@@ -354,8 +354,45 @@ module max80 (
abc_mempg <= { abc_a[1:0], abc_di };
abc_mempg <= { abc_a[1:0], abc_di };
end // else: !if(~rst_n)
end // else: !if(~rst_n)
+ //
+ // Internal CPU bus
+ //
+ wire cpu_mem_valid;
+ wire cpu_mem_instr;
+ wire [ 3:0] cpu_mem_wstrb;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_mem_addr;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_mem_wdata;
+ reg [31:0] cpu_mem_rdata;
+ wire cpu_mem_ready;
+ wire cpu_mem_read = cpu_mem_valid & ~|cpu_mem_wstrb;
+ wire cpu_la_read;
+ wire cpu_la_write;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_la_addr;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_la_wdata;
+ wire [ 3:0] cpu_la_wstrb;
+ // cpu_mem_valid by address quadrant
+ wire [ 3:0] cpu_mem_quad = cpu_mem_valid << cpu_mem_addr[31:30];
+ // Decode for small devices; use address space within range of
+ // negative offsets from the zero register [-1K,0)
+ wire [15:0] iodev = cpu_mem_quad[3] << cpu_mem_addr[9:6];
+ wire [31:0] sdram_rd;
+ wire sdram_rack;
+ wire sdram_rready;
+ wire sdram_wack;
+ reg sdram_acked;
+ always @(posedge sdram_clk)
+ sdram_acked <= cpu_mem_quad[1] & (sdram_acked | sdram_rack | sdram_wack);
+ wire sdram_req = cpu_mem_quad[1] & ~sdram_acked;
sdram sdram (
sdram sdram (
- .rst_n ( rst_n ),
+ .rst_n ( rst_n & ~iodev[12] ),
.clk ( sdram_clk ), // Input clock
.clk ( sdram_clk ), // Input clock
.sr_clk ( sr_clk ), // Output clock buffer
.sr_clk ( sr_clk ), // Output clock buffer
@@ -378,14 +415,14 @@ module max80 (
.wrq0 ( abc_wrq ),
.wrq0 ( abc_wrq ),
.wack0 ( abc_wack ),
.wack0 ( abc_wack ),
- .a1 ( 24'hxxxxxx ),
- .rd1 ( ),
- .rrq1 ( 1'b0 ),
- .rack1 ( ),
- .rready1 ( ),
- .wd1 ( 32'hxxxx_xxxx ),
- .wstrb1 ( 4'b0000 ),
- .wack1 ( )
+ .a1 ( cpu_mem_addr[24:2] ),
+ .rd1 ( sdram_rd ),
+ .rrq1 ( sdram_req & ~|cpu_mem_wstrb ),
+ .rack1 ( sdram_rack ),
+ .rready1 ( sdram_rready ),
+ .wd1 ( cpu_mem_wdata ),
+ .wstrb1 ( {4{sdram_req}} & cpu_mem_wstrb ),
+ .wack1 ( sdram_wack )
// SD card
// SD card
@@ -413,23 +450,6 @@ module max80 (
// Embedded RISC-V CPU
// Embedded RISC-V CPU
parameter cpu_fast_mem_bits = 11; /* 2^[this] * 4 bytes */
parameter cpu_fast_mem_bits = 11; /* 2^[this] * 4 bytes */
- wire cpu_mem_valid;
- wire cpu_mem_instr;
- wire [ 3:0] cpu_mem_wstrb;
- wire [31:0] cpu_mem_addr;
- wire [31:0] cpu_mem_wdata;
- reg [31:0] cpu_mem_rdata;
- wire cpu_mem_ready;
- wire cpu_mem_read = cpu_mem_valid & ~|cpu_mem_wstrb;
- wire cpu_la_read;
- wire cpu_la_write;
- wire [31:0] cpu_la_addr;
- wire [31:0] cpu_la_wdata;
- wire [ 3:0] cpu_la_wstrb;
picorv32 #(
picorv32 #(
@@ -473,11 +493,33 @@ module max80 (
.eoi ( )
.eoi ( )
- // cpu_mem_ready is always true for fast memory
- assign cpu_mem_ready = cpu_mem_valid;
+ // cpu_mem_ready is always true for fast memory; for SDRAM we have to
+ // wait either for a write ack or a low-high transition on the
+ // read ready signal.
+ reg sdram_rready_q;
+ reg sdram_mem_ready;
+ reg [31:0] sdram_rdata;
+ always @(posedge sys_clk)
+ begin
+ sdram_rready_q <= sdram_rready;
+ if (cpu_mem_quad[1])
+ sdram_mem_ready <= sdram_mem_ready | sdram_wack |
+ (sdram_rready & ~sdram_rready_q);
+ else
+ sdram_mem_ready <= 1'b0;
+ sdram_rdata <= sdram_rd;
+ end
- // Memory valid flag by quadrant
- wire [3:0] mem_quad = cpu_mem_valid << cpu_mem_addr[31:30];
+ always @(*)
+ case ( cpu_mem_quad )
+ 4'b0000: cpu_mem_ready = 1'b0;
+ 4'b0001: cpu_mem_ready = 1'b1;
+ 4'b0010: cpu_mem_ready = sdram_mem_ready;
+ 4'b0100: cpu_mem_ready = 1'b1;
+ 4'b1000: cpu_mem_ready = 1'b1;
+ default: cpu_mem_ready = 1'bx;
+ endcase // case ( mem_quad )
// Fast memory. This runs on the SDRAM clock, i.e. 2x the speed
// Fast memory. This runs on the SDRAM clock, i.e. 2x the speed
@@ -498,15 +540,14 @@ module max80 (
.rdata ( fast_mem_rdata )
.rdata ( fast_mem_rdata )
+ // Input data MUX
always @(*)
always @(*)
- case (cpu_mem_addr[31:30])
- 2'b00: cpu_mem_rdata = fast_mem_rdata;
+ case ( cpu_mem_quad )
+ 4'b0001: cpu_mem_rdata = fast_mem_rdata;
+ 4'b0010: cpu_mem_rdata = sdram_rdata;
+ 4'b1000: cpu_mem_rdata = 32'hffff_ffff;
default: cpu_mem_rdata = 32'hxxxx_xxxx;
default: cpu_mem_rdata = 32'hxxxx_xxxx;
- endcase // case (cpu_mem_addr[31:30])
- // Decode for small devices; use address space within range of
- // negative offsets from the zero register [-1K,0)
- wire [15:0] iodev = mem_quad[3] << cpu_mem_addr[9:6];
+ endcase
// LED indication from the CPU
// LED indication from the CPU
reg [2:0] led_q;
reg [2:0] led_q;