Przeglądaj źródła

Firmware proxy (#88)

* Add support for a firmware download proxy. This should help in situations where the player's firmware can't handle https correctly.

Two possibilities:
* full path to image: http://yourlms:9000/plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/ESP32-A1S.32.634.master-cmake/squeezelite-esp32-master-cmake-ESP32-A1S-32-V0.634.bin
* use Github's asset ID: http://yourlms:9000/plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/34298863

The former is more prone to issues related to the path. A change in the schema could break the matching regex.
The latter is simpler to use if you know the ID. But the ID is not easily available to the user. And it requires one more lookup in the plugin to get from the ID to the download path.

* Add support for proxying firmware downloads through LMS

* add magic asset ID -99 to allow the front-end to check whether the plugin does support download proxying
* web manager is expecting `lms_port` and `lms_ip` in `status.json`. If that's available, check whether plugin does support firmware downloading. If that's the case, download firmwares through LMS
* plugin would cache firmware images. In case of multiple images the file would be served directly from LMS.

* Add firmware pre-caching

* keep track of the most recently requested firmware build type
* poll Github for releases every ~6h
* download new firmware file for the same player model used before

Factor out firmware handling code to its own module.

Co-authored-by: Michael Herger <>
Michael Herger 4 lat temu
2 zmienionych plików z 240 dodań i 144 usunięć
  1. 237 0
  2. 3 144

