buttons">
-						<input type="button" id="flash" class="btn btn-danger" value="Flash!" /><span id="flash-status"></span>
-					</div>
-					<p>OR</p>
-					<div class="form-group">
-						<input type="file" class="form-control-file" id="flashfilename" aria-describedby="fileHelp">
-						<div class="buttons">
-							<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="fwUpload">Upload!</button>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-					<div id="otadiv">
-						<div class="progress" id="progress">
-							<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:0%">
-								0%
+						<div class="tab-pane fade active show" id="tab-audio">
+							<div class="card text-white bg-primary mb-3">
+								<div class="card-header">Command Line Templates</div>
+								<div class="card-body">
+									<fieldset >
+										<fieldset class="form-group" id="output-tmpl">
+											<legend>Audio Output</legend>
+											<div class="form-check">
+												<label class="form-check-label">
+												  <input type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="output-tmpl" id="i2s" >
+												  I2S Dac
+												</label>
+											</div>
+											<div class="form-check">
+												<label class="form-check-label">
+													<input type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="output-tmpl" id="spdif" >
+													SPDIF
+												</label>
+											</div>
+											<div class="form-check">
+												<label class="form-check-label">
+													<input type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="output-tmpl" id="bt" >
+													Bluetooth
+												</label>
+											</div>
+										</fieldset>
+										<div class="form-group"><label for="player">Player Name</label><input type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="Squeezelite" id="player" ></div>
+										<div class="form-group" style="display: none;"><label for="btsinkdiv">Bluetooth Speaker Name To Connect To</label><input type="text" class="form-control" id="btsinkdiv" ></div>
+										<div class="form-group"><label for="optional">Optional setting (e.g. for LMS IP address)</label><input type="text" class="form-control"  id="optional" ></div>
+										<div class="form-group"><div class="form-check">
+											<label class="form-check-label">
+											  <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="disable-squeezelite" value="" checked="" >
+											  Disable Squeezelite
+											</label>
+										  </div></div>
+										<div class="toast show" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" style="display: none;" id="toast_cfg-audio-tmpl"><div class="toast-header"><strong class="mr-auto">Result</strong><button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast" aria-label="Close" onclick="$(this).parent().parent().hide()"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button></div><div class="toast-body" id="msg_cfg-audio-tmpl"></div></div>
+										<button id="save-autoexec1" type="submit"  class="btn btn-info" cmdname="cfg-audio-tmpl" onclick="save_autoexec1(false)">Save</button>	  
+										<button id="commit-autoexec1" type="submit"  class="btn btn-warning" cmdname="cfg-audio-tmpl" onclick="save_autoexec1(true)">Apply</button>
+								   </fieldset>
+								</div>
-						</div>
+						</div>                    
-				</div>
-				<!-- firmware -->
-				<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-commands">
+                </div>
+				<div class="tab-pane fade " id="tab-commands">
 						<fieldset id="commands-list"></fieldset>
 				<!-- Status -->
-				<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-syslog">
-				<div class="card border-primary mb-3" style="">
+				<div class="tab-pane fade " id="tab-syslog">
