The DB class encapsulates the SQL database by providing fast access to hot database data.
| Database (const Database &)=delete |
void | operator= (const Database &)=delete |
bool | connect () |
| Connect to the database and populate database information.
void | disconnect () |
| closes the database connection.
void | updateLayout () |
| Updates the member variables tableNames and tableColumns with up-to-date layout information if the database has been altered. This function is normally only required during database setup or maintenance.
const QString | version () const |
| Return the database revision number (not the sqlite version number).
const QString | sqliteVersion () const |
| Database::sqliteVersion returns the database sqlite version. See also dbRevision() More...
const QStringList | getTableNames () const |
| Return the names of all tables in the database.
const QStringList | getTableColumns (OPL::DbTable table_name) const |
| Return the names of a given table in the database.
QVector< QVariant > | customQuery (QString statement, int return_values) |
| Can be used to send a complex query to the database. More...
bool | exists (const OPL::Row &row) |
| Checks if an entry exists in the database, based on position data.
bool | clear () |
| clear resets the database, i.e. deletes all content in the tables containing userdata (pilots, flights, tails)
bool | commit (const OPL::Row &row) |
| commits an entry to the database, calls either insert or update, based on position data
bool | commit (const QJsonArray &json_arr, const OPL::DbTable table) |
| commits data imported from JSON More...
bool | insert (const OPL::Row &new_row) |
| Create new entry in the databse based on UserInput.
bool | update (const OPL::Row &updated_row) |
| Updates entry in database from existing entry tweaked by the user.
bool | remove (const OPL::Row &row) |
| deletes an entry from the database.
bool | removeMany (OPL::DbTable table, const QList< int > &row_id_list) |
| deletes a batch of entries from the database. Optimised for speed when deleting many entries. The entries are identified using their row id
OPL::Row | getRow (const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id) |
| retreive a Row from the database
RowData_T | getRowData (const OPL::DbTable table, const int row_id) |
| retreive a Map of <column name, column content> for a specific row in the database.
OPL::PilotEntry | getPilotEntry (int row_id) |
| retreives a PilotEntry from the database. See row class for details.
OPL::TailEntry | getTailEntry (int row_id) |
| retreives a TailEntry from the database. See row class for details.
OPL::AircraftEntry | getAircraftEntry (int row_id) |
| retreives a TailEntry from the database. See row class for details.
OPL::FlightEntry | getFlightEntry (int row_id) |
| retreives a flight entry from the database. See row class for details.
OPL::SimulatorEntry | getSimEntry (int row_id) |
| retreives a Simulator entry from the database. See row class for details.
OPL::CurrencyEntry | getCurrencyEntry (int row_id) |
| Retreives a currency entry from the database. See row class for details.
int | getLastEntry (OPL::DbTable table) |
| returns the ROWID for the newest entry in the respective table.
QList< int > | getForeignKeyConstraints (int foreign_row_id, OPL::DbTable table) |
| returns a list of ROWID's in the flights table for which foreign key constraints exist.
QVector< RowData_T > | getTable (OPL::DbTable table) |
| getTable returns all contents of a given table from the database More...
const QList< OPL::DbTable > & | getUserTables () const |
| getUserTables returns a list of the of the tables that contain user-created data (flights, pilots,..)
const QList< OPL::DbTable > & | getTemplateTables () const |
| getTemplateTables returns a list of the tables that contain template data (aiports, aircraft,..)
const UserDataState | getUserDataState () const |
| getUserDataState returns a struct containing the current amount of entries in the tails and pilots tables. More...
bool | createSchema () |
| Create or restore the database to its ready-to-use but empty state. More...
bool | importTemplateData (bool use_local_ressources) |
| importTemplateData fills an empty database with the template data (Aircraft, Airports, currencies, changelog) as read from the JSON templates. More...
bool | resetUserData () |
| Delete all rows from the user data tables (flights, pliots, tails)
bool | createBackup (const QString &dest_file) |
| Database::createBackup copies the currently used database to an external backup location provided by the user. More...
bool | restoreBackup (const QString &backup_file) |
| Database::restoreBackup restores the database from a given backup file and replaces the currently active database. More...
The DB class encapsulates the SQL database by providing fast access to hot database data.