+ 237 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+package Plugins::SqueezeESP32::FirmwareHelper;
+use strict;
+use File::Basename qw(basename);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
+use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
+use Slim::Utils::Log;
+use Slim::Utils::Prefs;
+use constant FIRMWARE_POLL_INTERVAL => 3600 * (5 + rand());
+use constant GITHUB_RELEASES_URI => "";
+use constant GITHUB_ASSET_URI => GITHUB_RELEASES_URI . "/assets/";
+use constant GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI => "";
+my $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/(-?\d+)|;
+my $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/([-a-z0-9-/.]+\.bin)$|i;
+my $FW_FILENAME_REGEX = qr/^squeezelite-esp32-.*\.bin(\.tmp)?$/;
+my $FW_TAG_REGEX = qr/\/(ESP32-A1S|SqueezeAmp|I2S-4MFlash)\.(16|32)\.(\d+)\.(.*)\//;
+my $prefs = preferences('plugin.squeezeesp32');
+my $log = logger('plugin.squeezeesp32');
+sub init {
+	Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownload);
+	Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownloadDirect);
+	# start checking for firmware updates
+	Slim::Utils::Timers::setTimer(undef, Time::HiRes::time() + 30 + rand(30), \&prefetchFirmware);
+sub prefetchFirmware {
+	Slim::Utils::Timers::killTimers(undef, \&prefetchFirmware);
+	my $releaseInfo = $prefs->get('lastReleaseTagUsed');
+	Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
+		sub {
+			my $http = shift;
+			my $content = eval { from_json( $http->content ) };
+			if (!$content || !ref $content) {
+				$@ && $log->error("Failed to parse response: $@");
+			}
+			my $regex = $releaseInfo->{model} . '\.' . $releaseInfo->{res} . '\.\d+\.' . $releaseInfo->{branch};
+			my $url;
+			foreach (@$content) {
+				if ($_->{tag_name} =~ /$regex/ && $_->{assets} && ref $_->{assets}) {
+					($url) = grep /\.bin$/, map {
+						$_->{browser_download_url}
+					} @{$_->{assets}};
+					last if $url;
+				}
+			}
+			downloadFirmwareFile(sub {
+				main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Pre-cached firmware file: " . $_[0]);
+			}, sub {
+				my ($http, $error, $url, $code) = @_;
+				$error ||= ($http && $http->error) || 'unknown error';
+				$url   ||= ($http && $http->url) || 'no URL';
+				$log->error(sprintf("Failed to get firmware image from Github: %s (%s)", $error || $http->error, $url));
+			}, $url) if $url && $url =~ /^https?/;
+		},
+		sub {
+			my ($http, $error) = @_;
+			$log->error("Failed to get releases from Github: $error");
+		},
+		{
+			timeout => 10,
+			cache => 1,
+			expires => 3600
+		}
+	)->get(GITHUB_RELEASES_URI) if $releaseInfo;
+	Slim::Utils::Timers::setTimer(undef, Time::HiRes::time() + FIRMWARE_POLL_INTERVAL, \&prefetchFirmware);
+sub handleFirmwareDownload {
+	my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
+	my $request = $response->request;
+	my $_errorDownloading = sub {
+		_errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
+	};
+	my $id;
+	if (!defined $request || !(($id) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX)) {
+		return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
+	}
+	# this is the magic number used on the client to figure out whether the plugin does support download proxying
+	if ($id == -99) {
+		$response->code(204);
+		$response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*');
+		$httpClient->send_response($response);
+		return Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);
+	}
+	Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
+		sub {
+			my $http = shift;
+			my $content = eval { from_json( $http->content ) };
+			if (!$content || !ref $content) {
+				$@ && $log->error("Failed to parse response: $@");
+				return $_errorDownloading->($http);
+			}
+			elsif (!$content->{browser_download_url} || !$content->{name}) {
+				return $_errorDownloading->($http, 'No download URL found');
+			}
+			downloadFirmwareFile(sub {
+				my $firmwareFile = shift;
+				$response->code(200);
+				Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
+			}, $_errorDownloading, $content->{browser_download_url}, $content->{name});
+		},
+		$_errorDownloading,
+		{
+			timeout => 10,
+			cache => 1,
+			expires => 86400
+		}
+	)->get(GITHUB_ASSET_URI . $id);
+	return;
+sub handleFirmwareDownloadDirect {
+	my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
+	my $request = $response->request;
+	my $_errorDownloading = sub {
+		_errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
+	};
+	my $path;
+	if (!defined $request || !(($path) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX)) {
+		return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
+	}
+	main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Requesting firmware from: $path");
+	downloadFirmwareFile(sub {
+		my $firmwareFile = shift;
+		$response->code(200);
+		Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
+	}, $_errorDownloading, GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI . $path);
+sub downloadFirmwareFile {
+	my ($cb, $ecb, $url, $name) = @_;
+	# keep track of the last firmware we requested, to prefetch it in the future
+	_getFirmwareTag($url);
+	$name ||= basename($url);
+	if ($name !~ $FW_FILENAME_REGEX) {
+		return $ecb->(undef, 'Unexpected firmware image name: ' . $name, $url, 400);
+	}
+	my $updatesDir = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('updates');
+	my $firmwareFile = catfile($updatesDir, $name);
+	Slim::Utils::Misc::deleteFiles($updatesDir, $FW_FILENAME_REGEX, $firmwareFile);
+	if (-f $firmwareFile) {
+		main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Found cached firmware file");
+		return $cb->($firmwareFile);
+	}
+	Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
+		sub {
+			my $http = shift;
+			if ($http->code != 200 || !-e "$firmwareFile.tmp") {
+				return $ecb->($http, $http->mess);
+			}
+			rename "$firmwareFile.tmp", $firmwareFile or return $ecb->($http, "Unable to rename temporary $firmwareFile file" );
+			return $cb->($firmwareFile);
+		},
+		$ecb,
+		{
+			saveAs => "$firmwareFile.tmp",
+		}
+	)->get($url);
+	return;
+sub _getFirmwareTag {
+	my ($url) = @_;
+	if (my ($model, $resolution, $version, $branch) = $url =~ $FW_TAG_REGEX) {
+		my $releaseInfo = {
+			model => $model,
+			res => $resolution,
+			version => $version,
+			branch => $branch
+		};
+		$prefs->set('lastReleaseTagUsed', $releaseInfo);
+		return $releaseInfo;
+	}
+sub _errorDownloading {
+	my ($httpClient, $response, $http, $error, $url, $code) = @_;
+	$error ||= ($http && $http->error) || 'unknown error';
+	$url   ||= ($http && $http->url) || 'no URL';
+	$code  ||= ($http && $http->code) || 500;
+	$log->error(sprintf("Failed to get data from Github: %s (%s)", $error || $http->error, $url));
+	$response->headers->remove_content_headers;
+	$response->code($code);
+	$response->content_type('text/plain');
+	$response->header('Connection' => 'close');
+	$response->content('');
+	$httpClient->send_response($response);
+	Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);