+				<div class="card border-primary mb-3" >
   				<div class="card-header">Logs</div>
   				<div class="card-body">
     			<table class="table table-hover">
@@ -333,40 +360,24 @@
 					<div class="buttons">
 						<input id="clear-syslog" type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" value="Clear" />
-				<div class="card border-primary mb-3" style="">
+				<div class="card border-primary mb-3">
   				<div class="card-header">Pin Assignments</div>
   				<div class="card-body">
 					<table class="table table-hover">
 						<thead><tr><th scope="col">Device</th><th scope="col">Pin Name</th><th scope="col">GPIO Number</th><th scope="col">Type</th></tr></thead>
-						<tbody id="gpiotable"></tbody></table></div></div></div>
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-				<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-nvs">
-					<table class="table table-hover">
-						<thead>
-							<tr>
-								<th scope="col">Key</th>
-								<th scope="col">Value</th>
-							</tr>
-						</thead>
-						<tbody id="nvsTable">
-						</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<div class="buttons">
-						<div id="boot-div">
-							<form id="reboot-form" action="/reboot.json" method="post" target="dummyframe">
-								<button id="reboot-button" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Reboot</button>
-							</form>
-						</div>
-						<input id="save-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Commit">
-						<input id="save-as-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Download config">
-						<input id="load-nvs" type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="Load File">
-						<input aria-describedby="fileHelp" onchange="onChooseFile(event, onFileLoad.bind(this))" id="nvsfilename" type="file" style="display:none">
+						<tbody id="gpiotable"></tbody></table></div></div>
+				<div class="card border-primary mb-3" style="visibility: collapse;" id="tasks_sect">
+					<div class="card-header">Tasks</div>
+					<div class="card-body">
+						<table class="table table-hover">
+							<!-- console.log(msg_time.toLocaleString() + '\tname' + '\tcpu' + '\tstate' + '\tminstk' + '\tbprio' + '\tcprio' + '\tnum'); -->
+							<thead><tr><th scope="col">#</th><th scope="col">Task Name</th><th scope="col">CPU</th><th scope="col">State</th><th scope="col">Min Stack</th><th scope="col">Base Priority</th><th scope="col">Cur Priority</th></tr></thead>
+							<tbody id="tasks"></tbody></table></div></div>					
-				</div>
-				<!-- nvs -->
-				<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-credits">
+				<!-- syslog -->
+				<div class="tab-pane fade " id="tab-credits">
 					<div class="jumbotron">
-						<p><strong><a href="https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32">squeezelite-esp32</a></strong>, &copy; 2020, philippe44, sle118, daduke<br />Licensed under the GPL</p>
+						<p><strong><a href="https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32">squeezelite-esp32</a></strong>, &copy; 2020, philippe44, sle118, daduke<br /><a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">This software is released under the MIT License.</a></p>
 							This app would not be possible without the following libraries:
@@ -393,7 +404,10 @@
 				<!-- credits -->
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+			<footer class="footer">
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+				<button class="btn-danger" id="reboot_ota_nav" type="submit" onclick="$('#reboot_ota_nav').removeClass('active'); delay_reboot(500,'', true);" style="display: none;">Exit Recovery</button><br>
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 			<iframe width="0" height="0" border="0" name="dummyframe" id="dummyframe"></iframe>

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 0 - 0


+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Tony Pottier
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-@file main.c
-@author Tony Pottier
-@brief Entry point for the ESP32 application.
-@see https://idyl.io
-@see https://github.com/tonyp7/esp32-wifi-manager

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":184520,\"free_spiram\":4048492,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3468,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":2,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	61257,
+		"current_time":	147316
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183992,\"free_spiram\":4048488,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3468,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	71255,
+		"current_time":	147317
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183992,\"free_spiram\":4048492,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3436,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
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+		"current_time":	147317
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183992,\"free_spiram\":4048488,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3436,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	91255,
+		"current_time":	147317
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183992,\"free_spiram\":4048492,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3436,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	101255,
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+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183872,\"free_spiram\":4048488,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3436,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	131255,
+		"current_time":	147318
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":190232,\"min_free_iram\":183872,\"free_spiram\":4048492,\"min_free_spiram\":4026220,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":400,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":97,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1580,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":708,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3436,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	141256,
+		"current_time":	147319
+	},
+	{
+		"message":	"Info Message",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	3519,
+		"current_time":	24674
+	},
+		"message":	"Warning Message",
+		"sent_time":	3519,
+		"current_time":	24674
+	},	
+		"message":	"Warning Message",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_ERROR",
+		"sent_time":	3519,
+		"current_time":	24674
+	},
+	{
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":194144,\"min_free_iram\":185048,\"free_spiram\":4061372,\"min_free_spiram\":4050012,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	11201,
+		"current_time":	24674
+	}, {
+		"message":	"{\"free_iram\":193848,\"min_free_iram\":185048,\"free_spiram\":4049576,\"min_free_spiram\":4049576,\"ntasks\":13,\"tasks\":[{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":480,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"Tmr Svc\",\"st\":1,\"num\":8},{\"cpu\":99,\"minstk\":1000,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE1\",\"st\":1,\"num\":7},{\"cpu\":98,\"minstk\":992,\"bprio\":0,\"cprio\":0,\"nme\":\"IDLE0\",\"st\":1,\"num\":6},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2184,\"bprio\":18,\"cprio\":18,\"nme\":\"tiT\",\"st\":2,\"num\":12},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":1948,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"console\",\"st\":2,\"num\":18},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":528,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc0\",\"st\":2,\"num\":2},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":676,\"bprio\":20,\"cprio\":20,\"nme\":\"sys_evt\",\"st\":2,\"num\":13},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2096,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"wifi_manager\",\"st\":2,\"num\":15},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":3468,\"bprio\":22,\"cprio\":22,\"nme\":\"esp_timer\",\"st\":2,\"num\":1},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":2524,\"bprio\":5,\"cprio\":5,\"nme\":\"httpd\",\"st\":2,\"num\":16},{\"cpu\":1,\"minstk\":868,\"bprio\":23,\"cprio\":23,\"nme\":\"wifi\",\"st\":2,\"num\":14},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":536,\"bprio\":24,\"cprio\":24,\"nme\":\"ipc1\",\"st\":2,\"num\":3},{\"cpu\":0,\"minstk\":7244,\"bprio\":1,\"cprio\":1,\"nme\":\"telnet\",\"st\":2,\"num\":17}]}",
+		"type":	"MESSAGING_INFO",
+		"sent_time":	21267,
+		"current_time":	24674
+	}	
+	]


Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 11 - 0


Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 0 - 0

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 5 - 0


Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 0 - 0


Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 388 - 413


+ 0 - 0
components/wifi-manager/favicon.ico → components/wifi-manager/res/favicon.ico


Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 1 - 0


+ 0 - 0
components/wifi-manager/style.css → components/wifi-manager/res/style.css


+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+	"project_name": "recovery",
+	"version": "custom.build",
+	"recovery": 1,
+	"Jack": "1",
+	"Voltage": 0,
+	"disconnect_count": 0,
+	"avg_conn_time": 0,
+	"is_i2c_locked": false,
+	"urc": 0,
+	"ssid": "MyTestSSID",
+	"ip": "",
+	"netmask": "",
+	"gw": ""

+ 2 - 1

@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ cJSON * wifi_manager_get_new_array_json(cJSON **old){
 	return cJSON_CreateArray();
 cJSON * wifi_manager_get_basic_info(cJSON **old){
+	monitor_gpio_t *mgpio= get_jack_insertion_gpio(); 
 	const esp_app_desc_t* desc = esp_ota_get_app_description();
 	ESP_LOGV(TAG,  "wifi_manager_get_basic_info called");
 	cJSON *root = wifi_manager_get_new_json(old);
@@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ cJSON * wifi_manager_get_basic_info(cJSON **old){
 	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "version", cJSON_CreateString(desc->version));
 	if(release_url !=NULL) cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "release_url", cJSON_CreateString(release_url));
 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root,"recovery",	is_recovery_running?1:0);
-	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "Jack", cJSON_CreateString(jack_inserted_svc() ? "1" : "0"));
+	cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "Jack", cJSON_CreateString(mgpio->gpio>=0 && jack_inserted_svc() ? "1" : "0"));
 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root,"Voltage",	battery_value_svc());
 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root,"disconnect_count", num_disconnect	);
 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root,"avg_conn_time", num_disconnect>0?(total_connected_time/num_disconnect):0	);

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This is the project CMakeLists.txt file for the test subproject
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
+# Include the components directory of the main application:
+set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "../components")
+# Set the components to include the tests for.
+# This can be overriden from CMake cache:
+# - when invoking CMake directly: cmake -D TEST_COMPONENTS="xxxxx" ..
+# - when using idf.py: idf.py -T xxxxx build
+set(TEST_COMPONENTS "platform_console" CACHE STRING "List of components to test")
+add_definitions(-include "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../build/config/sdkconfig.h")
+set_property(TARGET squeezelite_esp32_test.elf PROPERTY RECOVERY_PREFIX app_update )

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+idf_component_register(SRCS "unit_tests.c"
+                    INCLUDE_DIRS ".")