+ 3 - 144

@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ package Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Plugin;
 use strict;
 use base qw(Slim::Plugin::Base);
-use File::Basename qw(basename);
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
-use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
 use Slim::Utils::Prefs;
 use Slim::Utils::Log;
 use Slim::Web::ImageProxy;
+use Plugins::SqueezeESP32::FirmwareHelper;
 my $prefs = preferences('plugin.squeezeesp32');
 my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory({
@@ -19,12 +18,6 @@ my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory({
 	'description'  => 'PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32',
-use constant GITHUB_ASSET_URI => "";
-use constant GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI => "";
-my $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/(-?\d+)|;
-my $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/([-a-z0-9-/.]+\.bin)$|i;
-my $FW_FILENAME_REGEX = qr/^squeezelite-esp32-.*\.bin(\.tmp)?$/;
 # migrate 'eq' pref, as that's a reserved word and could cause problems in the future
 $prefs->migrateClient(1, sub {
 	my ($cprefs, $client) = @_;
@@ -68,8 +61,7 @@ sub initPlugin {
 	Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( sub { onNotification(@_) }, [ ['playlist'], ['open', 'newsong'] ]);
 	Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( \&onStopClear, [ ['playlist'], ['stop', 'clear'] ]);
-	Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownload);
-	Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownloadDirect);
+	Plugins::SqueezeESP32::FirmwareHelper->init();
 sub onStopClear {
@@ -111,137 +103,4 @@ sub setEQ {
-sub handleFirmwareDownload {
-	my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
-	my $request = $response->request;
-	my $_errorDownloading = sub {
-		_errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
-	};
-	my $id;
-	if (!defined $request || !(($id) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX)) {
-		return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
-	}
-	# this is the magic number used on the client to figure out whether the plugin does support download proxying
-	if ($id == -99) {
-		$response->code(204);
-		$response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*');
-		$httpClient->send_response($response);
-		return Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);
-	}
-	Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
-		sub {
-			my $http = shift;
-			my $content = eval { from_json( $http->content ) };
-			if (!$content || !ref $content) {
-				$@ && $log->error("Failed to parse response: $@");
-				return $_errorDownloading->($http);
-			}
-			elsif (!$content->{browser_download_url} || !$content->{name}) {
-				return $_errorDownloading->($http, 'No download URL found');
-			}
-			downloadAndStreamFirmware($httpClient, $response, $content->{browser_download_url}, $content->{name});
-		},
-		$_errorDownloading,
-		{
-			timeout => 10,
-			cache => 1,
-			expires => 86400
-		}
-	)->get(GITHUB_ASSET_URI . $id);
-	return;
-sub handleFirmwareDownloadDirect {
-	my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
-	my $request = $response->request;
-	my $_errorDownloading = sub {
-		_errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
-	};
-	my $path;
-	if (!defined $request || !(($path) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX)) {
-		return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
-	}
-	main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Requesting firmware from: $path");
-	downloadAndStreamFirmware($httpClient, $response, GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI . $path);
-sub downloadAndStreamFirmware {
-	my ($httpClient, $response, $url, $name) = @_;
-	my $_errorDownloading = sub {
-		_errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
-	};
-	$name ||= basename($url);
-	if ($name !~ $FW_FILENAME_REGEX) {
-		return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Unexpected firmware image name: ' . $name, $url, 400);
-	}
-	my $updatesDir = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('updates');
-	my $firmwareFile = catfile($updatesDir, $name);
-	Slim::Utils::Misc::deleteFiles($updatesDir, $FW_FILENAME_REGEX, $firmwareFile);
-	if (-f $firmwareFile) {
-		main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Found cached firmware version");
-		$response->code(200);
-		return Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
-	}
-	Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
-		sub {
-			my $http = shift;
-			if ($http->code != 200 || !-e "$firmwareFile.tmp") {
-				return $_errorDownloading->($http, $http->mess);
-			}
-			rename "$firmwareFile.tmp", $firmwareFile or return $_errorDownloading->($http, "Unable to rename temporary $firmwareFile file" );
-			$response->code(200);
-			Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
-		},
-		$_errorDownloading,
-		{
-			saveAs => "$firmwareFile.tmp",
-		}
-	)->get($url);
-	return;
-sub _errorDownloading {
-	my ($httpClient, $response, $http, $error, $url, $code) = @_;
-	$error ||= ($http && $http->error) || 'unknown error';
-	$url   ||= ($http && $http->url) || 'no URL';
-	$code  ||= ($http && $http->code) || 500;
-	$log->error(sprintf("Failed to get data from Github: %s (%s)", $error || $http->error, $url));
-	$response->headers->remove_content_headers;
-	$response->code($code);
-	$response->content_type('text/plain');
-	$response->header('Connection' => 'close');
-	$response->content('');
-	$httpClient->send_response($response);
-	Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);