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+/* Example test application for testable component.
+   This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
+   software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "unity.h"
+ *  Squeezelite for esp32
+ *
+ *  (c) Sebastien 2019
+ *      Philippe G. 2019, philippe_44@outlook.com
+ *
+ *  This software is released under the MIT License.
+ *  https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ *
+ */
+#include "platform_esp32.h"
+#include "led.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#include "driver/spi_master.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "esp_system.h"
+#include "esp_spi_flash.h"
+#include "esp_wifi.h"
+#include "esp_system.h"
+#include <esp_event.h>
+#include "nvs_flash.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
+#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
+#include "mdns.h"
+#include "lwip/api.h"
+#include "lwip/err.h"
+#include "lwip/netdb.h"
+#include "nvs_utilities.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "wifi_manager.h"
+#include "squeezelite-ota.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "audio_controls.h"
+#include "platform_config.h"
+#include "telnet.h"
+#include "messaging.h"
+#include "gds.h"
+#include "gds_default_if.h"
+#include "gds_draw.h"
+#include "gds_text.h"
+#include "gds_font.h"
+#include "display.h"
+#include "accessors.h"
+#include "cmd_system.h"
+#include "cmd_config.h"
+#include "cmd_i2ctools.h"
+#include "cmd_nvs.h"
+const char unknown_string_placeholder[] = "unknown";
+const char null_string_placeholder[] = "null";
+// as an exception _init function don't need include
+extern void services_init(void);
+const char * str_or_unknown(const char * str) { return (str?str:unknown_string_placeholder); }
+const char * str_or_null(const char * str) { return (str?str:null_string_placeholder); }
+bool is_recovery_running;
+extern void initialize_console();
+/* brief this is an exemple of a callback that you can setup in your own app to get notified of wifi manager event */
+esp_err_t update_certificates(bool force){return ESP_OK; }
+void init_commands(){
+	initialize_console();
+	/* Register commands */
+	register_system();
+	register_config_cmd();
+	register_nvs();
+	register_i2ctools();
+void test_init()
+	const esp_partition_t *running = esp_ota_get_running_partition();
+	is_recovery_running = (running->subtype == ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_FACTORY);
+	initialize_nvs();
+	config_init();
+	services_init();
+	init_commands();
+static void print_banner(const char* text);
+void app_main()
+	test_init();
+    print_banner("Running tests with [config] tag");
+    unity_run_tests_by_tag("[config]", false);
+    UNITY_END();
+    // print_banner("Running all the registered tests");
+    // UNITY_BEGIN();
+    // unity_run_all_tests();
+    // UNITY_END();
+    print_banner("Starting interactive test menu");
+    /* This function will not return, and will be busy waiting for UART input.
+     * Make sure that task watchdog is disabled if you use this function.
+     */
+    unity_run_menu();
+static void print_banner(const char* text)
+    printf("\n#### %s #####\n\n", text);

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Name,   Type, SubType, Offset,  Size, Flags
+# Note: if you change the phy_init or app partition offset, make sure to change the offset in Kconfig.projbuild
+nvs,  data,  nvs,  0x9000,  0x4000,
+otadata,  data,  ota,  0xD000,  0x2000,
+phy_init,  data,  phy,  0xF000,  0x1000,
+recovery,  app,  factory,  0x10000,  0x140000,
+ota_0,  app,  ota_0,  ,  0x2A0000,
+settings,  data,  nvs,  ,  0x10000,

Einige Dateien werden nicht angezeigt, da zu viele Dateien in diesem Diff geändert wurden.